例句1. many people in the area relied on the coconut plantations for their livelihood’
形容词 变体/同根词
名词 变体/同根词
动词 变体/同根词
(11)pensions for supporting the family members: where the workers are deceased due to occupational poisoning, pensions shall be paid from the work injury insurance fund for the family members of the deceased for whom the deceased before their death provided main sources of livelihood .
(5)public utility enterprises and public facilities that have a vital bearing on the national economy and the people’s livelihood ;
(1)public utility enterprises and enterprises that have an important relationship to the national economy and the people’s livelihood , for which the relevant government departments grant subsidies or adopt other measures to assist the repayment of debts;
(1)Conscripts who are residents of rural areas, when discharged from active service, shall be provided with proper arrangements for their work and livelihood by the people’s governments of townships, nationality townships and towns. Government organs, public organizations, enterprises and institutions shall give appropriate preference to them when recruiting staff and workers from rural areas.
1. The few merchandises that are of great importance to development of the national economy and the people’s livelihood ;
That I am dependent on another, I who have always gained my own livelihood honestly.
“Mr. Tang,” he said, “to set up a bank would be our salvation, no doubt; but the government shouldn’t just stand by and watch industry go downhill when it is on industry that national prosperity and the people’s livelihood depend
When you live close to big trees,there’ll be enough firewood.-One’s livelihood or career is assured if he has powerful friends.
Antinori’s determination to clone threatens his current livelihood
Then the man introduced himself: “I’m Zhang Fei and my livelihood is selling wine and slaughtering hogs.”
those fees which do not affect general livelihood
Funds for this purpose are included in the fiscal budgets of the local people’s governments, which determine the minimum living standard according to the cost necessary for maintaining the basic livelihood of the local urbanites
Secure a well-off livelihood for the people
The rights and obligations between the litigants are clear and the applicant’s livelihood or business operation would be seriously affected if no prior execution is enforced
Article 26. Where mining or the construction of underground projects, because of water drainage, results in a lowering of the groundwater level, the depletion of groundwater or the subsidence of the ground and causes losses to the livelihood and production of units or individuals, the mining unit or the construction unit shall take remedial measures and compensate for the losses.
第二十六条 开采矿藏或者兴建地下工程,因疏干排水导致地下水水位下降、枯竭或者地面塌陷,对其他单位或者个人的生活和生产造成损失的,采矿单位或者 建设单位应当采取补救措施,赔偿损失。
Article 23. Where a water project to be built by the state requires the resettlement of inhabitants, the local people’s government shall be responsible for making proper arrangements for the livelihood and production of the inhabitants to be resettled. The funds needed for the resettlement of inhabitants shall be included in the investment plan for the project, and the resettlement shall be completed within the construction stage on schedule.
第二十三条 国家兴建水工程需要移民的,由地方人民政府负责妥善安排移民的生活和生产。安置移民所需的经费列入工程建设投资计划,并应当在建设阶段按 计划完成移民安置工作。
Article 21 Audit institutions shall conduct audit in a regular and planned way with regard to the State-owned enterprises that are vital to the national economy and the people’s livelihood , or the State-owned enterprises that heavily depend upon government subsidies, or have large amounts of losses, and other State-owned enterprises designated by the State Council or the people’s governments at the corresponding levels.
第二十一条 审计机关对与国计民生有重大关系的国有企业、接受财政补贴较多或者亏损数额较大的国有企业,以及国务院和本级地方人民政府指定的其他国有企业,应当有计划地定期进行审计。
Article 36 The State shall practise the protective purchasing price system and establish risk fund for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people’s livelihood .
第三十六条 国家对粮食等关系国计民生的重要农产品实行保护收购制度,设立风险基金。
Article 35 Market regulation shall be gradually practised in the purchasing or selling of agricultural products, and the State shall carry out necessary macro-regulation and control in the purchasing or selling activities of major agricultural products relating to the national economy and the people’s livelihood .
第三十五条 农产品的购销逐步实行市场调节,国家对关系国计民生的重要农产品的购销活动实行必要的宏观调控。
Article 10 After retirement or resignation, when workers truly have financial difficulties in their livelihood , or many of their children have been sent working in the rural or mountainous areas, or few of their children are employed , in principle one of their children may be employed as worker.
第十条 工人退休、退职后,家庭生活确实困难的,或多子女上山下乡、子女就业少的,原则上可以招收其一名符合招工条件的子女参加工作。
Article 11 The designation and adjustment of the limits of the military restricted zones and the military administrative zones shall, on the premise of ensuring the security and effective utilization of military installations, take account of economic construction, protection of natural environment and the production and livelihood of the local population.
第十一条 军事禁区,军事管理区范围的划定或者调整,应当在确保军事设施安全保密和使用效能的前提下,兼顾经济建设、自然环境保护和当地群伞的生产、生活。
Article 41 A citizen who needs the assistance of lawyers in respect of matters such as livelihood support, work-related injuries, criminal procedure, claims for State compensation or claims for lawful payment of pensions for the disabled or families of the deceased, but cannot afford lawyers fees, may obtain legal aid in accordance with State regulations.
第四十一条 公民在赡养、工伤、刑事诉讼、请求国家赔偿和请求依法发给抚恤金等方面需要获得律师帮助,但是无力支付律师费用的,可以按照国家规定获得法律援助。
Article 1. This Law is formulated for the rational development and utilization of water resources and the protection of such resources, for the prevention and control of water disasters, and for the full derivation of comprehensive benefits from water resources in order to meet the needs in national economic development and in the livelihood of the people.
第一条 为合理开发利用和保护水资源,防治水害,充分发挥水资源的综合效益,适应国民经济发展和人民生活的需要,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purpose of ensuring smooth progress of railway transport and railway construction in order to meet the demands of socialist modernization and people’s livelihood .
Higher duty rates were applied to products which were produced domestically or which were considered non-essential for the national economy and the people’s livelihood
Higher duty rates were applied to products which were produced domestically or which were considered non-essential for the national economy and the people’s livelihood . A higher duty was applied to imported products, the equivalent of which were produced domestically and the local manufacturer of which needed protection.“
Enrich the supply of the food market to improve the people’s livelihood .
My father gained a bare livelihood of family by his own hands
The purpose of reform and opening to the outside world and developing market economy is to improve the people’s livelihood .
Improve the people’s livelihood
eke out one’s livelihood
属类:经济金融 -现代商务-
the Principle of People’s Livelihood
属类:法学专业 -法律专业-
beneficial to the people’s livelihood
属类:经济金融 -现代商务-
national welfare and people’s livelihood
属类:行业术语 -环境-
national welfare and the people’s livelihood
属类:经济金融 -经贸-
effecting the long-overdue improvements in people’s livelihood
属类:经济金融 -贸易-
be compensated on a barter basis with part of the means of production and livelihood
1.A means of securing the necessities of life.
‘people whose livelihoods depend on the rainforest’
‘The club might not be in existence by the end of the season and ultimately it is our livelihoods and careers that are at stake.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。