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每日新闻一分钟: iOS 11 暂不支持apple pay


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(1). For Apple users downloading iOS 11, unfortunately you won’t be able to access the new Apple Pay Cash Card.
已经下载iOS 11系统的苹果用户要注意了,iOS 11 暂不支持新版Apple Pay Cash。
(2). The instant money transferring feature that many have grown to love won’t be released until later this fall through an update.
(3). Apple Pay was first launched in 2014, and is available to use at over 4 million locations.
Apple Pay功能于2014年首次推出,有超过400万个地区可使用该功能。
(4). The feature will be updated and will be running with other payment services apps such as PayPal and Square Cash.
苹果公司将会对该功能进行升级,并将与PayPal以及Square Cash等其他支付应用共同竞争。