例句1. most hard currency comes from exporting raw materials
形容词 变体/同根词
名词 变体/同根词
动词 变体/同根词
(2)where there are no sales of the like product of the imported product in the ordinary course of trade in the domestic market of the exporting country (region), or the price and the quantity of such sales do not permit a fair comparison, the normal value shall be the comparable price of the like product when exported to an appropriate third country (region)or the cost of production of the like product in the country (region)of origin plus a reasonable amount for expenses and for profits.
( 二)进口产品的同类产品,在出口国( 地区)国内市场的正常贸易过程中没有销售的,或者该同类产品的价格、数量不能据以进行公平比较的,以该同类产品出口到一个适当第三国( 地区)的可比价格或者以该同类产品在原产国( 地区)的生产成本加合理费用、利润,为正常价值。
(4)carry out health and quarantine inspection of any special articles such as exported or imported microzoaria, biological, human tissue, blood and hemoproducts as well as some animals that may spread human epidemic diseases;
( 四)对入境、出境的微生物、生物制品、人体组织、血液及其制品等特殊物品以及能传播人类传染病的动物,实施卫生检疫;
(a)identical goods-the requirement that the identical goods should be exported at or about the same time as the goods being valued could be flexibly interpreted
(b)Similar goods-the requirement that the similar goods should be exported at or about the same time as the goods being valued could be flexibly interpreted
(g)The exemption or remission, in respect of the production and distribution of exported products, of indirect taxes58 in excess of those levied in respect of the production and distribution of like products when sold for domestic consumption
(i)The remission or drawback of import charges58 in excess of those levied on imported inputs that are consumed in the production of the exported product (making normal allowance for waste)
to transport, purchase or sell on inland or territorial waters articles which are prohibited By the State from Being imported or exported
(1)The state shall control the total quantity of exported cashmere.
19.4 No countervailing duty shall be levied on any imported product in excess of the amount of the subsidy found to exist, calculated in terms of subsidization per unit of the subsidized and exported product
2. As part of China ’s notification under the GATT 1994 and the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII of the GATT 1994, China shall also provide full information on the pricing mechanisms of its state trading enterprises for exported goods.
2 .作为根据GATT 1994 和《关于解释 1994 年关税与贸易总协定第 17 条的谅解》所作通知的一部分,中国还应提供有关其国营贸易企业出口货物定价机制的全部信息。
In 2001, the station, apart from satisfying 50% of the domestic power demand, exported 7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to the neighboring balkan countries
3. in principle, the export performance value should be calculated according the value added part of the exported products.
3 、出口实绩金额原则上按出口产品的增值率相应计算。
d. Other requirements for enterprises engaged in exporting cashmere can be referred to in related regulations in the Interim Procedures of the Management of Exported Merchandise in the Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Endorsed by the State Council (No. 69, 1992)..
4 、 经营羊绒出口业务企业的其他条件仍参照《国务院批转经贸部关于<出口商品管理暂行办法>的通知》(国发〔 1992 〕 69 号)有关规定执行。
Twenty percent, of the products are exported .
The products are not only sold well at home but also exported to Japan, the USa, etc.
not only sold in domestic markets, but also exported to various countries in Europe and Southeast Asia.
The measures for exemption of exported taxable consumer goods shall be regulated by the State administration for Taxation.
Citrus exported to China from the U. S. must come from designated orchards and be packaged in designated packaging factories.
Shall crack down the acts of infringing on the imported and exported commodities and protect the intellectual property.
Large quantities of oil are refined locally at abadan, in Iran, in Bahrain, and elsewhere, but most of it is exported to northwestern Europe and other parts of the world as crude oil
Exported favorites are saved as regular HTML files, so either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator can import them.
导出的收藏另存为常规的HTML文件,这样Internet Explorer和Navigator均可导入。
The exported favorites file is fairly small, so if you want to share the favorite items with other people, you can copy it to a floppy disk or folder on a network, or attach it to an e-mail message.
Article 25. The exportation of sample products may be exempted from obtaining export licenses in cases where the quantity of each batch of commodities exported does not exceed 50 pieces (including sets, pairs, kilograms or other commodities unit, not including dozen, double‑dozen, dozen‑set, ton, etc).
第二十五条出口样品的,对于每批商品数量不超过 50 件(含 50 件、套、双、公斤或其它商品单位,不包括打、打双、打套、吨数量单位)的,可免领出口许可证;
Article 9 The Customs has the right to inspect, according to the provisions of the Customs Law of the PRC , goods imported into or exported from the bonded area and the sites connected with them.
第九条 海关对保税区进出口的货物及有关场所,有权按照《中华人民共和国海关法》的规定进行检查。
Article 16 Where the exporter knows or should know that the missile-related items and technologies to be exported will be used by the receiving party directly in its program for developing missiles and other delivering systems listed in the Control List that can be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction, the export shall be subject to the provisions of these Regulations even if the items or technologies are not listed in the Control List.
第十六条 出口经营者知道或者应当知道所出口的导弹相关物项和技术将被接受方直接用于《管制清单》所列的可被用于运载大规模杀伤性武器的导弹及其他运载系统的发展计划的,即使该物项和技术未列入《管制清单》,也应当依照本条例的规定执行。
Article 47. After an imported product is subject to an anti-dumping duty, new exporters who have not exported the product in question to the PRC within the period of investigation, may apply to MOFCOM for a separate determination of the margin of dumping, provided that they can show that they are not related to any of the exporters who are subject to the anti-dumping duty.
mixed materials, which are thought to be clean, sometimes contain toxic substances; and hazardous wastes have deliberately been mixed with the exported materials.
A Party to the Basel Convention shall not permit hazardous wastes or other wastes to be exported to a non-Party or to be imported from a non-Party.
Specific labels can also be requested for cigarettes which are not exported .
In response, the representative of China clarified that products listed in the Catalogue would enjoy full VAT rebate treatment, while other exported products would only be given partial VAT rebate treatment
1.A product or service sold abroad.
‘wool and mohair were the principal _exports_ ’
‘This is because _exports_ can now be sold or imports bought more cheaply or more easily inside the trading area.’
2.Of a high standard suitable for export.
‘ _export_ ales’
‘Train drivers refused to cross the miners’ picket, stopping the movement of all _export_ coal to the port of Lyttelton.’
3.Sales of goods or services abroad, or the revenue from such sales.
‘meat _exports_ ’
‘Since the mid ’80s, their share of total _exports_ has fallen from two-thirds to just over half.’
4.The selling and sending out of goods or services to other countries.
‘the _export_ of Western technology’
‘The main objective is to facilitate the _export_ of goods and services from the US to countries such as Bulgaria.’
1.Send (goods or services) to another country for sale.
‘nearly all the bananas produced were _exported_ to Britain’
‘Many developed countries now _export_ more developed machinery and more sophisticated consumer goods.’
2.Spread or introduce (ideas and beliefs) to another country.
‘the Greeks _exported_ Hellenic culture around the Mediterranean basin’
‘No other U.S. dance company _exports_ American good will en masse the way this one does.’
3.Transfer (data) in a format that can be used by other programs.
‘the information can be _exported_ to a database’
‘The data from tt can be _exported_ in several formats into a MySQL database, an ASCII file, etc.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。