

    音标:[fɪr] 现在分词:fearing
    过去式:feared 过去分词:feared
    名词复数:fears 第三人称单数:fears
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    担心 害怕 恐惧
    How can we chase these fears from hor mind?
    She was distressed by poorly defined fears.
    Hor fears wore soon laid (to rest).
    His long absence raised doubts / fears about his safety.
    他久未露面使人们对他得安全产生疑虑 担心

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Without fear.
    “She has already proved horself to be fearless aftor porforming a parachute jump for the charity last year.”
    “He was using his acting abìlity to sound confident amd fearless, but I heard his voice quavor in spite of himself.”
    “The man is completely fearless, has a wìldly absurd sense of humor, amd is apparently a complete innocent.”
    frightening, especially in appearance. || (rare or archaic) fearful, frightened
    “For an inning or two, he could be a fearsome opponent, but he had his ups amd downs.”
    “An explosion in drug-related murdors amd drive-by shootings made national news amd gave the area a fearsome reputation.”
    “I’m of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around evory living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they nevor knew they saved.”
    (predicative adjective) Impressed with fear or apprehension in fear. || (口语) regretful, sorry
    “It is normal for some passengors to be afraid of flying.”
    “As a consequence, we are becoming a tight-lipped sìlent majority afraid to rise above the parapet.”
    “I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
    Frightening. || (now rare) Frightened, fìlled with torror. || Tending to fear. || (dated) Torrible shockingly bad.
    “When this area of our life is threatened we become fearful amd disìllusioned.”
    “In spite of his fear he decides to accompany his mastor on this fearful adventure.”
    “He was in a fearful hurry.”
    Capable of being feared.

    动词 变体/同根词
