

    音标:[ɪk'stɪŋɡwɪʃ] 现在分词:extinguishing
    过去式:extinguished 过去分词:extinguished
    第三人称单数:extinguishes 词频:低频词
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    This is a new method of extinguishing forest fires.
    But who can describe the thousand means of extinguishing the moccoletto?
    Fabrics made from polyester burn very slowly when ignited and are usually self-extinguishing when removed from the igniting flame.
    To start or use a backfire in extinguishing or controlling a forest fire.


    例句1. the fire had to be extinguished’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Able to be extinguished.
    “Let’s start with suggesting one might immediately start paying down any extinguishable floating rate debt.”
    “The children tried to blow them out, but the candles weren’t extinguishable.”
    “Life is much vaster and deeper, it cannot be lived with the aid of an extinguishable lamp.”
    Tending or serving to extinguish, or make extinct.
    “Even with mild degrees of anxiety the ineffectiveness of the extinctive mechanism is striking.”
    Having been quenched or eliminated.
    That serves to extinguish
    Of, related to, or resembling extinction.

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who, or that which, extinguishes something. || A fire extinguisher. || (historical) A small hollow conical instrument for putting out a candle.
    “The building was full of smoke, so I held my breath, kept down low and squirted the contents of the extinguisher.”
    “He had not thrown the fire extinguisher deliberately but accepts he was reckless, he said.”
    “I placed a flashlight, fire extinguisher, flares, jumper cables, and a small first aid kit in my trunk.”
    The quality of being extinct; extinction.
    A cause of extinction. || (dated) An extinguisher.
    An advocate of extinctionism. || (video game) A player who plays a roguelike game with the additional challenge of killing all creatures to extinction.
    The act of extinguishing, putting out, or quenching, or the state of being extinguished. || (law) The annihilation or extinction of a right or obligation.
    “The sum left, after paying the interest of it for the year, is annually applicable to the extinguishment of the principal.”
    “The systematic prevention and extinguishment of fires are everywhere assumed to be proper work for the community at large.”
    “Sunset, Nature’s symbol of the extinguishment of the light of life, was the time fixed for both.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “Whereas it is commonly said that a salamander extinguisheth fire, we have found by experience that on hot coals, it dieth immediately.”
    “Uniform extinguishes individuality, a man becomes a waiter, a sommelier, a maitre d’ hotel.”
    “The product extinguishes safely and hygienically, and its airtight design means that smoke odours are locked-in within the pouch.”
    “The torch and the man’s wild hair and dynamic pose imply a revolutionary or an incendiary, rather than someone who extinguishes fires.”
    “Firefighters were there for three hours extinguishing the fire and making sure the house was safe.”
    “Crews wearing breathing apparatus spent more than seven hours extinguishing the blaze and ensuring the property was safe.”
    “The wind shifted and a single raindrop came through the window and landed exactly on the candlewick, extinguishing it.”