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    译典分类展示:IT行业 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 大容量磁心存储器 large core storage;LCM;Large Core Memory;LCCS;Large Capacity Core Storage;bulk core memory;LCS

    2 大学计算中心专业组 Special Interest Group on University Computing Centers

    3 单赋值数学程序设计语言 Single-Assignment Mathematical Programming LanguagE

    4 单列十二进制编码 single column pence coding;single column pence;single column duodecimal coding

    5 单指令单数据流 single instruction single data stream;single-instruction single-data stream;SISD;Single-Instruction Single-Data stream

    6 导航计算机 NC;flight course computer;computer for navigation;Navigation Computer;navigational computer

    7 低功耗肖特基晶体管-晶体管逻辑 LS;TTL;Low power Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic;LSTTL;Low power Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic

    8 地方当局管理机构和计算机委员会 Local Authorities Management Services And Computer committee

    9 电气与电子工程师学会会报 Proceedings of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    10 电信工程师学会委员会 Council of Institute of Telecommunication Engineers

    11 电子系统支援的自动化控制与检验 Automated Control and Checking of Electrical System Support

    12 电子资金传送专业组 Special Interest Group on Electronic Funds Transfer

    13 研究生入学考试 GRE;GMAT;Graduate Record Examination;Graduate Management Admission Test

    14 医用操作系统-结构程序设计语言 Hospital Operating System-STructured Programming Language

    15 有缓冲器的远程处理诊断分析器和测试 Buffered Teleprocessing Diagnostic Analysis and Test
