

    音标:[dɪ'laɪt] 现在分词:delighting
    过去式:delighted 过去分词:delighted
    名词复数:delights 第三人称单数:delights
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Characterised or marked by delight; very pleasing; delightful.
    “Who knows not that the first scene of infancy is far the most pleasant and delightsome?”
    “And the burdensome one is toilsome, while the delightsome one is pleasurable.”
    “But if these are expressions of thankful love, they are delightsome to Him.”
    Pleasant; pleasing, bringing enjoyment, satisfaction, or pleasure.
    “Sit back and allow the delightful aromas to envelop and invigorate you.”
    “We ate dinner with Kim Kardashian and the delightful Taylor Swift.”
    “Johannesburg has many delightful parks and open green spaces, all of which have been spruced up.”
    Greatly pleased. || Filled with wonder and delight.
    “She was absolutely delighted that he asked her to dinner on such a romantic night.”
    Void of delight.

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who gives or takes delight.
    “A real delighter for someone that deserves a more special thought.”
    The state of being delightsome.
    The state or quality of being delightful.
    “Something about movies that announce their delightfulness so aggressively is kind of off-putting.”
    “Full of delightfulness and delicateness, boldness and plain audacity, the album tantalizes all the senses.”
    “The poet expresses this delightfulness in the adjectives which describe both the style and content of her teaching.”
    The quality of being delighted; great pleasure.
    “Shaikh Khalifa Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa, CEO of Bahrain Bourse expressed his delightedness for hosting AMEDA’s 20th meeting in Bahrain, wishing it all the success.”
    “Beginning in childhood light sparkled and flowers fisted their beautiful contentions without choice, only pain and delightedness to make their silence sound.”

    As the strong man exults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action, so glories the analyst in that moral activity which disentangles



    She visited America frequently and felt right at home there, reveling in the lavish attentions of the opulent and famous and delighting in the effusive responsiveness of the public to her charms



    Leading means not only owning abundant wealth but also delighting in leisure life. Citigold Leading Life Salon brings you a leading life with lofty tastes, and takes you into a leisurely world with unparallel advantage.



    Charm:The power or quality of pleasing or delighting ; attractiveness.



    Inside, a new dimension of spaciousness and refinement awaits, delighting occupants with exquisite materials and superbly-crafted cabin refinements



    and out of the earth the Lord made every tree to come, delighting the eye and good for food; and in the middle of the garden, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.



    The language is, indeed, more difficult of acquirement in the one case than in the other, and possesses more power of delighting the sense, while it speaks to the intellect



    The middle ones are for delighting , intelligent materials, they more or less can open up one’s eyes and broaden one’s horizon.



    ||1:He noticed, too, that the fourth and fifth fingers of his right hand were starting to curl under.||2:This made the playing of triplets more or less impossible.||3:Yet in the third movement of the Brahms they made the dancing culmination of the work, delighting him so much that they made the hairs stand up on the back of his neck.||4:In short he could no longer play the most important piece in his life.||5:The one that had first struck him like Thor’s thunder on his 12th birthday, had anchored his debut as “the pianistic find of the century” at Carnegie Hall in New York when he was 16, and had been his talisman and friend ever since.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-钢琴巨匠莱昂·弗莱舍(1) -

    ||1:There are, wrote Freeman Dyson towards the end of his long life, two different kinds of mathematicians.||2:Some are birds, who fly high, surveying the broad vistas and spotting unexpected links between different bits of the mathematical landscape.||3:Others are frogs, who prefer to be up close and on the ground, delighting in the details and the beauty of the flowers.||4:He counted himself among the frogs, and started there.

    ||1:弗里曼·戴森在他漫长生命的最后写道,世上有两种不同的数学家。||2:有些数学家是鸟类,他们飞得很高,喜欢观察广阔的远景,发现数学景观的不同部分之间意 想不到的联系。||3:其他的数学家是青蛙,他们更喜欢靠近地面,喜欢花朵的细节和美丽。||4:他把自己看做青蛙那一类数学家,他也是从那里开始。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-物理学家弗里曼·戴森(1) -

    ||1: Another change soon started to concern her. ||2: All her life she had had a kinship with the land, helping to make the mud plaster for the walls of the family house, tilling the fields with her mother and delighting in wet soil which, “when you rubbed it between your fingers you could almost feel the life it held”. ||3: She was drawn to water, too, especially, as a child, to the clear, clean water that gushed from an underground stream called Kanungu, close to a sacred fig tree.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-肯尼亚诺贝尔和平奖得主马塔伊 -

    Edison switched them on and off at will, dazzling and delighting his guests.



    Through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance these were ritual fetishes which spoke of the grandeur of the contents, teasing and delighting .



    Facing to the grim reality that people have been animalized today, humanity needs delighting and reason needs awaking newly.



    And delighting in the bright jewels we find there,



    I have loved you all so long. Delighting in your company. To grant whatever you would crave. I have both waged life and land.



    Delighting Atmosphere in Class arousing Interest in Learning



    The paradox of this preoccupation with delighting people is that he disdains questioning customers.



    Baby Molly This pair have been delighting visitors to Chester Zoo.


