
形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

Delivered at Frontier (DAF)means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport not unloaded, cleared for export, but not cleared for import at the named point and place at the frontier, but before the customs border of the adjoining country.


“Cost, Insurance and Freight"(CIF)means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.


FAS-Free Alongside Ship(…named port of shipment) means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that moment.


Delivered Ex Ship (DES)means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the ship not cleared for import at named port of destination.


“Delivered Ex Quay"(DEQ)means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer not cleared for import on the quay (wharf)at the named port of destination.


“Delivered duty paid" (DDP)means that the seller delivers the goods to the buyer, for import, and not unloaded from any arriving means of transport at the named place of destination.


“Delivered duty unpaid" (DDU)means that the seller delivers the goods to the buyer, not cleared for import, and not unloaded from any arriving means of transport at the named place of destination.


Carriage paid to ... (CPT)means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him, but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. This means that the buyer bears aft risks and any other costs occurring after the goods have been so delivered.


“Carriage and Insurance paid to...”(CIP)means that the seller delivers the goods the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. This means that the buyer bears all risks and any additional costs occurring after the goods have been so delivered.


It delivers a formidable power of 200 kW and reaches a top speed of approximately 250 km/h.


SMSC delivers the message to ISMG1 via a SMPP message DELIVER_SM;


5.ISMG2 sends a CMPP_FWD_RESP message for response; 6.ISMG 2 submits the message from the user to SP; 7.ISMG delivers a submission response;

5.ISMG2发送CMPP_FWD_RESP消息应答; 6.SP对 ISMG2将用户的短信提交给SP;7. ISMG2发送提交应答;

With its wide gear ratios, the 5-speed automatic Super ECT delivers outstanding driving performance and fuel efficiency.


the 5-speed automatic delivers a smooth acceleration feeling.


BMW′s 4.4-litre V8 engine delivers impressive performance combined with an unintrusive yet unmistakable engine note.


A CMPP_DELIVER operation is that ISMG delivers a message forwarded from SMSC or another ISMG to SP, which responds with a CMPP_DELIVER_RESP message.


The ES350′s 3.5-liter V6 engine delivers 204kw@6200rpm and 346Nm@4,700rpm of torque, resulting in an estimated zero-to-100km/h time of 7.0 seconds.

ES350采用全新的3.5升V6发动机,在6,200转/分钟时输出功率可达204千瓦,4,700转/分钟 时达到346牛米的最大扭矩,0-100公里/小时的加速时间仅为7.0秒。

Some common features of FMSs are pallet changers, underfloor conveyor systems for the collection of chips, and a conveyor system that delivers parts to the machine.


UPS delivers real value for your businesses-value that goes far beyond shipping.

UPS 为您的企业提供真正的价值--远远超过运输的价值。

UPS delivers these shipments directly to your customers, bypassing any additional reprocessing and optimising your supply chain.

UPS 直接将这些货件交付给您的客户,绕过额外的重复处理并优化您的供应链。

Equipped with the new xDrive all-wheel drive system and intelligent chassis regulation systems, this Sports Activity Vehicle delivers unprecedented agility on all surfaces.


This Old People’s articles Store delivers goods to the homes of aged customers.


From rugged, Arctic wastelands to congested tropical cities, Rimula delivers the very best to your engine, offering superb protection and performance in all conditions.


The 4.4-litre V8 engine with Valvetronic delivers the perfect balance of instant power with sustained strength


Its Digital Motor Electronics (DME)guarantee not only its efficiency, they also ensure that the engine delivers its full potential power of 170 kW (231 bhp)and torque of 300 Nm at 3,500 rpm.


Cost and Freight (CFR)means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’ s rail in the port of shipment.


In addition to delivering your packages, UPS delivers information about the packages you send.

除了递送您的包裹外,UPS 还递送有关您包裹的信息.

What′s more, it delivers its power smoothly and with a fine sound.


when DSC is off, ADB-X delivers maximum power, while dispensing with engine regulatory systems and stability control.


Article 20 When a foreign trade enterprise delivers goods, imported by it as an agent, to a production enterprise for processing, or exports goods as an agent for the production enterprise, both buying and selling parties shall, by presenting the import and export agency contract to the Customs, go through the procedures for Customs declaration, carrying-over of accounts, and verification and cancellation.

第二十条 外贸企业代理进口的货物运交保税区内生产企业进行生产加工和代理生产企业出口产品时,买卖双方应持凭代理进出口合同向海关办理报关、结转和核销手续。


1.(of a judge or court) give (a judgement or verdict)
‘the court was due to _deliver_ its verdict’
‘The jury at Leeds Crown Court _delivered_ its verdict yesterday afternoon after hours of deliberation.’
2.Acknowledge that one intends to be bound by (a deed), either explicitly by declaration or implicitly by formal handover.
‘It is no doubt true that a deed may be _delivered_ on a condition that it is not to be operative until some event happens or some condition is performed.’
‘An affidavit of the defendant was _delivered_ later in August 2004.’
3.Assist (a woman) in giving birth.
‘Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely _delivered_ of a son at 4.24 p.m.’
4.Assist in the birth of.
‘the village midwife _delivered_ the baby’
‘A hospital’s first midwife has retired after _delivering_ more than 1,000 babies in 37 years.’
5.Bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or goods) to the proper recipient or address.
‘the products should be _delivered_ on time’
‘we’ll _deliver_ direct to your door’
6.Formally hand over (someone)
‘there was a reward if you were _delivered_ unharmed to the nearest British post’
‘I looked down on figures who, with their consorts, advisers, bureaucrats and academics, had _delivered_ their own people to the vampires.’
7.Give birth to.
‘the number of women _delivering_ their babies in hospitals increased’
‘At length, however, she was _delivered_ of a child; but it is uncertain whether it was born alive or not.’
8.Launch or aim (a blow, ball, or attack)
‘he _delivered_ a punch to the man’s belly’
‘the company has _delivered_ a body blow to this city’
9.Provide (something promised or expected)
‘he had been able to _deliver_ votes in huge numbers’
‘she’s waiting for him to _deliver_ on his promise’
10.Save, rescue, or set someone or something free from.
‘ _deliver_ us from the nightmare of junk mail’
‘He credits his party with _delivering_ the city from debt and unemployment to the promised land of productivity and job creation.’
11.State in a formal manner.
‘he will _deliver_ a lecture on endangered species’
‘he _delivered_ himself of a sermon’
12.Surrender someone or something.
‘had he feared she would _deliver_ him up to the police?’
‘In any other civilised country, the head of the phone company would be _delivered_ up on a platter for these serious infrastructure failures.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。