1 | 在新解放区,在土地改革完成以前,一般地不应在农村中发展党的组织,以免投机分子乘机混入党内。 | In the new liberated areas, in general the Party organizations in the villages should not expand until agrarian reform is completed in order to prevent political speculators from worming their way into the Party | |
2 | 这个故事是以江西老解放区为背景的。 | The scene of the story is laid in the old liberated areas in Jiangxi. | |
3 | 这就是晋绥解放区的土地改革工作和整党工作的伟大的成功。 | Such is the great success of the work of land reform and Party consolidation in the Shansi-Suiyuan Liberated Area | |
4 | 这位老教授是在1949年回到中国的,当时大陆刚解放。 | The old professor came back to Chine in 1949 when the mainland had just been liberated . | |
5 | 政府方面表示:解放区名词在日本投降以后,应成为过去,全国政令必须统一。 | The Government indicated that, since Japan had surrendered, the term ’Liberated Area’ should have become obsolete and that government administration throughout the country should be unified | |
6 | 中共方面提出:解放区民兵应一律编为地方自卫队。 | The Communist Party of China proposed that all the militiamen in the Liberated Areas should be organized into local self-defence corps | |
7 | 中国人民是不是也能站起来,中国是不是也能翻身 | Could they have liberated themselves, and could they have finally stood up? | |
8 | 主要向敌军和国民党区域求补充,只有一部分向老解放区求补充,特别是南线各军应当如此。 | Seek replenishment chiefly from the enemy and from the Kuomintang areas and only partly from the old Liberated Areas; This applies especially to the armies on the southern front | |
9 | 自从我们的国家解放以来,在全国各地建起了许多发电厂。 | Since our country was liberated , many power plants have been set up in all parts of the country. | |
10 | 总统当选人在争取这一伟大荣誉的斗争中,曾受到肉体和精神上的折磨,因前途未定而感到苦恼,现在精神上得到解脱了。 | The President-elected is liberated from the harrowing uncertainty, the physical and psychological battering, of his struggle for the great prize |