1 | 标准设计的9 000载重吨3或4个货舱,船速14节杂货船和可运183标准箱的船 | A standard design,general cargo ship of 9 000dwt’s with three or four holds each with tween deck,and speed of 14 knots and of 183 TEU containers |
2 | (挪威船级社)散货船重载货结构加强,且容许在满载吃水时有空舱的符号 | strengthened for heavy cargo,empty holds permitted on full draft |
3 | 一艘载重30 000吨,具有5个舱以及航速为15节的散装船的代号 | A bulk carrier of 30000 dwts capacity with five holds and of single deck construction ideal for world wide tramp cargo operation with a speed of 15 knots |
4 | 一艘载重26 000吨,7个舱以及航速为15节的散装谷物船的代号 | A bulk carrier of 26000 dwts capacity with seven holds and of single deck construction ideal for world wide tramp operation especially bulk grain shipments with a speed of 15 knots |
5 | 标准设计的18 000载重吨,4个货舱航速15节的散货船或可运426标准箱的船 | A general purpose cargo tramp vessel of 18 000 dwt’s with four holds with each with tween deck and speed of 15 knots suitable both for bulk dry or liner cargo shipments of 426 TEU container unit |
6 | 1. 没有限制的,2. 倾全力的 | no holds barred |