1.Satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one’s potential.
‘she did not believe that marriage was the key to happiness and fulfilment’
‘In her never-ending quest for spiritual fulfillment she’s in danger of running out of positions to adopt.’
2.The achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted.
‘winning the championship was the fulfilment of a childhood dream’
‘Be patient, as fulfillment of promises revives your faith.’
3.The meeting of a requirement, condition, or need.
‘the fulfilment of statutory requirements’
‘An escrow refers to money put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified.’
4.The packing and dispatch of a customer’s order by a retailer.
‘technology solutions for e-commerce order fulfilment’
‘the online store will distribute orders from eight UK fulfilment centres’
5.The performance of a duty or role as required, pledged, or expected.
‘the need to eliminate excess by the security forces in fulfilment of their duties’
‘Yet, his pilgrimage is valid and counts as fulfillment of the duty required of all Muslims who are able to make the journey.’
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