

例句1. a dirty mark on the tablecloth’
例句2. a punctuation mark’
例句3. he signed his mark in the visitors’ book’
例句4. books bearing the mark of a well-known bookseller’
例句6. the flag was lowered as a mark of respect’
例句8. it is the mark of a civilized society to treat its elderly members well’
例句9. he got very good marks for maths and physics’

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

How much would I get for 100 German marks ?

100 德国马克可以兑换多少钱?

Three hundred German marks in notes and one thousand US dollars in traveler’s cheques.

300 德国马克现钞和1000 美元旅行支票。

The regulations for the shape of the marks of maritime buoyage system in China


It’s 248 German marks at today’s selling rate.


A device for converting energy form one form to another. In relation to computers, the term is applied to a read/write head, to detector of sector marks in a magnetic disc system, and to electronic/sonic pulse converters of delay line memory.


Don’t forget to keep the subject within the parallax correction marks .


Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement.


erase pencil marks


Marks for urban public transport--Identification mark for taxi


Marks for urban public transport--Mark for urban ferry


Marks for urban public transport--Mark for subway


His dignified bearing marks him out from the common run of men.


When heated to incandescence in the furnace of stars,each element marks the spectrum of light it emits with a characteristic set of lines(Malcolm W.Browne.


The floor marks easily.


diacritical marks [ points,signs ]


To provide(a text)with punctuation marks .


A teacher who marks strictly.


Agreement for the Establishment of an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks


Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks


And which mistake is reflected in its register of marks and/or any publication by the Office be made


Marks for urban public transport--Graphic symbols for circulation line


marks of saw, file and drill


属类:法学专业 -法律专业-


1.(especially in athletics) a time or distance achieved by a competitor, especially one which represents a record or personal best.
‘he blasted away from the field during the second lap to knock a second off the existing mark’
‘Thorpe is the current Olympic and triple world champion in the 400 meters and holds three world marks in freestyle distances.’
2.(followed by a numeral) a particular model or type of a vehicle or machine.
‘a Mark 10 Jaguar’
3.(until the introduction of the euro in 2002) the basic monetary unit of Germany, equal to 100 pfennig; a Deutschmark.
‘Germany spent billions of marks to save the French franc from speculators’
‘Some 7.5 billion of German marks are frozen in state banks.’
4.A competitor’s starting point in a race.
‘The runners now toed this mark, each competitor leaning forward with his eye on the farther end of the platform.’
‘He pocketed the penultimate race even after having to re-round the starting mark as he had jumped the start.’
5.A denomination of weight for gold and silver, formerly used throughout western Europe and typically equal to 8 ounces (226.8 grams).
‘He produces a silver mark from his purse and holds it up for the man to see.’
‘Russia was also obliged to pay 6 billion gold marks in reparations.’
6.A figure or letter representing the total number of marks awarded in an examination or competition and signifying a person’s score.
‘the highest mark was 98 per cent’
‘A high-flying young Chorley scientist is focusing on a career path which could help save thousands of lives after receiving record marks in her degree.’
7.A former English and Scottish money of account, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence in the currency of the day.
‘Sir William left 500 marks for repairing the road to Cambridge’
‘Mrs Burdett was to be paid in marks, which is an archaic form of English currency (20 marks was quite a generous amount).’
8.A level or stage that is considered significant.
‘unemployment had passed the two million mark’
‘The million mark for private cars was reached in Britain in 1930, with 10 million by 1967.’
9.A line, figure, or symbol made as an indication or record of something.
‘the first syllable has a stress mark’
‘Bach, of course, left very few indications or interpretive marks as to how his music should go.’
10.A particular temperature level in a gas oven.
‘preheat the oven to Gas Mark 5’
‘Now tip the mix into the warm soufflé dish and stick the result in an oven at gas mark six.’
11.A person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of.
‘they figure I’m an easy mark’
‘She thereby revealed herself to be a patsy, a mark, a victim of the Big Con.’
12.A piece of material or a knot used to indicate a depth on a sounding line.
13.A point awarded for a correct answer or for proficiency in an examination or competition.
‘many candidates lose marks because they don’t read the questions carefully’
‘full marks to them for highlighting the threat to the rainforest’
14.A sign or indication of a quality or feeling.
‘the flag was at half mast as a mark of respect’
‘Somehow, the brand of the magazine becomes the mark of quality rather than the individual work in it.’
15.A small area on a surface having a different colour from its surroundings, typically one caused by damage or dirt.
‘the blow left a red mark down one side of her face’
‘Improvements in the technology behind its production mean that many papers are now more resistant to grubby marks and other damage.’
16.A spot, area, or feature on a person’s or animal’s body by which they may be identified or recognized.
‘he was five feet nine, with no distinguishing marks’
‘He had no tattoos or other distinguishing body marks but he had two crowns on teeth to the front of his right upper jaw, possibly suggesting an accident or sporting injury.’
17.A target.
‘few bullets could have missed their mark’
‘The emphasis on hitting your marks was not nearly as pronounced.’
18.A written symbol made on a document in place of a signature by someone who cannot write.
‘he signed his mark in the visitor’s book’
19.An act of catching a ball that has been kicked at least fifteen metres before it reaches the ground, or the spot from which the subsequent kick is taken.
‘David Loats takes a strong mark in the forward line in front of a few Eagles’ defenders.’
20.An official assessment of a horse’s form, expressed as a figure between 0 and 140 and used as the basis for calculating the weight the horse has to carry in a race.
‘horses tend to run off a higher mark over fences than they would over hurdles’
‘Their stablemate War At Sea could be a bit better than his handicap mark suggests here.’
21.One of two possible states of a signal in certain systems.
22.The act of cleanly catching the ball direct from a kick, knock-on, or forward throw by an opponent, on or behind one’s own 22-metre line, and exclaiming ‘Mark’, after which a free kick can be taken by the catcher.
‘Dropped marks in the forward line proved costly for the Bears and when the whistle blew to mark the end of the final quarter, Albatross had won 11-6.’
‘Free kicks and marks could be required to be taken as kicks, as the name suggests.’
23.The basic monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, equal to 100 fening.
‘When the new government took over, they issued a new currency, the Bosnian Convertible Marka, and tied it to the German Mark.’
‘It is not fair that such cuts apply equally to veterans with compensation for their wartime service of only 250 Bosnian marka ($177/month).’

