

例句1. she’s always flirting with the boys’
例句2. a painter who had flirted briefly with Cubism’

flirt with


-化学 - -

As she spoke, Ah Chen pouted out her lips and gave Tu Weiyueh a sidelong glance. The eternal flirt


Don`t flirt with every handsome man you meet.


To flirt with or make sexual advances to.


To flirt with,especially in secret.


to flirt with danger


He used to flirt with every girl he met.


She is a flirt .


They say he’s a terrible flirt .


a flirt ’s volatile affections.


The grotesque sight of an old man trying to flirt with a young girl


To engage in coquetry;flirt .


A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures;a flirt .


Do not you think they are flirt with each other? What make you think so?


You shouldn’t play around with (ie flirt with)another woman’s husband


Gemma would never learn to flirt and simper and captivate tourists and baldheaded shipowners, like the other English girls in Leghorn


Have a roving eye be always looking for a chance to flirt or have love affairs


That’s what sex is to you...a vital little dynamo between you and Julia, to bring success. If you began to be unsuccessful you’d begin to flirt , like Charlie, who isn’t successful.


It’s embarrassing when they flirt like that in public,ie with each other.


To play around amorously;flirt .


flirt one’s fan

一下子把扇子打开, 一下把扇子合起来; 灵巧地挥动扇子

A flirt making with the eyes.


How can a bishop marry?How can he flirt ?The most he can say is“I will see you in the vestry after service”


||1:The AfD began with an anti-euro message.||2:Some leaders, such as Hans- Olaf Henkel, from Hamburg, want to keep it that way.||3:But, especially in the east, the party has used populist innuendo against asylum-seekers, immigrants and homosexuals.||4:Party elders like Alexander Gauland, in Brandenburg, openly flirt with Pegida.||5:This is straining the AfD, which has three leaders.||6:Bernd Lucke, an economics professor, favours an anti-euro message; Frauke Petry, a businesswoman from Saxony, and Konrad Adam, a former journalist, sympathise with Pegida.||7:Mr Lucke wants to lead alone, but Ms Petry and Mr Adam have resisted him.||8:In a compromise, Mr Lucke will take over as boss only next December.

||1:德国新选项党的兴起缘于对欧元的反对。||2:一些领导人,包括来自汉堡的汉斯奥拉夫汉高希望继续使用欧元。||3:但是,尤其在德国东部地区,该党利用民粹主义影射政治避难者、移民以及同性恋群体。||4:该党的前辈——勃兰登堡的Alexander Gauland公然和Pegida“秀恩爱”。||5:这使得新选项党内部更加紧张。||6:该党有三个领导,经济学教授Bernd Lucke反对使用欧元,来自萨克森州的商人Frauke Petry以及之前是记者同样支持Pegida的Konrad Adam。||7:Lucke希望能够独自领导新选项党,但是一直受到Petry和Adam的牵制。||8:折中之后,Bernd Lucke只能于明年12月份接任领袖一职。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政治 消失的极右领袖

||1: Other qualities were evident by then. ||2: Her femininity was never in doubt. ||3: It helped her escape capture, not just because she could on occasion flirt her way out of trouble, but also because her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skilful in evading them must be a butch matron (though because of her ability to scuttle off the Germans called her “the White Mouse”). ||4: When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream were often dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades. ||5: Yet she conformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living for months in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrère, not like a man but “like five men”.

||1:那时她的其它优秀品质也已经非常明显。||2:她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。||3: 这帮助她成功逃离拘捕,并不只是因为他能偶尔靠美人计脱险,还因为她的那些盖世太保追求者们认为任何擅长回避他们追求的人必定是个男人婆 (不过因为她非常善于逃跑,德国纳粹称她为“白鼠”)。 ||4:在法国抗德游击队工作那会儿,组织经常空降丝袜、伊莉莎白?雅顿的面霜,以及斯特恩式轻机关枪、收音机和手榴弹给她。||5:然而,她绝不是一般的女人。她可以用最脏的法国方言骂人,她也可以在茂林作战数月。用一位同事的话说,她根本不像一个男人,她“像五个男人”。

||1: Other qualities were evident by then. ||2: Her femininity was never in doubt. ||3: It helped her escape capture, not just because she could on occasion flirt her way out of trouble, but also because her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skilful in evading them must be a butch matron (though because of her ability to scuttle off the Germans called her “the White Mouse”). ||4: When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream were often dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades. ||5: Yet she conformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living for months in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrère, not like a man but “like five men”.

