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Her extravagance ate into her husband’s inheritances .


He allots the imposts, taxes each person conscientiously, judges quarrels for nothing, divides inheritances without charge, pronounces sentences gratuitously


||1:“WE BELIEVE in you for better jobs, raises and bonuses, finding money, money finding us, incomes, royalties, real estates, dividends, inheritances …We pray to Jesus and there shall be a turnaround.”||2:So ends the service at the Walthamstow branch of the Kingsway International Christian Centre.||3:Dancers in long white skirts carrying red umbrellas leap onto the stage.||4:Perhaps 1,000 smartly dressed worshippers chant along while ushers collect hefty “tithes”.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非洲五旬节派 -

||1:In a new NBER working paper, Thomas Piketty of the Paris School of Economics and Emmanuel Saez of the University of California at Berkeley poke different holes in the conventional view.||2:The old models, they point out, ignore inheritances .||3:In the real world inheritances strongly influence income levels, particularly among the very rich.||4:Mr Romney recently reinforced this very point by exhorting students to borrow from parents if necessary.||5:Taxes on wages and salaries are inadequate to the task of limiting inequality because they punish those who owe high incomes to greater ability and effort, rather than to inheritances .||6:Messrs Piketty and Saez also question the scale of the threat to growth.||7:They point to ratios of capital to output, which are surprisingly stable over time despite tax swings.||8:Their model finds that the optimal tax rate on inheritance could be 50-60% or more.

||1:在一份新的美国国家经济研究局(NBER)的工作报告中,巴黎经济学院的Thomas Piketty 和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的Emmanuel Saez 在传统的观点中找到了另外一些漏洞。||2:他们指出,旧模型忽略了遗产的因素。||3:在现实世界里,遗产强烈影响了收入水平,尤其是对于那些巨富来说更是如此。||4:罗姆尼最近强调了这一点,他规劝学生们有必要的话可以向家长借钱。||5:对工钱或薪水征税不足以限制收入不公,因为这些税收对因自身能力和努力工作而获得高收入的人造成了损害,反而放过了因遗产而暴富的人。||6:Messrs Piketty 和Saez同样质疑了经济增长是否真的受到了那么大程度的威胁。||7:他们显示了资本对产量的比率,发现就算税率变动,这一比率却能长期保持平稳,令人惊异。||8:他们的模型发现对遗产征收的最佳税率能达到50%到60%,甚至更多。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-关于资本税的零和争论 -

But inheritances are deeply personal and the biggest single gift that many give to causes they believe in and loved ones they may have cherished.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-继承税:为向死亡征税而辩(2) -

Research on inheritances , for instance, suggests that most heirs consume their windfall within a few years (purchases of cars are especially popular).

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-四十亩地和一头骡子(2) -

Objective-C only supports single inheritance between classes, while UML supports multiple inheritances .


Unexpected news about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances , wills, taxes, debt and the wealth of others is likely this week.


Five "Changes" and "Inheritances " in the Current International Relations


That’s not the case for one major reason: transformation contexts do not support multiple inheritances .


A Primary Study on the Inheritances of Wheat Leaf Inclination Ang le


Many over-50s now live off the capital of dead people, as inheritances replace salaries.


The Management Institution and Its Reform about the Resource of Nature Culture Inheritances



1.A thing that is inherited.
‘he came into a comfortable _inheritance_ ’
‘I don’t want a penny of your _inheritance_ ’
2.The action of inheriting.
‘the _inheritance_ of traits’
‘This difference in concept has important implications for family _inheritance_ and for the ownership structure.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。