

    音标:['hɪndər] 现在分词:hindering
    过去式:hindered 过去分词:hindered
    名词复数:hinders 第三人称单数:hinders
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    But the development of the separatist trend on Taiwan has greatly hindering the process of peaceful reunification
    As the achievements of China’ s economic opening-up process unfold, especially in the coastal regions, it is becoming clear that the disregard for environmental and safety measures is hindering the benefits of economic development.
    “He hopes that the talented elite would use technology to enhance human civilisation, and to research into linguistic, writing, history, communications and sociology, instead of abusing technology and hindering the development of human’s ”“thoughts”“.”
    (1)Hindering or delaying the process of power construction or the urgent repair and maintenance of power facilities, thereby making it impossible for the power construction or repair and maintenance of power facilities to be carried out normally;
    n. 【冶金学】
    refusing to accept or hindering lawful examination and supervision.

    形容词 变体/同根词

    同义词: thwartful
    Causing hinderance or setback; impeding; contrary; adverse; problematic
    “[...] Rappard remarked with regard to the starlings in the Baluran area that their activities were considered hindersome by the banteng.”
    “The sea was choppy but not hindersome. And there was no sign of enemy ships out on the water.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who, or that which, hinders.
    “Ever since the beginning, men have assigned to women the role of the dissuader, the drag, the hinderer.”
    “And this man, formerly a hinderer in the Divine plan, becomes a spiritual giant.”
    “Then was the Earl of Huntly accused by you as the maintainer of idolatry, and the only hinderer of all good order.”
    Something which hinders: something that holds back or causes problems with something else. || The state or act of hindering something
    “The only hindrance being the armour and the shields that warriors of the period carried.”
    “Any tiny advantage would be far outweighed by the serious disadvantages of a cumbersome hindrance in getting away from predators.”
    “Zen has an iconoclastic tendency, and seems to regard the study of texts, doctrines, and dogmas as a potential hindrance to spiritual awakening.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “Or at the most, the parent’s silence is a confirmation, and his disowning it hindereth only the confirmation.”
    “It hindereth our comfortable access to God, when we are deterred by the glory of his infiniteness and majesty.”
    “Whosoever searcheth all the circumstances and embraceth all the consequences thereof hindereth his election.”
    “This attitude, understandable though it is, hinders our apprehension of reality.”
    “Dreverhaven seemingly hinders him at every turn, undermining his successes out of spite, trying to break his will and ruin him financially.”
    “Many women send remittances overseas to family and friends, and this further hinders their capacity to assist others financially in Melbourne.”