例句1. military service brings about frequent changes of domicile’
(1)to have its own name, domicile and articles of association;
( 一)有自己的名称、住所和章程;
(2)the name and domicile of the guarantor;
(2)the name, sex, age, nationality, category and number of identification documents, occupation, characteristics of appearance, domicile and residence of the person sought and other information that may help to identify and search for the person;
(6)A lawsuit brought on a maritime guaranty may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the property mortgaged is located or the place where the defendant has its domicile ; a lawsuit brought on a ship mortgage may also be under jurisdiction of the maritime court in the place of registry port;
(7)a lawsuit brought on ownership, procession, and use, maritime liens of a ship, may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the ship is located, the place of ship registry or the place where the defendant has its domicile .
(3)A lawsuit brought on maritime charter parties may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place of its port of ship delivery, port of ship return, port of ship registry, port where the defendant has its domicile ;
(4)A lawsuit brought on a maritime protection and indemnity contract may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the object of the action is located, the place where the accident occurred or the place where the defendant has its domicile ;
(4)to have a fixed domicile and steady income.
(5)A lawsuit brought on a maritime contract of employment of crew may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the plaintiff has its domicile , the place where the contract is signed, the place of the port where the crew is abroad or the port where the crew leaves the ship or the place where the defendant has its domicile;
(i)name and domicile of the enterprise;
(1)not to leave his domicile without permission of the executing organ or, if he has no fixed domicile, not to leave the designated residence without permission;
1. it must have its own name, domicile and Articles of Association;
(1)The change of the debtor’s domicile makes it extremely difficult for the creditor to have the debtor’s obligation enforced;
and now resides and is domiciled herein and has had, and still has the intent to make the State of Nevada his home, residence and domicile for an indefinite of time.
The original of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person or of the Business License should be laid up in an eye-catching place of the company’s domicile or of the business premises of the branch.
go through the formalities of reporting to the local authorities for change of domicile
Where the defendant’s domicile and regular abode is different, the case comes under the jurisdiction of the people’s court at the place of his regular abode.
In case of no maritime court in the place where the property subjected to execution or in the place where the person subjected to execution has its domicile , an application shall be filed with the intermediate people’s court of the place where the property subjected to execution or of the place where the person subjected to execution has its domicile.
One whose domicile lies at an appreciable distance from one’s place of business.
The Brownings domicile d in Italy.
When a party applies for preservation of maritime claim or preservation of other property, the Arbitration Commission shall submit the party’s application to the maritime court or other people’s court at the place of the Respondent’s domicile or at the place where the property is located.
当事人申请海事请求保全或其他财产保全的 , 仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交被申请人住所地或其财产所在地的海事法院或其他法院;
Article 23 When a party applies for property preservative measures, the Arbitration Commission shall submit the party’s application to the people’s court for a ruling in the place where the domicile of the party against whom the property preservative measures are sought is located or in the place where the property of the said party is located.
第二十三条 当事人申请财产保全 , 仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交被申请人住所地或其财产所在地的人民法院作出裁定。
属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
Article 25 The president or the principal administrator of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall be a person with the nationality of the PRC , domicile in the territory of China, love the motherland, possess moral integrity, and have work experience in the field of education and teaching as well as compatible professional expertise.
第二十五条 中外合作办学机构的校长或者主要行政负责人,应当具有中华人民共和国国籍,在中国境内定居,热爱祖国,品行良好,具有教育、教学经验,并具备相应的专业水平。
Article 21 A law firm shall report to the original examination and verification department changes it wishes to make in important matters such as its name, domicile , articles of association, and partners, or dissolution of the firm.
第二十一条 律师事务所变更名称、住所、章程、合伙人等重大事项或者解散的,应当报原审核部门。
Article 2.For the Purposes of the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Tax Law, the term “individuals who have domicile in China ” shall mean individuals who by reason of their permanent registered address, family or economic interests, habitually reside in the PRC .
第二条 税法第一条第一款所说的中国境内有住所的个人,是指因户籍、家庭、经济利益关系而在中国境内习惯性居住的个人。
Article 3 A sole proprietorship enterprise’s main place of business shall be its domicile .
Article 16 To exercise or preserve his rights on a negotiable instrument against the person who is liable for the instrument, the holder shall do it on the business premises of the party concerned and within the business hours, or at his domicile in the absence of business premises.
第十六条 持票人对票据债务人行使票据权利,或者保全票据权利,应当在票据当事人的营业场所和营业时间内进行,票据当事人无营业场所的,应当在其住所进行。
Article 11 When the parties apply for enforcement of maritime arbitral award, apply for recognition and enforcement of a judgement or written order of a foreign court and foreign maritime arbitral award, an application shall be filed with the maritime court of the place where the property subjected to execution or of the place where the person subjected to execution has its domicile .
Article 121 Where applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens, the transferee shall submit its application to the maritime court of the place where the transferred ship is delivered or the place where the transferee has its domicile .
For the tax payer who have no domicile in China but derive wages and salaries from sources within China, or have domicile in China but derive wages and salaries from sources outside China, the additional deduction for expenses shall be allowed on the basis of the average income level, living standard and the changes of exchange rates
plaintiff’s domicile
属类:法学专业 -法律专业-
right to determine one’s family domicile
属类:法学专业 -法律专业-
people’s court at the domicile of the defendant
属类:法学专业 -法律专业-
people’s court at the original domicile of the defendant
属类:法学专业 -法律专业-
1.A person’s residence or home.
‘the builder I’ve hired to renovate my new _domicile_ ’
‘For the second start in a row, on Saturday night they made short work of the 39-year-old Yankee starter in their _domicile_ , roughing him up for four runs and knocking him out after two innings.’
2.The country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with.
‘his wife has a _domicile_ of origin in Germany’
‘It appears that his _domicile_ of origin was definitely in the United Kingdom.’
3.The place at which a company or other body is registered, especially for tax purposes.
‘To enhance its generalizability, this study did not restrict its sample in terms of partner _domiciles_ or host country locations.’
‘Wherever you’re taxed, you’ll need to know what your residency and your _domicile_ are as they are not the same.’
1.Reside or be based.
‘he was _domiciled_ in a frame house in the outskirts of Bogotá’
‘Down in Florida we have people _domiciled_ in our headquarters facility.’
2.Treat a specified country as a permanent home.
‘the tenant is _domiciled_ in the United Kingdom’
‘The claimant is _domiciled_ in the Republic of Ireland.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。