

    音标:[ɪ'mjuːn] 现在分词:immuning
    过去式:immuned 过去分词:immuned
    名词复数:immunes 第三人称单数:immunes
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    be immune from smallopx as the result of vaccination
    be immune to (against) poison (disease, infection, criticism, attack)
    be immune from taxation (taxes)
    形容词 【纺织英语】
    免疫的; 免除的;免于...的,; 免疫者,; 免除者

    形容词 变体/同根词

    That immunizes
    (of a disease) That can be immunized against.

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who immunizes.
    Every Giant Eagle Pharmacy is also staffed with a qualified immunizer, who is able to administer both flu and pneumonia vaccinations.
    Mollen Immunization Clinics, the nation s largest independent mass immunizer, has joined with Verizon Wireless and Google to expand access to a variety of immunizations.
    Mollen Immunization Clinics, the nation’s largest independent mass immunizer, has joined with Verizon Wireless and Google to expand access to a variety of immunizations.
    The quality of being immunizable.
    (uncountable) The state of being insusceptible to something; notably: || (medicine) Fully protective resistance against infection. || (law) An exemption from specified duties, such as payments or services. || (law) An exemption from prosecution. || (in games and competitions) An exemption given to a player from losing or being withdrawn from play. || (countable) A resistance to a specific thing.
    The police are offering immunity to witnesses who can help them.
    Without vaccination, it can take days or weeks to acquire immunity to a particular disease.
    Politicians lost their immunity from unflattering exposure.
    (US, uncountable) The process by which an individual is safely exposed in a controlled manner to a material that is designed to prime their immune system against that material. || (US, countable) One such exposure.
    Both chronic VEGFR blockade and xenogeneic EC immunization in rats cause emphysema in rats without apparent damage to other organs.
    Intensive immunization campaigns have resulted in a marked decrease in polio throughout the world.
    In countries that struggle with low immunization rates, such products may become major lifesavers.

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive, archaic) To immunize.
    (transitive) To make someone or something immune to something. || (transitive) To inoculate someone, and thus produce immunity from a disease.
    It is prudent to immunize them with BCG at birth and follow up with another dose at a later age.
    But even her many superlatives could not immunize her from the advances in technology and societal changes.
    The vaccine employed was designed to immunize against cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, and dysentery.