例句1. a tall girl with long brown hair’
例句2. the white rhinoceros can reach 17 feet long’
例句3. the couple fought a long battle to get welfare benefits’
例句1. all through the exams I longed for the holidays’
动词 变体/同根词
Electromagnetic environment requirements for sea long and middle range radionavigation stations and monitors
Washing tools with limited quantity water for live working (Short water gun with long water column)
Current maturity of long term debt
No matter how the international situation changes, so long as we can ensure appropriate economic growth, we shall stand firm as Mount Tai.
long-range transport(LRT)
长程输送; 长程飘移
Digitaria longiflora [long-flowered crabgrass]
Specifications for 960 telephone channel modulation equipment used in long-haul terrestrial analog radio relay systems
Specifications for 960 telephone channel demodulation equipment used in long-haul terrestrial analog radio relay systems
Specifications for colour TV modulation equipment (1 TV+1 sound program)used in long-haul terrestrial analog radio-relay systems
long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe
Working Group on Long-Term Studies and Projections and Their Policy Implications for Development
Seminar on the Role of Long-term Forecasting in the Formulation of Science and Technology Policies
Yield on long term government Bond
Long-run aggregate supply schedule
长期总供给表 供给表,
long pile fabric,knitted or crocheted of any textile yarns
long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS)
determination of the long-term ultimate bending strain and calculation of the long-term ultimate relative ring deflection,both under wet conditions
Mr Chan Ying Tseung Memorial Social Centre for the Elderly [Yuen Long Town Hall Management Committee]
Stanley Mechanised Small Long Liner Fishermen’s Credit Co-operative Society, Unlimited
Tai Po Purse Seiner and Small Long Liner Fishermen’s Credit Co-operative Society, Unlimited
But the risk in doing so, considering such a long span, for the first time in the world with lightweight concrete was reckoned to be too great by the Ministry of Transport.
“But the problem is, in pursuit of world hegemony, the United States has frequently violated the human rights of other countries, it has long lost its credibility as ”the defender of human rights“, let alone ”the world’s human rights judge“”
fabric ,long pile,elastic,knitted or crocheted of textile yarns combined with rubber threads
When shaving exceptionally heavy or long beards
How long will it take to get to your house?
broad, long-term land use-transport-environment planning strategy
Standard method for testing the long term alpha irradiation stability of solidified high-level radioactive waste forms
Telephone transmission interference allowance for long-distance high-capacity analogue microwave communication systems
1.(after a measurement and in questions) measuring a specified distance from end to end.
‘a boat 150 feet _long_ ’
‘The structure, constructed entirely of reinforced concrete, is 200 metres _long_ .’
2.(after a noun of duration and in questions) lasting or taking a specified amount of time.
‘a week- _long_ course’
‘the debates will be 90 minutes _long_ ’
3.(after a noun of extent and in questions) having a specified extent.
‘the statement was three pages _long_ ’
‘The script, he says, is approximately 800-1000 pages _long_ , the equivalent to eight to ten hours of dialogue.’
4.(of a ball in sport) travelling a great distance, or further than expected or intended.
‘he tried to head a _long_ ball back to the keeper’
‘One _long_ Aberdeen ball upfield 30 seconds later and Riordan was to be harshly punished.’
5.(of a broker or their position in the market) buying or based on long stocks.
‘When markets turn vulnerable, the enterprising speculator may this time decide to reverse his _long_ position and go short.’
‘Buy-ins are generated by a _long_ broker to close out an open fail with a counterparty.’
6.(of a drink) large and refreshing, and in which alcohol, if present, is not concentrated.
‘The music is free so - in an ideal world - all you need is your shades, your sun block and a _long_ cold drink.’
‘He suggests serving them in _long_ summer drinks and Martinis, or in chilled soup such as gazpacho’
7.(of a garment or sleeves on a garment) covering the whole of a person’s legs or arms.
‘a sweater with _long_ sleeves’
‘he’s scarcely old enough to be in _long_ trousers’
8.(of a journey) covering a great distance.
‘I went for a _long_ walk’
‘By the time she got to Florida, the car had broken down and couldn’t make the _long_ journey back.’
9.(of a person) tall.
‘A _long_ woman standing nearby was staring at us.’
‘He was a _long_ lean man with grey eyes.’
