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    译典分类展示:机械模具 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 扭转负载 torque load;torsional load;torsional dynamometer;torsional loading;torsion dynamometer

    2 排出管 eduction tube;bleeder pipe;exit pipe;hot gas line;bleeder line;stack;discharge tube

    3 排渣式燃烧室 slagging chamber;slagging combustion chamber;slagging type of combustion chamber

    4 排种器 planting apparatus;seed sowing device;dispensing;feed end;seeding mechanism;feed run;seed feeding device;seed feeding mechanism

    5 刨齿机 toothed shaper;gear generator;toothed wheel shaping machine;gear planer

    6 配电盘 distributor disc;electrical panel;patching panel;cabinet panel distribution board;board;distributor plate;distributor block;distributing disc

    7 喷气发动机 thrust motor;propulsive duct;jet motor;propulsor;aeration jet;air breathing engine

    8 喷砂装置 sand spraying device;sand spraying gear;sanding apparatus;sanding gear;sand blasting installation

    9 喷水器 fountain;hydraulic spray;syringe;shower;water jet ejector;feed water injector;sprinkler machine

    10 喷丸清理机 wheel abrator;pneumatic shot blasting machine;airless shot blast machine

    11 喷嘴调节 nozzle governing;nozzle group control;cut out governing;nozzle governed;nozzle cut out governing

    12 偏心振动筛 eccentric drive screen;eccentric vibrating screen;vibrating screen with eccentric drive

    13 平衡装置 equilizing gear;equilibrium unit;balance unit;balancing device;compensation system

    14 平面铣刀 face;face mill;facing cutter;face milling cutter;slabbing milling cutter

    15 破坏载荷 breaking load;cracking load;crushing load;charge of rupture;collapsing load;collapse load
