

    名词复数:gradings 词频:高频常用词
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    形容词 变体/同根词

    Without a grade.
    Having been smoothed by a grader.
    Across an entire grade (school year).
    The children, most 9 or 10, then signaled their preferences for the Democratic nomination in a gradewide straw poll.
    同义词: comparable
    Able to form degrees or grades.
    Hot and cold are gradable antonyms.
    By regular steps or gradations. || Of or pertaining to gradation.
    It was easier to remain incredulous notwithstanding the gradational distinctness of the whispers.
    The bed thickness is variable from thinly bedded to massive beds up to 9 m thick, and the contacts with other facies are generally gradational.
    Cuestas, homoclinal ridges, and hogbacks comprise a sequence of landforms that form a gradational continuum.

    名词 变体/同根词

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To form with gradations.
    To change imperceptibly from one gradation of tone etc. to another || To arrange in order of grades || (chemistry) To bring to a certain strength or grade of concentration.
    This helped them build up the climaxes of phrasing, so characteristic of the Romantic style, and to gradate more smoothly to the final part.
    At all events he can gradate from black to white with remarkable minuteness and ease.
    As soon as you find you can gradate tolerably with the pen, take an H. or hh.
    To assign scores to the components of an academic test. || To assign a score to overall academic performance. || To flatten, level, or smooth a large surface. || (sewing) To remove or trim part of a seam allowance from a finished seam so as to reduce bulk and make the finished piece more even when turned right side out. || (intransitive) To pass imperceptibly from one grade into another.
    Any teacher completing these books will never again be able to grade student work without questioning how and why that grading is taking place.
    If it were up to me, I would grade it according to its sugar content.
    In the fossil record, Neanderthals don’t grade smoothly into Homo sapiens.

    The Effects of Prostaglandin E1 on Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Its Relation to Different Pathologic Gradings of Pulmonary Arteriole



    The reason such gradings have not died out entirely is because employers still need to find ways to fairly evaluate their employees and have a basis for compensation differences, says Robert Kaplan of Harvard Business School.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-激励员工 评级与封杀 -

    Wines of France Map of France Map of France Quality Gradings ? French wines are divided into two categories, table wine and quality wine.


