

    名词复数:investigations 词频:高频常用词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    the subject under investigation
    still await investigation
    begin an investigation of health conditions
    carry on investigations in …
    conduct a scientific investigation into the possibilities of gas turbines
    make investigations on (of,into) the relation of the housefly to disease
    1. 研究;调查[C][U][(+on/of/into)]
    【医学】 【中医】
    Rules for investigation and forecast of the brown plant hopper(Nilaparvata lugens Stal)and the white-backed plant hopper(Sogatalla furcifera Horvath)
    n. 【法律专业】
    审查 ,研究,侦查,调查
    Scientific investigation of soil release from textile structures has greatly proliferated in recent years.
    n. 【机械】
    Rules for investigation and forecast of the brown plant hopper(Nilaparvata lugens Stal)and the white-backed plant hopper(Sogatalla furcifera Horvath)
    【消】①调查(有纵火嫌疑的火灾) ②检查(已扑灭的火灾) ③查询(有火灾嫌疑的烟,热,气味等)

    形容词 变体/同根词

    (philosophy) Capable of being investigated or studied.
    “And what is not investigable lies outside the province of science.”
    “The Paris population might hold bacteriological and epidemiological secrets, but to Yersin they were investigable and knowable ones.”
    “This, of course, leaves aside those in value theory who maintain that values are not investigable by science.”
    Aimed at investigating; investigative.
    “No investigatory tribunal has ever been established for the Thatcher period.”
    “All this strengthens the case for an independent, blue-ribbon investigatory commission, as urged by the Senator.”
    “The genius he displayed was of a scientific order, his talent was of an investigatory habit, and his curiosity was unappeasable.”
    Of or pertaining to investigation; inquisitive; curious; searching.
    “It has been suggested that British investigative journalists may be responsible.”
    “He was Russia’s most renowned investigative reporter, specializing in abuse and corruption by a system that could produce little else.”
    “Mr Marsh had said it was a good piece of investigative journalism which was marred by flawed reporting.”
    Of, or relating to investigating, or to an investigation. || (medicine) of, or relating to an unapproved drug or chemical entity being studied.
    “The authors discuss several investigational approaches that are currently being studied in clinical trials.”
    “Pupils at the college are encouraged to adopt an active investigational approach to their learning, designed to stimulate an enquiring mind.”
    “We were then able to start our feasibility trial in the United States for an investigational device exemption.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who investigates
    “Furthermore, that is a question into which no investigator or prosecutor can enquire.”
    “He’s a real-life medical fraud investigator who helped catch that homicidal doctor.”
    “The series, which follows the adventures of a single mother turned private investigator, also helped him first strike gold in publishing.”
    feminine equivalent of investigator
    (philosophy) The state or condition of being capable of being investigated.
    “Let us suppose the existence of three concentric circles.... The partition is meant to indicate degrees of scientific investigability.”