

    名词复数:moderns 词频:高频常用词
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    形容词 变体/同根词

    In modern style.
    Instead the papers are permeated with a modernistic and very individualistic notion of gender.
    We are presented with a modernistic cityscape on which are mounted neon signs that flash the names of cast and crew as the camera pans across it.
    During the Second World War an elaborate, modernistic and experimental magazine called Angry Penguins was issued for a while in Australia.
    Somewhat modern.
    It sounds so preposterously up-to-date and modernish for this darling, leisurely old place.
    Of, or relating to modernism.
    Suitable for modernization.
    That has undergone modernisation.

    名词 变体/同根词

    the property of being modern
    The whole collection was about the moderness of New York City, and the modernness of the buildings.
    The unorthodox phrasing abstracts the original material and gives the composition an edgy modernness.
    As noted above, creationists do not have a really satisfactory explanation for the increasing modernness of fossils.
    the process of modernizing
    So the reader must resort to the apparatus and notes to figure out what interpretation is driving a given modernization choice.
    So we are preparing and providing for the kind of investment into the modernization needs of the country and readiness needs of the country.
    The ultimate responsibility for the modernization of each weapon system resides, of course, with the respective platform project manager.
    An advocate of modernization.
    Dean has been a modernizer and innovator, and should be embraced for it.
    A modernist, especially a militantly devoted supporter of modernism
    In Germany it was called Jugendstil, in Italy Stile Liberty, in Austria Sezession and in Spain Modernista or Modernismo.
    The quality of being modern or contemporary. || Modern times. || (historical) Quality of being of the modern period of contemporary historiography.
    The brothers share both a strong connection to Wolof tradition and an affinity for modernity.
    In other words, modernity has become critical of modernism and of its own utopian absolutism.
    Inspired by Strauss’s hatred for liberal modernity, its goal is to turn back the clock on the liberal revolution and its achievements.

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To make (something old or outdated) up to date, or modern in style or function by adding or changing equipment, designs, etc. || (intransitive) To become modern in appearance, or adopt modern ways
    Are they wishfully trying to modernize the religion into something it isn’t?
    The company must modernize or lose its competitive edge.
    After the rift was mended, as a mark of reconciliation it was decided to revive and modernize the festival.

    In every age, the list makers include both ancient and modern books in their selections, and they always wonder whether the moderns are up to the great books of the past.


    属类:文学表达-外国名著-WHAT IS A GREAT BOOK?-

    He was making a name for himself as one of the moderns .



    More splendid still, the whole magnificent world of painting would be opened to me, from the Italian Primitives, with their serene religious devotion, to the Moderns , with their feverish visions



    More splendid still,the whole magnificent world of painting would be opened to me,from the Italian Primitives,with their serene religious devotion,to the Moderns ,with their feverish visions.



    Moderns ’ manner, moderns’ taste



    The Enlightenment of Zhuang Zi’s View of Harmony to the Moderns



    ’ne ancients tell US what is best: But we must learn of the moderns what fittest is.



    Tragic Fate of the Moderns



    Moderns may be more comfortable than medievals with the idea that man’s notion of his place within the universe can suddenly change.