10.(of a person’s memory) retaining things for a great amount of time.
‘The Parisian spectators have _long_ memories and they do not like a bad loser.’
‘You don’t need a _long_ memory to have perspective in sport, just a memory.’
11.(of a security) maturing at a distant date.
‘Issuers who are unwilling to pay the price to sell these _long_ securities can instead sell shorter maturities.’
‘ _Long_ securities are such a good substitute for cash.’
12.(of a vowel or syllable) having the greater of the two recognized durations.
‘Let’s assume that _long_ syllables take just twice as _long_ to say as short ones.’
‘Vocal delivery feels like a poetry reading, spoken as much as sung, but with _long_ drawn syllables.’
13.(of a vowel) categorized as long with regard to quality and length (e.g. in standard British English the vowel /u?/ in food is long as distinct from the short vowel /?/ in good).
‘French _long_ vowels always occur on stressed syllables.’
‘In French, Italian, and Scottish English _long_ vowels occur in a narrow range of positions and in general do not affect meaning.’
14.(of odds or a chance) reflecting or representing a low level of probability.
‘winning against _long_ odds’
‘The odds are _long_ , the rewards are high, but there is no assurance of winning.’
15.(of shares, bonds, or other assets) bought in advance, with the expectation of a rise in price.
‘After all, back in the seventies, the _long_ bond yield was up in the mid teens.’
‘Is there a worldwide shortage of _long_ bonds?’
16.Lasting or taking a great amount of time.
‘a _long_ and distinguished career’
‘she took a _long_ time to dress’
17.Measuring a great distance from end to end.
‘a _long_ corridor’
‘ _long_ black hair’
18.Of elongated shape.
‘shaped like a torpedo, _long_ and thin’
‘Just make sure you have a suitably _long_ implement with which to scrape out the marrow so you can spread it on some toast.’
19.Relatively great in extent.
‘write a _long_ report’
‘a _long_ list of candidates’
20.Seeming to last more time than is the case; lengthy.
‘serving _long_ hours on the committee’
‘A few days went by and it seemed like the summer was going to be very _long_ and heading towards boring.’
21.Well supplied with.
‘an industry that’s _long_ on ideas but short on cash’
‘The hearing which followed was _long_ on plausibility, but short on actuality.’
1.(after a noun of duration) throughout a specified period.
‘it rained all day _long_ ’
‘I’d throw a ball against the wall of our house all day _long_ to learn the basics because I had no-one to play with.’
2.(with reference to the ball in sport) at, to, or over a great distance.
‘the Cambridge side played the ball _long_ ’
‘The front two had little support other than balls knocked _long_ to alleviate the pressure.’
3.After an implied point of time.
‘he couldn’t wait any longer’
‘Her father was a very important man in the city and he could not stay any longer no matter what his daughter wished.’
4.At a time distant from a specified event or time.
‘the work was compiled _long_ after his death’
‘Bob sleighing was popular in and around La Plagne _long_ before the Olympic course was built.’
5.Beyond the point aimed at; too far.
‘he threw the ball _long_ ’
‘The ball went _long_ and out of play.’
6.For a long time.
‘we hadn’t known them _long_ ’
‘an experience they will _long_ remember’
7.In questions about a period of time.
‘how _long_ have you been working?’
‘Questions ranged from how _long_ the baby had been on mother’s milk to how often the baby fell sick.’
1.A long period.
‘see you before _long_ ’
‘it will not be for _long_ ’
2.A long sound such as a long signal in Morse code or a long vowel or syllable.
‘two _longs_ and a short’
‘SOS is three _longs_ , followed by three shorts, and another three _longs_ .’
3.Assets held in a long position.
‘What this tells us is that the funds had begun to not only eliminate _longs_ but were in the process of actually building a short position since the technical indicators had all flipped negative.’
‘The risk of the _longs_ is that the price will fall.’
4.Long-dated securities, especially gilts.
‘At this level we will accumulate dollar _longs_ and warn buyers of gold stocks to watch out for a renewed decline if the dollar’s seasonal pattern holds true.’
‘In a weekly uptrend, continue adding to _longs_ whenever the force index turns negative; continually add to shorts in downtrends whenever the force index turns positive.’
1.Have a strong wish or desire.
‘she _longed_ for a little more excitement’
‘we are _longing_ to see the new baby’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。