

    音标:['ɪnstɪtuːt] 现在分词:instituting
    过去式:instituted 过去分词:instituted
    名词复数:institutes 第三人称单数:institutes
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    International Federation of Societies and Institutes for the Study of the Renaissance
    The scientific and educational supplies imported free of tax by colleges and universities (including medical colleges)and scientific research institutes
    This famous university is in the front rank of the institutes.
    The National Federation of Women’s Institutes
    n. 【法律专业】

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Throughout an institution.
    Of, pertaining to, or following institutionalism
    Having been established as an institution. || Having been committed to an institution, such as a prison or an insane asylum.
    Relating to an institution or institutions. || Containing the first principles or doctrines; rudimentary.
    “In any ordinary meaning of his words, he regarded them both as institutionary.”
    “They are didactic, to preserve the myth, or institutionary, to keep alive the discipline and forms of the church.”
    Tending or intended to institute; having the power to establish. || Established; depending on, or characterized by, institution or order.

    名词 变体/同根词

    A person who institutes something
    The quality of being institutional.
    A writer or compiler of, or a commentator on, institutes.
    (British spelling) the process of embedding something within an organisation or society as an established custom or norm.
    “Jane Freeman Mouline’s chapter concerns the institutionalisation of Tahitian dance and its evolution from a village-based participatory genre to a specialist art form.”
    “The Crusades also had a role in the creation and institutionalisation of the military and Dominican orders as well as the Medieval Inquisition.”
    “In 1998, NATO established a set of general guidelines that do not allow for a formal institutionalisation of relations, but reflect the Allies’ desire to increase cooperation.”
    Adherence to the established religion, or to established codes of conduct || The use of public institutions in health care and social services
    “We have no such bricks-and-mortar institutionalism to counter, nor a safe structure within which to slowly develop.”
    “One adaptation of an approach that was originally applied to the study of domestic politics that Hix drew upon was new institutionalism.”
    “In some respects, the so-called new institutionalism was a rebellion against behaviouralism.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    to establish as a normal practice || to commit a person to confinement in an institution
    “We must constantly work to improve conditions in all areas of our work and institutionalize our process improvements.”
    “The more difficult task is to institutionalize a process that can achieve his vision.”
    “The effect has been to institutionalize a process that, by its very nature, seems to defy institutionalization.”