

例句1. the act empowered Henry to punish heretics’

empowered person


-法律专业 - -

empowered organization


-法律专业 - -

A high dignitary of the priesthood empowered to invoke blessings.


The Empowered Right to Settle Disputes (Bianyi xingshi)and the Centralization of the Governmental Power: Centered on the Administrative Operation of Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfuchu Zhisi in Southern Song Dynasty


The representative of China stated that the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“”SAFE“”)was under the auspices of the People’s Bank of China (“”PBC“”), and was the administrative organ empowered to regulate forex. “

29 .中国代表表示,国家外汇管理局( “ SAFE ”)由中国人民银行( “ PCB ”)管理,是依法进行外汇管理的行政机关。

B:That’s a good question. It’s an honour for a person to be elected a deputy to the NPC, also the person, as a deputy to the NPC, is empowered by the people to exercise some special rights,


Aldous Huxley, in Brave New World, got it wrong: rather than centralizing power in the hands of the state, DNA technology has empowered individuals and families.


Palestinians--Elect “new and different Palestinian leadership” and adopt a new constitution with a fully empowered parliament, local-level governments and independent judiciary


The State Council or the department empowered by the State Council shall also specify the duty reduction or exemption items of small-scale border trade and draw up detailed rules on such reduction or exemption.


A person appointed or empowered to act for another.


was empowered to make decisions during the president’s absence


Article 22 An administrative license shall be implemented by the empowered administrative organ within its statutory functions

第二十二条 行政许可由具有行政许可权的行政机关在其法定职权范围内实施。

Article 29. Environmental protection authorities of People’s Governments at the county level are empowered to mete out penalties under ten thousand yuan, and exceeding that sum shall have the approval from environmental protection authorities of People’s Governments at the immediate upper level.

第二十九条 县级人民政府环境保护部门可处以一万元以下罚款, 超过一万元的罚款,报上一级人民政府环境保护部门批准。

Article 23 The organization with a function of managing public affairs under the authorization of a law or regulation shall, within the authorized scope, implement the administrative license in its own name. The provisions concerning the administrative organ in the Law shall be applicable to the empowered organizations


Article 2 The State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the local administrations that are empowered by the former to directly check and approve the registration of foreign investment enterprises (hereinafter referred to as empowered local administrations)all have the right, in accordance with relevant regulations and limits of authority, to deal out punishment for violations of registration administrative decrees by the foreign investment enterprises.

第二条 国家工商行政管理局和国家工商行政管理局授权直接核准登记外商投资企业的地方工商行政管理局(以下简称受权的工商行政管理局),均有权依照有关规定和处罚权限对违反登记管理法规的外商投资企业进行处罚。

Article 6 If empowered local administrations deal with violations of foreign investment enterprises that are not approved and registered in the locality under their jurisdiction, they have to inform in time the concerned administrations of their decisions.

第六条 受权的工商行政管理局处理发生在本管辖区域内非本局核准登记的外商投资企业的违法行为时,应及时将查处情况及处理结果通知核准登记该企业的工商行政管理局。

Article 70 Departments in charge of transportation and highway administration organizations are responsible for the administration and protection of the roads and are empowered to check and stop all acts that occupy, damage roads and land used by roads and road ancillary facilities and other acts that violate the provisions of this law.

第七十条 交通主管部门、公路管理机构负有管理和保护公路的责任,有权检查、制止各种侵占、损坏公路、公路用地、公路附属设施及其他违反本法规定的行为。

Article 7 If county (district)administrations or above that are not empowered with the authority over such punishment detect violations of registration administrative decrees by foreign investment enterprises, they should carry out conscientious investigation, propose a decision of prosecution and defer to administrations at higher level empowered with such authority.

第七条 没有处罚权的县(区)及县(区)以上的工商行政管理局在本管辖区域内发现外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为时,应当认真进行调查,提出处理建议,请示有处罚权的上级工商行政管理局。

Article 37. The competent department of city planning administration shall be empowered to inspect the construction projects in a planned urban area to see if they conform to the requirements of the plan for a city.

第三十七条 城市规划行政主管部门有权对城市规划区内的建设工程是否符合规划要求进行检查。

Article 18 Any collection of fees from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs for handling official business must be based on laws or regulations or decisions made by the competent departments empowered by the State Council, or the provisions of rules formulated by the people’s governments at the provincial level, and such rules must be reported to the State Council for the record.

第十八条 任何机关为办理公务向农民或者农业生产经营组织收费必须依据法律、法规、国务院授权的部门的决定或者省级人民政府制定的规章的规定,省级人民政府制定的规章必须报国务院备案。

Article 16 The State Council or the people’s government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government that is empowered by the State Council may decide to have an administrative organ exercise other administrative organs’ power of administrative penalty. However, the power of administrative penalty involving restriction of freedom of person shall only be exercised by the public security organs.


Article 14. The competent departments of environmental protection administration of the people’s governments at or above the county level or other departments invested by law with power to conduct environmental supervision and management shall be empowered to make on-site inspections of units under their jurisdiction that discharge pollutants.


Article 4 The empowered local administrations examine and deal accordingly with the foreign investment enterprises that violate the registration administrative decrees in the areas under their jurisdiction.

第四条 受权的工商行政管理局对违反登记管理法规的行为发生在本管辖区域内的外商投资企业进行查处。

Article 52. Copyright administrative authorities under the local governments shall be empowered to redress the infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law.

第五十二条 地方人民政府著作权行政管理部门负责查处本地区发生的著作权法第四十六条所列的侵权行为。

[Article 5] All inbound and outbound means of transport, goods, articles shall enter or leave the country at places (points)where a Customs office is located. Where temporary inbound or outbound passage at a place without a Customs office is requested in a special case, permission shall have to be obtained from the State Council or a department empowered by the State Council and the Customs formalities shall be followed in accordance with relevant provisions of this Law.

第五条 进出境运输工具、货物、物品,必须通过设立海关的地点进境或者出境。在特殊情况下,需要经过未设立海关的地点临时进境或者出境的,必须经国务院或者国务院授权的机关批准,并依照本法规定办理海关手续。

Article 5 The empowered local administrations have to report their decisions of punishment of foreign investment enterprises to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce or relevant administrations for records.

第五条 受权的工商行政管理局对外商投资企业作出的处罚决定,应报送国家工商行政管理局和有关的工商行政管理局备案。

The board of directors is empowered to discuss and take action on, pursuant to the provisions of the articles of association of the equity joint venture, all fundamental issues concerning the venture,


If they do not accept the decisions, they should appeal for re-examination to administrations at higher level empowered with such authority within 15 days as of the date of the receipt of the notice.


Under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, the Secretary of the Interior was empowered to issue prospecting permits and leases for certain minerals such as oil and gas


Congress is empowered to levy taxes.


Congress is empowered to levy taxes.


Congress is empowered by the Constitution to make laws.



1.Give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
‘members are empowered to audit the accounts of limited companies’
‘The Director of Public Prosecutions is the only person empowered to grant immunity.’
2.Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
‘movements to empower the poor’
‘The licensing agreements they advocate empower consumers, instead of limiting their rights.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。