托马斯·哈代著名的小说莫过于《德伯家的苔丝》,但他也创作了大量的短篇故事。其中大多数取材于哈代在英格兰南部居住时,周围村庄的人们给他讲述的故事。 Thomas Hardy is probably best known for his novels such as Tess of the d’Urbervilles, but he also wrote a great number of short stories. Many of them were based on stories told by people in the villages around where he lived in the south of England. 人有相似,无论他们生活在城镇还是乡村,在当代还是一百年前。 People are the same, whether they live in the town or the country, today or a hundred years ago. 一个牧羊少年惊恐地睁大了双眼,从他的小棚屋中往外窥视一个女人和一个并非她丈夫的男人秘密约会。 From his hut a young shepherd boy watches, wide-eyed and afraid, a secret meeting between a woman and a man who is not her husband. 一个年轻女教师原本要回家嫁给一个比自己大得多的男人,却因做了一时冲动的事而改变了自己的生活。 A young teacher, going home to marry a much older man, has a moment of madness that will change her life. 不过,还是让我们从一座孤零零的村舍的敲门声说起吧。屋内灯光明亮、气氛欢快,人们伴随着音乐翩翩起舞,玩得很开心。屋外大雨滂沱,顺着山间小路走来的陌生人凝视着灯火通明的窗户。他是该继续赶路,还是停下来歇歇、坐在温暖的炉火边吃点东西呢? But we begin with a knock on the door at a lonely cottage. Inside, all is bright and cheerful, with music and dancing, and people enjoying themselves. Outside, the rain beats down, and the stranger following the footpath across the wild hills stares at the lighted windows. Should he go on, or can he stop for a while, to find rest and food and a seat by a warm fire?