1.(of a clock or watch) show (a certain time)
‘his watch marked five past eight’
‘Sure enough, as the clock marked 8.30 am, Neptune’s special police arrived on the Bridge.’
2.(of a particular quality or feature) distinguish (someone or something) from other people or things.
‘his sword marked him out as an officer’
‘It doesn’t make you part of a family, hanging out in the Apple store marks you out as a computer geek, not a trendsetter.’
3.(of a player in a team game) stay close to (an opponent) in order to prevent them getting or passing the ball.
‘each central defender marks one attacker’
‘Silsden eventually came into the game but their front men, Hoyle and Hedges were tightly marked throughout the game and had to play much of the time with their backs to goal.’
4.(of a teacher or examiner) assess the standard of (written work) by assigning points for proficiency or correct answers.
‘the examiner may have hundreds of scripts to mark’
‘It also says the initial measurement for seven-year-olds is unreliable as it is marked by teachers rather than external examiners.’
5.Acknowledge or celebrate (an important event) with a particular action.
‘to mark its fiftieth birthday the charity held a fashion show’
‘I’ll ask him why he’s boycotting tomorrow’s anniversary celebration in Moscow marking the end of World War Two.’
6.Be an indication of (a significant event or stage)
‘a series of incidents which marked a new phase in the terrorist campaign’
‘There are some defining events in the life of a nation - events that mark a major change of direction.’
7.Become stained.
‘they’re made from a woven surface which doesn’t mark or tear’
8.Catch (the ball) from a kick of at least ten metres.
‘I did well at marking the ball’
‘But in fact, it makes it almost impossible to see which player is marking the ball, as other players swarm around you.’
9.Characterize as having a particular quality or feature.
‘the reaction to these developments has been marked by a note of hysteria’
‘In every case his works are marked by a high level of technical skill and surfaces of great animation.’
10.Indicate the position of.
‘the top of the pass marks the border between Alaska and the Yukon’
‘The two people in question were driving their car out to Coney Island when they veered off the line of concrete markers which marks the route.’
11.Judge someone to be (a particular type of person)
‘she had marked him down as a dangerous liberal’
‘I look forward to a time when I can serve my country without wondering if history will mark me down as a participant in something disgraceful.’
12.Make a visible impression or stain on.
‘he fingered the photograph gently, careful not to mark it’
‘As we walked, we passed from grass and mud to stone-paved road, wet and dirty and marked with wheel tracks.’
13.Notice or pay careful attention to.
‘he’ll leave you, you mark my words!’
‘Marin didn’t seem to notice, marking something on the paper in front of him.’
14.Put a line by or through something written or printed to indicate that it has passed or been dealt with.
‘he marked off their names in a ledger’
‘In fact, you can rip up the ballot if you want - all you need to do is go to the polling booth on election day and mark your name off the register.’
15.Reduce the number of marks awarded to a person or their work.
‘teachers must mark down GCSE work containing poor grammar’
‘Like the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Lewisham has been marked down for missing its four-hour A&E waiting time target for 2004 / 5.’
16.Select or destine someone for (a particular role or fate)
‘the solicitor general marked him out for government office’
‘His life before entering the Commons hardly marks him out for the most challenging ministerial brief of the next decade.’
17.Separate or delineate (a particular section or area)
‘you need to mark out the part of the garden where the sun lingers longest’
‘There must be hundreds, thousands, of huts being erected here, on 12 by 15 plots that have been marked and staked out.’
18.Write a word or symbol on (an object) in order to give information.
‘she marked all her possessions with her name’
‘Seven columns in each ring have been marked with strange symbols, forming a huge seven-pointed star.’
19.Write or draw (a word, symbol, line, etc.) on an object.
‘she marked the date down on a card’
‘He turned his wrist over and revealed a series of code symbols marked on his arm.’

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