

    名词复数:hospitalities 词频:高频常用词
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    From the moment you first see our pageboy to the moment you depart, you experience nothing but the warmth of traditional Chinese hospitalities
    From the moment you first see your pageboy to the moment you depart, you experience nothing but the warmth of traditional Chinese hospitalities.

    形容词 变体/同根词

    cordial and generous towards guests || receptive and open-minded || favorable
    It shows local shoppers that their custom is valued and also serves to promote our county as a warm, friendly and hospitable place to visit.
    While the 4,000 acres of high desert and hoodoos are hospitable to visitors in the fall and winter, spring and summer can be downright nasty.
    During your stay you are almost sure to be guaranteed a friendly and hospitable stay by your host family.
    Capable of being hosted.
    Characteristic of a hostess; cheerful, helpful, etc.
    Suitable for being hospitalized. || Present to such a degree that hospitalization is advisable.

    动词 变体/同根词

    To host, as a woman.
    To perform the role of a host. || (obsolete, intransitive) To lodge at an inn. || (computing) To run software made available to a remote user or process.
    We plan to host an event featuring talks from some of the country’s foremost experts on nutrition.
    Labor Day, the last holiday weekend of summer, is a great excuse to host the neighbors for a final celebratory barbecue.
    She used to host a weekly news show on the local TV network.
    To send to hospital; to admit (a person) to hospital. || (medicine) To render (a building) unfit for habitation, by long continued use as a hospital. || (of an injury, illness, event, or person) To cause (a person) to require hospitalization. || Said of an injury or illness. || Said of an assailant or other person.
    She concluded Aliah was suicidal but did not hospitalize her, referring her instead to an emergency clinic for further evaluation.
    The doctor wants to hospitalize her for a few days so that he can run some tests.
    That should put enough stress on his nervous system to hospitalize him, at least.