

例句1. the book has a very complete index’
例句2. literature is an index to the condition of civilization’

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

(2)Its risk control indexes shall comply with the law of the country or region where it is located and with relevant regulations of its supervisory authority;


The Upsizing Wizard converts Microsoft Access primary keys to Microsoft SQL Server non-clustered, unique indexes and marks them as SQL Server primary keys.

“升迁向导”将 Microsoft Access 主键转换为 Microsoft SQL Server 非成簇的唯一索引,并将其标记为 SQL Server 主键。

Indexes window: In an Access database, a window in which you can view or edit a table′s indexes or create multiple-field indexes.

“索引”窗口:Access 数据库中的一个窗口,在其中可以查看或编辑一个表的索引,或者创建多字段的索引。

The Wall Street Journal has pointed out that the NASDAQ securities market has boosted the prosperity of high technology in the US, which has in turn promoted the rising of the NASDAQ’s indexes


Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought-resistance of Three Tree Species and the Choice of Drought-resistance Indexes


Access alerts you that deleting the EmailAddress field requires deleting the field and all its indexes .

Access 将警告您删除“电子邮件地址”字段需要删除该字段及其所有索引。

Microsoft Access chooses the index that is first alphabetically in the list of available indexes as the primary key and the ″aaaaa″ prefix ensures that the right index is chosen.

Microsoft Access 选择可用索引列表中按字母顺序排第一的索引作为主键,而“aaaaa”可确保选择了正确的索引。

Microsoft SQL Server database: A database in Microsoft SQL Server, it consists of tables, views, indexes , stored procedures, functions, and triggers.

Microsoft SQL Server 数据库:Microsoft SQL Server 中的一个数据库,由表、视图、索引、存储过程、函数和触发器组成。

Microsoft designed SQL Server from the beginning as a client/server database, where data and indexes reside on a single server computer that is often accessed over the network by many client computers.

Microsoft 从一开始就将 SQL Server 设计为客户/服务器数据库,其中数据和索引保存在单个服务器上,多台客户机经常通过网络访问这台服务器。

Progress of Study on Calculation Method of Topographic Indexes of TOPMODEL


Research on Valuation Indexes and Valuation Methods of the Car-Body Quality


Comparative Studies of the Physiological Indexes in Chestnut between Sand Storage and Low Temperature Storage


During the nationwide quality tracing tests last year, all the 23 function indexes of the products were recognized being up to the standard


Table information, including a comparison of Access and SQL Server values for names, data types, indexes , validation rules, defaults, triggers, and whether or not time stamps were added.

表的信息,包括 Access 和 SQL Server 的一系列值(有名称、数据类型、索引、有效性规则、默认值、触发器以及是否添加了时间戳)的比较。

The detailed plan for a city shall define the scope for the use of land for each construction project within the planned plot and provide the control indexes for building density and building height, the general layout, the comprehensive plan for utilities engineering and the plan for site engineering.


world export prices indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods


The content of a book or document exclusive of prefatory matter, codicils, indexes , or appendices.


There are three indexes to assess coverage of old-age insurance scientifically.


In quill winding, however, the traverse only covers part of the quill at a time. When one section is built up, the traverse indexes to the next section.


Test Method for Indexes of Whiteness and Yellowness of Near-White, Opaque Materials

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 313-1998

I receive an error that a table exceeds the limit of 32 indexes .

得到多于 32 个表索引的错误消息。

Research on the Normalization Method of Risk Evaluation Indexes of Geological Hazard


Article 17 Names and indexes of State roads shall be set by the transportation department of the State Council. Names and indexes of provincial, county and township roads shall be set by the transportation departments of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities according to the relevant provisions of the transportation department of the State Council.


Periodically compact your SQL Server database to save disk space and reorganize indexes and data for faster access.

定期压缩您的 SQL Server 数据库,以节省磁盘空间,并重新组织索引和数据,以便更快地访问数据。

Multiple-column indexes enable you to distinguish between rows in which one column may have the same value.


Fever indexes illness.


Effect of Royal Jelly on Hematological Indexes of Exercised Mice


Thermal insulation in buildings; indexes ; list of subjects

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4108 Bb.1-1982

Alpine skis; Determination of fatigue indexes ; Cyclic loading test

高山雪橇 疲劳指数的测定 周期性载荷试验

Alpine skis; determination of fatigue indexes ; cyclic loading test

属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN ISO 6266-1981

healthy body’s superficial vnules of indexes


属类:化学及生命科学 -医学-中医


2.(in a book or set of books) an alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc. with reference to the pages on which they are mentioned.
‘clear cross references supplemented by a thorough index’
‘The index and bibliography are thorough as well.’
3.A figure in a system or scale representing the average value of specified prices, shares, or other items as compared with some reference figure.
‘the hundred-shares index closed down 9.3’
‘Investors can bet on individual shares or stock indices, such as the Iseq, Ftse 100, Dow Jones, or Nasdaq going up or down.’
4.A number giving the magnitude of a physical property or other measured phenomenon in terms of a standard.
‘the oral hygiene index was calculated as the sum of the debris and calculus indices’
‘At the end of March, the air pollution index shot up to 174, a record high.’
5.A pointer on an instrument, showing a quantity, a position on a scale, etc.
6.A set of items each of which specifies one of the records of a file and contains information about its address.
‘The method includes a tag counting system for indexing structured documents and for implementing the structure indexes within the relational database.’
‘I’ve used backup products with on-line indexes but no way to rebuild them from tape.’
7.A sign or measure of something.
‘exam results may serve as an index of the teacher’s effectiveness’
‘The drop in organised sector employment and the growing casualisation of labour is then an index of a general failure of policy since the 1990s - not cause but consequence.’
8.A symbol shaped like a pointing hand, used to draw attention to a note.
9.An alphabetical list by title, author, or other category of a collection of books or documents, for example in a library.
‘Additionally, Regulation 68.2 states that audit documentation must include an index or guide to the documentation.’
‘Libraries that use card indices may seem archaic, but they are actually very modern.’
10.An exponent or other superscript or subscript number appended to a quantity.
‘The thesis contains a proof of the fact that for any closed manifold the sum of the indices of a generic vector field is a topological invariant, namely the Euler characteristic.’
‘If we look at the indices of the Fibonacci numbers, we can directly predict which Fibonacci number will be the square of the hypotenuse.’

1.(of a machine or part of one) move from one predetermined position to another in order to carry out a sequence of operations.
‘a lathe with a cross-slide and an indexing arrangement’
‘Newly developed software allows the gage to check parts during indexing without affecting machine layout or cycle time.’
2.Link the value of (prices, wages, or other payments) automatically to the value of a price index.
‘the Supreme Soviet passed legislation indexing wages to prices’
‘If the minimum wage were indexed for inflation, it would be around $8.50 today.’
3.Provide an index to.
‘she offered help in indexing my text book on bookselling’
‘data sets are indexed by subject’
4.Record (names, subjects, etc.) in an index.
‘the list indexes theses under regional headings’
‘Smokers’ medical records should also be indexed so that they are readily identifiable and easy to retrieve.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。