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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 白肋烟叶 burley tobacco leaf

    2 白脱奶糖 butter cream

    3 白脱司考奇(黄油硬糖) butter scotch

    4 变质黄油 rancid butter

    5 草菇菜心 cabbage hearts with mushrooms

    6 醋溜白菜 cabbage with sweet and sour sauce

    7 分馏黄油 fractionated butter

    8 甘菊茶 camo tea

    9 罐头芦笋 canned asparagus

    10 罐头牛肉 bully

    11 罐装黄油 canned butter

    12 黄油刀 butter knife

    13 机械接生辅助设备 mechanical calving aid

    14 鸡油菜心 cabbage hearts in chicken sauce

    15 加娜利葡萄酒 canary wine

    16 可可蛋糕 cocoa cake

    17 可可奶油 cocoa butter

    18 口香糖 cachou

    19 莲藕饼 cake of lotus roots

    20 萝卜丝饼 cake with turnip shreds

    21 奶油夹心饼干 butter cream biscuit

    22 奶油容器 butter container

    23 奶油软糖 butter toffee

    24 牛奶咖啡 café au lait

    25 牛奶梳打饼干 butter cracker

    26 泡泡(吹波)糖 bubble gum

    27 泡泡糖 bubble chewing gum

    28 糖冬瓜 candied melon

    29 糖金桔 candied kumquat

    30 糖莲子 candied lotus seed

    31 糖梅子 candied plum

    32 糖椰子 candied coconut

    33 涂黄油食品 buttery

    34 涂巧克力的糖果 chocolate-coated candy

    35 兔子软糖 bunny jelly drops

    36 脱水黄油 dehydrated butter

    37 脱脂油籽饼 defatted oil-seed cake

    38 鲜的或加盐的黄油 fresh or salted butter

    39 蟹粉白菜 cabbage with crab spawns

    40 易拉罐 built-in opener