||1:那时她的其它优秀品质也已经非常明显。||2:她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。||3: 这帮助她成功逃离拘捕,并不只是因为他能偶尔靠美人计脱险,还因为她的那些盖世太保追求者们认为任何擅长回避他们追求的人必定是个男人婆 (不过因为她非常善于逃跑,德国纳粹称她为“白鼠”)。 ||4:在法国抗德游击队工作那会儿,组织经常空降丝袜、伊莉莎白·雅顿的面霜,以及斯特恩式轻机关枪、收音机和手榴弹给她。||5:然而,她绝不是一般的女人。她可以用最脏的法国方言骂人,她也可以在茂林作战数月。用一位同事的话说,她根本不像一个男人,她“像五个男人”。

Without stretching the analogy too far, lessons are there for Congress, after members marked the holiday season with a moment of unusual comity. After a tense few days, including a Saturday session in the Senate, members of the House of Representatives and senators avoided shutting the government down, crossing party lines to pass a $1.1 trillion spending bill. This marked a win for the Republicans’ “governing wing”: party members who believe that voters, having handed them control of both chambers of Congress in November’s mid-term elections, expect them to do more than shout “No” during President Barack Obama’s final two years in office.|| Such Republicans formed coalitions with moderate Democrats to push back populists on the right and left who opposed elements of the spending bill with enough fervour to flirt with closing down the government.|| Front-page headlines hailed a “rare bipartisan success”, and Senate veterans used such words as “hope”.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 政治斗争在圣诞前夕暂息

||1:A second reason is self-interest.||2:America’s security umbrella allows European countries to feel safe from, for instance, the possibility of future Russian aggression while spending little on defence.||3:But Europeans cannot take such protection for granted.||4:In many American eyes, Europeans are already wobbly, tiresome free-riders who do not police their Islamist extremists properly, breach sanctions, flirt with dictatorships and leak secrets to the Russians and Chinese.||5:America’s armed forces are already draining away from Europe because of Barack Obama’s “pivot” to Asia and a shortage of cash.||6:The last tanks left in April.||7:A petulant European response to the spy row risks speeding the pull-out.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-横跨大西洋的谍战 Transatlantic espi

“Old people flirt , married people flirt, now young people are simply using technology to do what Athenians have always done. ”


The Kind Diet is broken down into three phases: the flirt , vegan, and superheroes levels.


49% are more likely to flirt with a stranger when the weather starts getting warmer.



1.A person who habitually flirts.
‘Jim was an outrageous _flirt_ ’
‘She has always been a _flirt_ from the first day I met her and just because she was a little older, doesn’t mean she has forgotten how much fun being a flirty tease can be.’

1.(of a bird) wave or open and shut (its wings or tail) with a quick flicking motion.
‘a moorhen stepped out of the reeds, _flirting_ its white tail’
‘She kept expecting the elf-horse to object, but it only _flirted_ its tail and stamped a time or two when Shara came too close.’
2.Behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions.
‘she began to tease him, _flirting_ with other men in front of him’
‘Here are 11 warning signs of becoming over-stimulated and crossing the boundaries from _flirting_ to overt sexuality on line.’
3.Deliberately expose oneself to (danger or difficulty)
‘the need of some individuals to _flirt_ with death’
‘This performance is not afraid to _flirt_ with danger, stretching the boundaries of what is acceptable in drama and society to their outermost limits.’
4.Experiment with or show a superficial interest in (an idea, activity, or movement) without committing oneself to it seriously.
‘a painter who had _flirted_ briefly with Cubism’
‘Johnson offers only grudging admiration for Cezanne, and he _flirts_ with the idea that Picasso was a charlatan.’
5.Move quickly to and fro with a fluttering motion.
‘the lark was _flirting_ around the site’
‘Blackbirds _flirt_ and do their mating flutter at the curb on Main Street.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。