

例句1. they provided plenty of good hot food
例句2. it was a beautiful hot day
例句3. she felt hot and her throat was parched

名词 变体/同根词

With only a week to go before the election things are really hotting up.


The soup soon began hotting up.


The weather may have a distinct chill to it,But the National Football League season in America is definity hotting up.


||1: The LME may decide to carry on alone if a potential bidder cannot reassure its members over the changes they would introduce. ||2: But competition is hotting up. The Shanghai Futures Exchange, set up in 1999, traded around 300m contracts last year, twice as many as the LME, even if those in London are typically far bigger. The Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange is also set to launch a copper contract soon. ||3: Teaming up with a bigger exchange, which will bring more liquidity and some fresh thinking, is an idea worth shouting about.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦金属交易所 -

But a post-war debate, three weeks before a general election on February 10th, is already hotting up.


The worst east-west row for more than two decades may have stopped hotting up, but it is not cooling off much.


THE race to build the fastest helicopter is hotting up.


He added that competition among equipment vendors was hotting up, with companies starting to fight price wars.


Analysing the hotting and vibration about the drying-screen machine


In Britain, the debate is already hotting up, in no small part due to the legacy left by Brown to David Cameron.


This is a marriage with 16 partners and domestic violence is hotting up.


The battle is hotting up because this year the smartphone market is the only game in town.


Just as internal party politics are hotting up, the dividing lines between parties are blurring.



1.(in children’s games) very close to finding or guessing something.
2.(of a person) sexually attractive.
‘a _hot_ chick’
‘She may be totally _hot_ but she’s always been a little on the mean side.’
3.(of a person) wanted by the police.
4.(of an electric circuit) live or at a high voltage.
‘Locating a capacitor near a _hot_ transistor, resistor or IC will shorten its life span to a couple of years.’
‘The rectifiers are fully redundant and _hot_ pluggable for replacement or maintenance without any down time.’
5.(of food or drink) prepared by heating and served without cooling.
‘this soup is equally good _hot_ or cold’
‘Combine oil, vinegar, garlic and salt and pepper to taste; pour over _hot_ beans.’
6.(of food) containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers which produce a burning sensation when tasted.
‘a very _hot_ dish cooked with green chilli’
‘A Jamaican speciality, jerk pork is rubbed in _hot_ spices and cooked over pimento wood to impart a memorable flavour.’
7.(of goods) stolen and difficult to dispose of because easily identifiable.
‘In those first vital hours, the police decided to publicise the raid as much as possible in a bid to make the stolen pictures too _hot_ to handle.’
‘The situation goes from bad to worse after they find a way to dispose of the _hot_ merchandise.’
8.(of news) fresh and of great interest.
‘have I got some _hot_ gossip for you!’
‘Yet the formal inquiry dragged on for a week and became the latest _hot_ topic for talkback radio and office gossip.’
9.(of popular music) strongly rhythmical and excitingly played.
‘ _hot_ salsa and lambada dancing’
‘How stupid must Ian Gillan have felt that his first album with his _hot_ new band excludes him almost completely?’
10.(of the scent) fresh and strong, indicating that the quarry has passed recently.
‘In a moment they raised a loud clamor, announcing that the scent was _hot_ .’
‘Once picking up _hot_ scent, he bores in and busts birds out of the cover to provide the gun a shot.’
11.Currently popular, fashionable, or in demand.
‘they know the hottest dance moves’
‘Trousers and trouser suits were _hot_ fashion in the early 1970s and everyone tried to make them their own.’
12.Difficult to deal with.
‘he found my story simply too _hot_ to handle’
‘Out on the roads round Rivington, near Bolton, York’s Charly Wegelius once again found the Aussies too _hot_ to handle.’
13.Feeling or producing an uncomfortable sensation of heat.
‘she felt _hot_ and her throat was parched’
‘Initially, we first went to sit down at another table but found it uncomfortably _hot_ .’
14.Filled with passionate excitement, anger, or other strong emotion.
‘the idea had been nurtured in his _hot_ imagination’
‘her reply came boiling out of her, _hot_ with rage’
‘this is not so _hot_ for business’
‘Contreras and Hernandez don’t look so _hot_ on paper, but they’ve been able to get the outs they need when they need them.’
16.Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.
‘it was _hot_ inside the hall’
‘a _hot_ day in late August’
17.Involving much activity, debate, or interest.
‘the environment has become a very _hot_ issue’
‘Putting humor to such politically _hot_ and contentious issues is the best way to keep them in perspective.’
18.Lustful or erotic.
‘steamy bed scenes which may be too _hot_ for young fans’
‘I felt my lips being crushed and a _hot_ passionate kiss spread over my glossy lips.’
‘It is so _hot_ and radioactive that the miners use remote control equipment.’
20.Regarding (something) as very important; strict about.
‘local customs officers are _hot_ on confiscations’
‘Unlike their high street namesakes however, fund supermarkets are not always so _hot_ on choice or price.’
21.Very knowledgeable or skilful.
‘Tony is very _hot_ on local history’
‘But then our Johann isn’t so _hot_ on the maths, even at the best of times.’

1.Become or make more lively or exciting.
‘the championship contest _hotted_ up’
‘Things are starting to _hot_ up as the political parties gear up to contest next June’s Local Elections for the three seats to Carlow County Council in the Borris Electoral Area.’
2.Make or become hot.
‘he _hotted_ up the flask’
‘Competition for places up front is certainly _hotting_ up now, and I would expect him to be in the squad tonight.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。