

例句1. he dashed straight home to see his father
例句2. he picked up the glass case and dashed it to the ground

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

After experimenting with many different ways of making dots and dashes on paper, Braille finally arrived at a simple system.


The track events will include dashes ,middle distance races,long distance races,etc.


a resting rabbit, with low ATP demands, and a rabbit that sights its mortal enemy, the coyote, and dashes for shelter.


One that dashes ,especially the plunger of an ice-cream freezer.


The captain explained that he used a tool with a sharp point to make dots and small dashes in thick paper. A person could feel these dots and dashes on the other side of the paper. Certain marks meant one thing while other marks meant another.


Digital devices hold information in the patterns of switches. These switches are either on or off (usually represented as one and zero)with nothing in between--much as the information in Morse code comes in either dots or dashes .


They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flitter that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country.


He has won a national championship in the dashes .


A signal may be considered as some sort of interruption in a field of constant energy transfer. an example is the dots and dashes that open and close the electromagnetic field of a telegraph circuit.


dot s and dashes


System for representing letters, numerals, and punctuation marks by a sequence of dots, dashes , and spaces.


Because this type of entry can also contain parentheses, dashes , and spaces and is not the type of number that you would use in a calculation, Text is the appropriate data type.


In this "night writing," he used a system of dots and dashes . The dots and dashes were raised on the paper so that a person could feel them with his or her fingers.


In telegraphy communications,a device with a finger-operated lever with contacts that make and break a circuit to send characters by means of dots and dashes or spaced clicks.


There, Algernon takes one long, last look at the ancestral hall, dashes the teardrop from his eye, and goes off--to return in three year’ s time, roiling in riches.


||1:Second, students will be sent to work for a week with one of more than 140 firms in 11 countries.||2:Already the new intake have had conference calls with these companies, ranging from the Brazilian soapmaker to a Chinese property firm, and gone off-campus to conduct product-development “dashes ” like the one in Copley Mall.||3:This sort of structured learning-by-doing is a world away from HBS’s traditional encouragement of students to “go on an adventure” outside of classes.

||1:第二,把学生派往 11 国家里逾 140 家公司之一工作一周。||2:这些新生已经同这些公司(范围涉及巴西的肥皂厂到中国的房地产公司)举行了电话会议,走出学校,为产品开发在附近“四处奔波”,例如去科普利超市。||3:此类有组织的“做中学”不同于哈佛商学院鼓励学生到教室外“去冒险”的传统做法。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦想之地,哈佛商学院 -

A skilled operator could send and receive 30 or 40 words a minute. In the language of Morse code, the letter "S" is three short dots and the letter "O" is three longer dashes . Put them together and you have S.O.S.

属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:国际求救信号SOS -

XML allows dashes in variable names, which opens up a convention that’s as readable as underscores but easier to type ( "one-two" ).


Think of resolutions as marathons, not 100-yard dashes . Prepare for the long haul of a changed lifestyle.


This sorting algorithm ignores dashes when sorting.


It is a global scourge that threatens livelihoods, undermines development and dashes hopes for greater social justice.


Gets or sets the cap style used at the end of the dashes that make up dashed lines drawn with this


When you put your account ID into the cloud. ini file, don’t use the dashes .


You can use the AutoCorrect Options button to change automatically formatted en or em dashes back to hyphens.


A name token can contain letters, numbers, and some punctuation symbols such as periods, dashes , underscores and colons.


You can keep the message secret by transferring it into a code made up of dots and dashes .


If you’re filling out an application, put dashes in the box for salary history, indicating that you saw it, he says.


Underscores are just bad. Stick to dashes .


Xuanzang then dashes forward trying to become the first to arrive, while Wukong and the others on the scene try to stop him.


To undo the selected dash and prevent Word from converting future hyphens to dashes , click Stop Automatically Creating Dashes.



1.Used to express mild annoyance.
‘ _dash_ it all, I am in charge’
‘Oh _dash_ it... I think I got a problem!’

1.A horizontal stroke in writing or printing to mark a pause or break in sense or to represent omitted letters or words.
‘Consider for a start all finite sequences of the twenty six letters of the English alphabet, the ten digits, a comma, a full stop, a _dash_ and a blank space.’
‘In less formal writing, the _dash_ is often a catch-all mark to take the place of both colon and semicolon, obviating the need to distinguish them or think about more subtle kinds of punctuation.’
2.A journey or period of time characterized by urgency or eager haste.
‘a 20-mile _dash_ to the airport’
‘In less compelling boobal news, Pauline Hanson has announced her intention to make a last minute _dash_ for election to the Senate as an independent.’
3.A short vertical mark placed above or beneath a note to indicate that it is to be performed in a very staccato manner.
‘The composer’s intentions may be notated as dots, _dashes_ , accents, and slurs.’
4.A short, fast race run in one heat; a sprint.
‘the 100 m _dash_ ’
‘Yanes has qualified in the men’s 100m _dash_ and the 4x100m relay, along with Sukari, Subakir and John Murray.’
5.A small amount of a quality that adds piquancy or distinctiveness to something else.
‘a casual atmosphere with a _dash_ of sophistication’
‘Like most everything in Russia these days, the event had a whiff of great import with a big _dash_ of farce.’
6.A small quantity of a liquid added to something else.
‘whisky with a _dash_ of soda’
‘You can bet that nuance of orange in your ice-cream owes more to a _dash_ of Grand Marnier than to a squeeze of the real thing.’
7.An act of running somewhere suddenly and hastily.
‘she made a _dash_ for the door’
‘Even without the need to keep on the lookout for the neighbors as I made a mad _dash_ to a waiting taxi, the boardinghouse had become nothing more than a crash pad.’
8.Impetuous or flamboyant vigour and confidence; panache.
‘he has youthful energy, _dash_ , and charisma’
‘But at its best, especially in the fiction, there is a fantastic sense of energy, intellectual fearlessness, contingency, reckless _dash_ .’
9.short for dashboard
‘an indicator on the _dash_ tells you what gear you are in’
‘This is enlivened by Mondial blue flourishes on the _dash_ , sports steering wheel and gearstick, and the same drilled aluminium pedals as the 172.’
10.The longer signal of the two used in Morse code.
‘Morse Code uses a series of dots and _dashes_ to transmit and receive messages.’
‘It works like Morse code, which is a way to transmit the alphabet over radio waves using dots (short beeps) and _dashes_ (long beeps).’

1.Cause (someone) to lose confidence; dispirit.
‘I won’t tell Stuart—I think he’d be _dashed_ ’
‘This rather _dashed_ me, though he doesn’t know that I am a diarist, and is probably unaware that I am somewhat simple-minded.’
2.Destroy or frustrate (hopes or expectations)
‘the budget _dashed_ hopes of an increase in funding’
‘Their anticipation was _dashed_ , however, as marker Sylvain Guilhem intercepted the move when a score seemed a certainty.’
3.Run or travel somewhere in a great hurry.
‘I _dashed_ into the garden’
‘I must _dash_ , I’m late’
4.Strike forcefully against something.
‘a gust of rain _dashed_ against the bricks’
‘Not proper rain, not good rain - but a light, spitting rain that came _dashing_ down from the peaks and was too cold to make the grass grow.’
5.Strike or fling (something) somewhere with great force, especially so as to have a destructive effect; hurl.
‘the ship was _dashed_ upon the rocks’
‘I found Liberman and Nunberg the other day just about ready to _dash_ glasses of Chardonnay in each other’s faces.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。