

    音标:['ɪndeks] 现在分词:indexing
    过去式:indexed 过去分词:indexed
    名词复数:indexes 第三人称单数:indexes
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    Card indexes in a library
    IFC Investable Indexes (IFCI Indexes): These Indexes are calculated using the same factors as the IFC Global Indexes but also take into account the extent to which national laws, regulations, or company statutes prohibit or limit foreign ownership.
    国际金融公司可投资指数(简写为IFCI Indexes):这些指数是采用与国际金融公司全球指数相同的因素进行计算的,但也考虑到国家法律、规定或公司法令禁止或限制外国所有权的程度。
    IFC Global Indexes (IFCG Indexes): The IFCG Indexes are neutral and reliable benchmarks of emerging markets’ performance, calculated in a uniform manner.
    国际金融公司全球指数(简写为IFCG Indexes):是衡量新兴市场表现业绩的中立、可靠的基准指数
    Producers of printed indexes to the serial literature are also making information available in a machine-readable form


    例句1. the book has a very complete index’

    例句2. literature is an index to the condition of civilization’


    名词 变体/同根词

    plural form of index
    “The appreciation indices also continued to rise, averaging a phenomenal 85 in the early months of the new year.”
    “Since one-year results of stock indices jump all over the lot, let’s look at five-year annualised returns.”
    “These indices characterize the relationship between linear elastic behaviour and non-linear behaviour of the material.”
    (grammar) the indicative mood
    (mathematics) The condition of being indicable
    An indication; a sign.
    “By imaging the naturally occurring fingerprint inside the security box, Escher binds the indicium to each particular piece of paper.”
    The state or condition of being indicative.

    动词 变体/同根词

    “The key words indicating lactose presence include whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids, and non-fat dry milk powder.”
    “As the map shown earlier illustrates, use of child soldiers has a certain geographic clustering, perhaps indicating cross-border spillovers.”
    “The vacuole numbers were much higher in the old than in the young mice, indicating the rapid development of sponginess caused by aging.”
    “An announcement over the public address system indicated there was a technical glitch.”
    “I appreciate, too, the scholarship you appear to be undertaking this endeavor as indicated by your extensive annotations and explanations.”
    “The oral drug is indicated for use in immunocompromised patients for maintenance treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis.”
    To point out; to discover; to direct to a knowledge of; to show; to make known. || To show or manifest by symptoms; to point to as the proper remedies. || To signal in a vehicle the desire to turn right or left. || To investigate the condition or power of, as of steam engine, by means of an indicator.
    “The data should indicate that our projections on future trends are accurate.”
    “She would clearly indicate her position on the controversial matter during her speech.”
    “Please indicate which of our vegetables you would like on your plate today.”