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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 ……贷款有限责任合作社 ...Credit Co-operative Society,Limited

    2 ……农业贷款合作社 ...Agricultural Credit Co-operative Society

    3 ……农业贷款有限责任合作社 ...Agricultural Credit Co-operative Society,Limited

    4 ……蔬菜产销合作社 ...Vegetable Marketing Co-operative Society

    5 ……渔民信用无限责任合作社 ...Fishermen’s Credit Co-operative Society,Unlimited

    6 阿波罗绢蝶 Parnassius apollo [apollos]

    7 阿丁枫;山荔枝 Altingia chinensis [mountain litchi]

    8 阿富汗狐 Vulpes cana [Afghan fox]

    9 阿根廷胡狼 Pseudalopex griseus [South American fox]

    10 阿拉伯大羚羊 Oryx leucoryx [Arabian oryx]

    11 阿留申病 Aleutian disease

    12 阿萨密兔 Caprolagus hispidus [hispid hare]

    13 埃尔兹伯里鸭 Aylesbury duck

    14 埃及陆龟 Testudo kleinmanni [Egyptian tortoise]

    15 矮白花羊蹄甲 Bauhinia variegata var. candida [white bauhinia]

    16 矮大叶藻 Zostera nana [marine eel grass]

    17 矮树切割器 brush cutter

    18 矮性杜鹃 Rhododendron miniature

    19 艾;五月艾 Artemisia vulgaris [mugwort]

    20 爱謢动物计划 Animal Care Scheme

    21 安第斯山猫 Oreailurus jacobita [Andean cat]

    22 安哥拉大貂羚 Hippotragus niger variani [giant sable antelope]

    23 安全远足乐 Enjoy Safe Hiking Campaign

    24 安氏班鸠菊 Vernonia andersoni [Anderson’s iron-weed]

    25 安氏可爱花 Eranthernum andersonii [Anderson’s eranthemum]

    26 鹌鹑屋舍 quail shed

    27 暗灰鹃鵙 black-winged cuckoo-shrike

    28 暗晦耳蕨 Polystichum varium [Japanese holly-fern]

    29 边缘土地 Marginal lands

    30 存护大自然潜泳 ""Fun Dive""

    31 海洋资源 marine resources

    32 红树沼泽 Mangrove swamps

    33 环保为公益 ""Greening for the Chest""

    34 郊野长青 ""Clean and Green""

    35 粮食作物 food crops

    36 内陆水域 inland water

    37 药用植物 Medicinal plants

    38 有毒物质 Toxic substances

    39 渔业动向 ""Fishermen’s Half Hour""

    40 植树狮子行 Lions Walk and Grow

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