

例句1. a mound of leaves and garden rubbish

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

At Gaixia are three thousand and three hundred ancient earth mounds /The one highest is Gold Hill and next to it Silver Hill stands


At a distance of some three kilometres are two other earth mounds . One which is about 8 metres high is called Jin’Shan or Gold Hill and the other, at seven metres, is Yin’Shan or Silver Hill


and the piling up of mounds over against the walls will take three months more


And the piling up of mounds over against the walls will take three months more.


We watch him through Wheel-Tower Gate going eastward. Into the snow-mounds of Heaven-Peak Road....


The dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard was intersected with dykes and mounds and gates


A city of southern Ohio on the Ohio River south of Columbus.An important industrial and rail center,it has prehistoric mounds and earthworks nearby.Population,22,676.


The body of Old Mr. Wu was lying on its bier in the centre of the room, heaped about with mounds of flowers among which large blocks of ice glittered coldly


As the mist swept away, the hills and mounds and distant pasture lands came out as bright as though they were unrolled brand-new for the occasion


A Review of Cenozoic Deep Sea Cold-water Carbonate Mounds and Prileminary Results of carbon and Oxygen Isotopes from

新生代深海冷水碳酸盐泥丘成因及IODP 307航次初步研究结果

mounds of incompressible garbage.


Domes first appeared on round huts and tombs in the ancient Middle East, India, and the Mediterranean in forms, such as solid mounds , adaptable only to the smallest buildings.


In areas having not the conditions to practice cremation, cemeteries for remains must be planned in a scientific manner by selecting sites of cemeteries in barren hills and wasteland, banning the occupation of cultivated land and forest land and advocating deep burials without grave mounds left.


Any of various large-footed,ground-dwelling birds of the family Megapodiidae,found in Australia and many South Pacific islands,that build mounds or burrows of earth and compost in which to incubate their eggs.


Here in Iowa, there are more than 200 small hills, or mounds , of earth. They are in the shapes of birds, bears, deer, bison, turtles, and panthers. They sit in one of the most scenic parts of the Upper Mississippi River Valley. They are part of the Effigy Mounds National Monument.

属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-参观美国国家纪念地的神圣之地

||1:With the art world in awe of her from 1982 onwards, when a New York retrospective drew her, very late in life, to popular attention, she got tired of explaining this or that protuberance in her landscapes of mounds and udders.||2:Freud came in handy; she quoted him often.||3:But claims of eroticism puzzled her.||4:The shapes just suggested themselves, so she followed.||5:They were all about pain, fear, demons and her past.


Dog owners would place their mongrels’ mounds into the machine, which then converts poo to gas for powering lamps and other park equipment.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-四条腿朋友的代价 粪量变能源

The latest iterations gather mounds of data, analyse them and serve up the results, thus enabling all kinds of digital offerings, from predicting failures to giving advice.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-百货商场的逆袭 细数各个领域中的"平台"

Photographs in the Chinese news media showed rickety wooden boats overflowing with green mounds of algae collected from the sea.


Culture Techniques of Introducing Eucalyptus to Low Hills and Mounds


The houses have been dug out by hand, and the dirt piled in mounds on the roadway.


Cano, a 63-year-old microbiologist at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, inspects the smelly little mounds lovingly.


Despite mounds of evidence, convicting them will be agonisingly complicated.


What else you need to know: Some people swear by filling mounds with grits, bleach, or Drano (not so eco-friendly).


Yet as the special report on the waste business in this week’s issue argues, there are grounds for optimism amid the mounds of rubbish.


The hills recede into the distance and now we are in vast grasslands dotted with termite mounds , skyscraper sandcastles of the insect world.


The magnetic termite Amitermes meridionalis of Australia uses Earth’s magnetic field to build mounds elongated in anorth-south direction.


The love line. The mounds of Venus and Mars.


The mounds from the dead had formed "a great mountain of ash" , so much more than the handful from Eichmann’s body.



1.A ball representing the earth, used as part of royal regalia, e.g. on top of a crown, typically of gold and surmounted by a cross.
‘The importance of this conclusion to Brook was that it seemed to supply evidence that there had been a _mound_ and cross above the arches of the crown before the present ones, which he felt sure were of French workmanship and dated from the 1540 reconstruction of the crown.’
‘The diamond _mound_ is topped by a diamond ‘cross pattee’ with a sapphire in the center of the cross.’
2.A large pile or quantity of something.
‘a _mound_ of dirty crockery’
‘Search teams, who had shovels and a few bulldozers, were joined by survivors using their bare hands to tear at the _mounds_ of rubble in the hope of finding anyone alive beneath the ruins.’
3.A raised mass of earth and stones created for purposes of defence or burial.
‘the dead were cremated, and then buried at the centre of a great _mound_ ’
‘These bikes uproot heather and, if they run over Iron Age ancient burial _mounds_ , the damage would be irreversible.’
4.A rounded mass projecting above a surface.
‘the bushes were little more than vague _mounds_ beneath the snow’
‘The garden seemed to be doing fine, except for a foot-high _mound_ of chewed-up dirt on the grass near the edge of the garden.’
5.A slight elevation from which the pitcher delivers the ball.
‘The batter hits a ball toward the _mound_ that the pitcher deflects toward the second baseman.’
‘Here’s a rundown of some of the most glaring failures at bat, in the field, or on the _mound_ in a single World Series.’
6.A small hill.
‘he built his castle high upon the _mound_ ’
‘We got out there in a boat and discovered that the fish were congregating in an area which had a large underwater feature, a rocky _mound_ rising up some eight feet above an otherwise featureless lake bed.’

1.Enclose or fortify with an embankment.
‘a sand-built ridge Of heaped hills that _mound_ the sea’
2.Heap up into a rounded pile.
‘basmati rice was _mounded_ on our plates’
‘A white-jacketed waiter brought plates _mounded_ with chicken and rice cooked over a fire.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。