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(1). Home entertainment
(2). Back in the water
(3). Hidden depths
(4). 1:Bungling officials confront an invisible threat in a blockbuster about a fish.||2:“A film about a shark” was Steven Spielberg’s description of “Jaws”, the movie released in 1975 that established his box-office power as a director.||3:More elaborate interpretations abound for his tale of a ravenous great white terrorising the genteel seaside town of Amity on Long Island.||4:Is it a comment on corruption after Watergate, a parable of the Vietnam war or an illustration of Freudian castration anxiety?||5:Fidel Castro, in an excursion into film criticism, reckoned it was a devastating Marxist critique of American capitalism.
(5). 1:The movie supports so many theories because of its layered plot and styles—one reason it is amenable to repeated viewings.||2:Nerve-tingling suspense is intercut with picket- fence melodrama and humour.||3:It is a buddy movie crossed with an adventure on the high seas.||4:From the perspective of the pandemic, though, “Jaws” seems at heart to be a film about the untameable power of nature.||5:An invisible, relentless assailant makes no distinction as to whom it attacks.||6:Like some leaders today, the officials who must confront it are vacillating and helpless.
(6). 1:Much of the tension is achieved through the power of suggestion.||2:The shark is not fully seen until long into the story (mostly because the mechanical models constantly malfunctioned).||3:As in the lockdown, when the streets outside are the domain of a deadly bug, the sea that gives the beast its cover is the enemy, too, made ominous and forbidding by the spare and portentous score.||4:Where can you turn when a killer might be anywhere.