1 | 胡蜂大量的胡蜂总科和泥蜂总科的群居或独行昆虫之任一种,有细长身体、收束的腹部、两对膜翅、适于叮或吸吮的嘴,雌性产卵器常形若螫刺 | Any of numerous social or solitary insects,chiefly of the superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea,having a slender body with a constricted abdomen,two pairs of membranous wings,mouths adapted for biting or sucking,and in the females an ovipositor often modified as a sting. | |
2 | 还由于猪和人体器官之间的相似性。生物技术使茜娜有可能真正创造出转基因猪肝脏的供应源,这种器官有可能被人类免疫系统所接受。 | Because of similarities between porcine and human organs, the techniques that made Xena may eventually create a supply of genetically modified pig livers that would be acceptable to the human immune system | |
3 | 甲虫一种甲壳虫类昆虫,具有锐利的嘴部和可变为角质形式的前翼,用来保护休息时收在它下面的一对很薄的后翼 | Any of numerous insects of the order Coleoptera,having biting mouthparts and forewings modified to form horny coverings that protect the underlying pair of membranous hind wings when at rest. | |
4 | 接待员只是简单地改变了以前的请求,将“如有变化请来电告知”改成“如有变化请来电告知,行吗? | The receptionist merely modified her request from " Please call if you have to change your plans" to " Will you please call if you have to change your plans?" | |
5 | 她那小男孩儿式的容貌有所减退,使她看上去苍老多了。 | Her gamine look had modified , making her seem older | |
6 | 鲸目动物鲸目动物中的一种水生动物,主要是海生哺乳动物,包括鲸、海豚和鼠海豚,特征为身体几乎无毛、前肢变成宽大的鳍、后肢退化及尾扁平而分叉 | Any of various aquatic,chiefly marine mammals of the order Cetacea,including the whales,dolphins,and porpoises,characterized by a nearly hairless body,anterior limbs modified into broad flippers,vestigial posterior limbs,and a flat,notched tail. | |
7 | 鲸一种鲸目海生哺乳动物,具有鱼的外形,前肢变异以形成鳍肢,其尾巴带有水平尾片,有一或两个鼻孔以供呼吸,尤其指与小型海豚相区分的体型巨大的一类 | Any of various marine mammals of the order Cetacea,having the general shape of a fish with forelimbs modified to form flippers,a tail with horizontal flukes,and one or two blowholes for breathing,especially one of the very large species as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises. | |
8 | 据警方透露,22日在马里兰抓获这两名嫌犯的现场发现,他们的车是经过改装的,可以通过车后的一个孔瞄准射击而且不被车外的人发现。 | Law enforcement sources said Thursday that the car in which two men were arrested at a maryland rest area had been modified , with a hole through which the shooter could aim and fire unseen out the back of the vehicle | |
9 | 拉马克主义一种生物进化理论,它认为物种的进化是通过因为使用或弃用某些身体部位而获得或改变了的特点的遗传来完成的 | A theory of biological evolution holding that species evolve by the inheritance of traits acquired or modified through the use or disuse of body parts. | |
10 | 类杆细菌一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌 | Any of various structurally modified bacteria,such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants. | |
11 | 内容不能进行修改的一种存储设备,除非是一个特殊用户或者在特定条件下方可进行写操作。例如,通过锁定而防止写入内容的存储设备。同fixed storage,permanent storage,read-only memory。 | A storage device whose contents cannot be modified , except by a particular user, or when operating under particular condition, for example, a storage device in which writing is prevented by a lockout | |
12 | 那些建议只有修改后才能接受。 | The suggestions were only accepted in a modified form. | |
13 | 耐磨损性能可以通过在织物上沉淀胶状硅或淀粉一类物质而得到改善。 | Frictional behavior is modified by colloidal silica or starch deposition | |
14 | 胚泡转化的囊胚,为胎盘哺乳动物的特征 | The modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals. | |
15 | 贫贱不能移。 | Not to be shaken or modified by one’s poverty. | |
16 | 漆包扁绕组线第3部分155级改性聚酯漆包铜扁线 | Enamelled rectangular wires Part 3--Modified polyester enamelled rectangular copper wires,class 155 | |
17 | 漆包圆绕组线第二部分:155级改性聚酯漆包铜圆线 | Enamelled round winding wires-Part 2: Modified polyester enamelled round copper wires,class 155 | |
18 | 如果要使这些计划成功实施,必须对它们进行修改。 | These plans must be modified if they are to be used successfully. | |
19 | 润滑油及燃料油中总氮含量测定法(改进的克氏法) | Lubricating oils and fuel oils-Determination of total nitrogen-Modified kjeldahl method | |
20 | 砂囊,胗紧靠在鸟类食道的胃部后面的变化的肌肉小袋,有厚的衬层并含有摄取的砂粒,有助于在消化之前磨碎种子 | A modified muscular pouch immediately behind the stomach in the alimentary canal of birds,having a thick lining and often containing ingested grit,which aids in the mechanical breakdown of seeds before digestion. | |
21 | 上皮细胞可以组成各种复杂的分泌性结构即腺体。 | epithelial cells may be modified into secretory structures or glands of varying complexities | |
22 | 数百万蒲式耳玉米,本是只准用作动物饲料,不准人吃,但却出现在塔考贝尔玉米卷壳及其他食品中。 | Millions of bushels of genetically modified corn, approved for animal feed but not for human consumption, turned up in taco Bell taco shells and other food products | |
23 | 随函附上更正的报价单,有关更改部分下已划线,请予注意。 | Enclosed is our revised quotation,with the modified part underlined for your ready attention. | |
24 | 他的微笑很快就成了脸部肌肉的抽搐 | His smile soon modified to a wince. | |
25 | 他父亲年轻时,起先是个激进的民族主义者,但不久便改变观点。 | His father who had begun life as an advanced nationalist, had modified his views early | |
26 | 他已降低了他的要求。 | He has modified his demands. | |
27 | 它可由核中的恢复子基因所改变。 | It can be modified by nuclear restorer genes | |
28 | 蜕膜一种粘膜,附在子宫内壁上,怀孕期间减少,分娩时或月经期间脱落 | A mucous membrane lining the uterus,modified during pregnancy and shed at parturition or during menstruation. | |
29 | 豌豆属植物一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆),栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子 | A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum)cultivated in all temperate zones,having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose,edible seeds enclosed in a green,elongated pod. | |
30 | 我们的计划稍有变更。 | We have modified our plan. |