1.Open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters.
‘a long and _frank_ discussion’
‘to be perfectly _frank_ , I don’t know’
2.Open, sincere, or undisguised.
‘Kate looked at Sam with _frank_ admiration’
‘They can’t do that if you have not been _frank_ and honest with them.’
3.Unmistakable; obvious.
‘ _frank_ ulceration’
‘Altered glucose homeostasis may result in the development of _frank_ diabetes mellitus in up to 7% of patients.’
1.(in the eastern Mediterranean region) a person of western European nationality or descent.
‘Since the eighth century most probably the designations _Franks_ and Frankish extended beyond the boundaries of the Frankish tribe.’
2.A member of a Germanic people that conquered Gaul in the 6th century and controlled much of western Europe for several centuries afterwards.
‘The ambassadors returned to Damascus and Saladin decided to punish the _Franks_ himself.’
‘It seems much less likely that these different origins were linked to any ethnic distinction between the _Franks_ and the Lombards.’
3.An official mark or signature on a letter or parcel, indicating that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid.
‘He felt a jab of dread as he saw the _frank_ and the crest on the cover.’
‘Members of both Houses of Parliament had the privilege of free postage (save for the penny post) and gave large numbers of _franks_ to friends, constituents, or even business colleagues: the privilege was not abolished until 1840.’
4.short for frankfurter
‘Burgers, _franks_ and sausages are made from soy, egg or wheat protein, and may contain other beans & grains.’
‘Beans and _franks_ are fine for some but these staples of campfire grub don’t have to make an appearance on your holiday menu.’
1.Denoting dividends and other payments carrying a tax credit which can be offset against advance corporation tax by the company which receives them.
‘Shareholders will be paid a fully _franked_ dividend of 16c, bringing the total year payout to 30c.’
‘The Melbourne-based firm, which has 32 outlets across the country, announced a fully _franked_ final dividend of 3.6c.’
2.Facilitate or pay the passage of (someone)
‘English will _frank_ the traveller through most of North America’
3.Sign (a letter or parcel) to ensure delivery free of charge.
4.Stamp an official mark on (a letter or parcel) to indicate that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid.
‘each cover will be _franked_ with a specially designed postmark’
‘the letter is _franked_ 30 centavos’
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