

例句1. he called an election to seek a mandate for his policies’

名词 变体/同根词

(7)If a motion initiated jointly by one-third of all the members of the Legislative Council charges the Chief Executive with serious breach of law or dereliction of duty and if he or she refuses to resign, the Council may, by a resolution, give a mandate to the President of the Court of Final Appeal to form an independent investigation committee to carry out investigation.


"at the age of 50; one knows the mandate of Heaven."


“So, we have a state mandate on doing PE, with a teaching credential that says you can teach it, even if you’ve only had one course in how to teach it,” Morris says


“consistent with its mandate ; locking in the progress already made and basing the negotiations on the existing texts”


“Morality” and “Devotion” in Shang-Book and Yih-Chou-Book: Analysis of the Causes for Obeying the Heavenly Mandate


1. Those subsidiary bodies[1] of the WTO which have a mandate covering China’s commitments under the WTO Agreement or this Protocol shall, within one year after accession and in accordance with paragraph 4 below, review, as appropriate to their mandate, the implementation by China of the WTO Agreement and of the related provisions of this Protocol.

1 .所获授权涵盖中国在《WTO协定》或本议定书项下承诺的WTO下属机构 [1] ,应在加入后 1 年内,并依照以下第 4 款,在符合其授权的情况下,审议中国实施《WTO协定》和本议定书相关规定的情况。

108. In this situation, I should like to add a caveat for the Government of South Africa. Let that Government not suppose that the termination of its legal Mandate absolves it from international responsibility for its actions in that Territory


A Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services (hereinafter referred to as the NGMTS)is established to carry out this mandate


322.Members of the Working Party requested that China submit the notifications required in the Draft Protocol and Report to the WTO body with a mandate covering the subject of the notification. The representative of China confirmed that China would submit its notifications to these bodies, consistent with Section 18.1 and Annex 1A of the Draft Protocol. The Working Party took note of this commitment.“

322 .工作组成员要求中国向所获授权涵盖通知主题的 WTO 机构提交议定书(草案)和工作组报告书所要求的通知。中国代表确认,中国将在与议定书(草案)第 18 条第 1 款和附件 1A 相一致的情况下,向这些机构提交其通知。工作组注意到这一承诺。

The above-mentioned purchase was made on his highness’s account, whose mandate I had, for the sum of four hundred thousand francs


The mandate of a Chairman or vice-chairman who no longer represents a member of the Technical Committee shall terminate automatically


Moreover, the Act would in any event have been in flagrant violation of rights of the inhabitants under the covenant of the League of Nations, the Mandate Agreement, and Chapters IX and XI of the United Nations Charter


Initially from Shang ,there was the notion that the ruler (the “son of heaven”)governed by divine right but that his dethronement would prove that he had lost the mandate .


If the parties agree to have one arbitrator to form an arbitration tribunal, the arbitrator shall be selected jointly by the parties or be nominated by the chairman of the arbitration commission in accordance with a joint mandate given by the parties.


Article 86 A cheque n which the name of the payee is missing may be completed by the drawer’s mandate ,

第八十六条 支票上未记载收款人名称的,经出票人授权,可以补记。

Article 31 If the parties agree to form an arbitration tribunal comprising three arbitrators, each party shall select or authorize the chairmen of the arbitration commission to appoint one arbitrator. The third arbitrator shall be selected jointly by the parties or be nominated by the chairman of the arbitration commission in accordance with a joint mandate given by the parties. The third arbitrator shall be the presiding arbitrator.

第三十一条 当事人约定由三名仲裁员组成仲裁庭的,应当各自选定或者各自委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员,第三名仲裁员由当事人共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定。第三名仲裁员是首席仲裁员。

give an unequivocal legal mandate for air strikes


And this time the tone and manner in which the command was given, betokened such growing hostility that the two young men perceived, for the first time, that the mandate was addressed to them


According to government mandate in the Lion City, tipping is not permitted


According to government mandate in the Lion City, tipping is not permitted. It’s basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the 10% service charge that many high-end hotels tack on to the bill.


period in which the purchase mandate remains in force


Ad Hoc Meeting of High-level Experts on the Revision of the Mandate of the Regional Commissions


After protracted consideration the national government had decided to ask a mandate from the people.


It gave three of its members a mandate to place themselves at the disposition of the French authorities to assist them in preparing a draft international agreement.


He drew back instantly as if obeying an Imperial decree or a mandate from Buddha.


main mandate of building socialism with Chinese characteristics; main objective of building socialism with Chinese characteristics


be mandate d to a country


Accept a popular mandate


Their administrative mandate should be further weakened while that of service and self discipline be strengthened to function as a bridge between the government and the business circle.


the Council may, after passing a motion for investigation, give a mandate to the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal to form and chair an independent investigation committee.


mandate “A”


属类:法学专业 -法律专业-


1.A commission by which a party is entrusted to perform a service, especially without payment and with indemnity against loss by that party.
‘In carrying out its _mandate_ , the Commission receives, analyses, and investigates individual petitions alleging violations of human rights.’
‘The commission will be obliged to refer to any other agencies where a case or a situation is presented to it that is not the direct _mandate_ of the commission.’
2.A commission from the League of Nations to a member state to administer a territory.
‘the end of the British _mandate_ in Palestine’
‘After the war, Japan continued to rule the islands under a _mandate_ from the League of Nations.’
3.A period during which a government is in power.
‘the last _mandate_ of Trudeau, from 1980 to 1984, was a remarkable chapter in Canadian history’
‘Third parties may not always directly influence an election, but they do set the tone for what is discussed and start the next _mandate_ off on a particular foot.’
4.A written authorization enabling someone to carry out transactions on another’s bank account.
‘He showed his value pretty quickly, pointing out that banks must have a legal _mandate_ to debit someone’s account.’
‘If that were right one would expect to see wives being independently advised before signing a typical _mandate_ for a joint account.’
5.An official order or commission to do something.
‘a _mandate_ to seek the release of political prisoners’
‘Further, we demand a repeal of all previous executive orders and administrative _mandates_ .’
6.The authority to carry out a policy, regarded as given by the electorate to a party or candidate that wins an election.
‘he called an election to seek a _mandate_ for his policies’
‘The temptation must be enormous to ask the electorate for a fresh _mandate_ , now that the latest opinion polls show he has enough support to be returned to power.’

1.(of territory) be assigned to (another power) under a mandate of the League of Nations.
‘ _mandated_ territories’
2.Give (someone) authority to act in a certain way.
‘the rightful king was _mandated_ and sanctioned by God’
‘With the money, it will acquire and restructure more mills, as _mandated_ by the State Council.’
3.Require (something) to be done; make mandatory.
‘the government began _mandating_ better car safety’
‘An emergency meeting of the Irish regional executive is expected to be _mandated_ by the six Irish districts during the week.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。