例句1. instant access to your money
动词 变体/同根词
1.(in business letters) of the current month.
‘your letter of the 6th _instant_ ’
‘I have duly received your letter of the 8th _instant_ , on the subject of the stone in your possession, supposed meteoric.’
2.(of a person) becoming a specified thing immediately.
‘become an _instant_ millionaire’
‘How everyday people became _instant_ reporters with the help of cell phones and the Internet.’
3.(of food) processed to allow very quick preparation.
‘ _instant_ coffee’
‘The team is urgently seeking storage space in the Tokyo Tower vicinity to keep bottled water, blankets, tents, canned and _instant_ food and other supplies.’
4.Happening or coming immediately.
‘the offence justified _instant_ dismissal’
‘But intense pressure for _instant_ e-business success has led many companies to open their doors before the paint’s dry.’
5.Of the present moment.
‘In the _instant_ case, the direct given by the judge has not been shown to be inappropriate in the circumstances.’
‘In the _instant_ case, the direction given by the judge has not been shown to be inappropriate in the circumstances.’
6.Prepared quickly and with little effort.
‘we can’t promise _instant_ solutions’
‘It is clear there is no _instant_ solution.’
7.Urgent; pressing.
‘an _instant_ desire to blame others when things go wrong’
‘To most petrolheads the combined letters ‘XKR’ demands _instant_ desire and respect, even if the person has never driven one.’
1.A precise moment of time.
‘come here this _instant_ !’
‘at that _instant_ the sun came out’
2.A very short time; a moment.
‘for an _instant_ the moon disappeared’
‘It proposes that you can make up your mind about something, and be invariably correct, in an _instant_ ; that snap judgment is often a more effective tool than detailed analysis.’
3.Instant coffee.
‘Do you prefer fresh coffee to _instant_ and do you purchase mineral water?’
‘But anyone who has drunk freshly ground coffee and then reverted to _instant_ will know what I’m talking about.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。