


1. 可驱使的;可行驶的

形容词 变体/同根词

Without a driver.
“Perhaps because of this, Kalanick has expressed his desire to one day have driverless Uber vehicles.”
“While the finished product is probably years from hitting the market, the era of driverless cars is closer than you think.”
“Personally, I think it’s pretty foolish until we have driverless cars, but when that happens, let’s do it!”
On the side of a car corresponding to the driver’s seat.
Resembling or characteristic of a psychological drive.
Capable of being driven (as a vehicle). || Capable of being driven on safely or successfully (as a road or other surface).
“The road leading into the village was a stinking morass of oil and dirt that resembled an airline crash site more then a driveable path.”
“Our attention also focuses on making the engine as driveable as possible, especially in terms of torque control.”
“The models will be driveable using the electric motor only, although they will not have as much pure-electric range as a Chevrolet Volt.”
That drives (a mechanism or process). || (of wind, rain, etc): That drives forcefully; strong; forceful; violent
“Consumer spending was the driving force behind growth this summer.”
名词 变体/同根词

(rare) One who is driven (transported in a vehicle).
“En face, l’equipe drivee par Si-Tahar Cherif El Ouazzani entend augmenter son capital points pour le maintien.”
“With what gentlemanly abandon does the drivee loll back in the vehicle!”
The quality of being drivable, of being easy or pleasant to drive
“A combination of drivability, quality construction, good specification and a very user-friendly interior layout make this a seriously worthy car for fleet and family use.”
“However, there is an important principle that must be taken into account, says Mercedes, and that is that these innovative systems must not impair the drivability of the car.”
“The vehicle was honoured for its athletic design, high-end performance, practical drivability and class-leading fuel efficiency.”
The quality of being driven; drive; ambition.
“We sought to measure the psychic state of freedom, relaxation, and comfort versus that of anxiety, drivenness, and beleaguerment.”
A person who drives animals, especially cattle or sheep, over long distances.
“The drover got to work unhitching the oxen, and the horsemen unsaddled their horses and led them to the trees and hobbled them.”
“After sometimes months on the road, carefully herding the squatter’s stock, the drover would ask for his cheque.”
“It grew dark, and Burginde pulled open the tarpaulin flap to speak to the drover.”
A road or track along which livestock are (or historically were) regularly driven.
动词 变体/同根词

To herd cattle; particularly over a long distance. || (transitive) To finish (stone) with a drove chisel.
(transitive) To impel or urge onward by force; to push forward; to compel to move on. || (transitive, intransitive) To direct a vehicle powered by a horse, ox or similar animal. || (transitive) To cause animals to flee out of. || (transitive) To move (something) by hitting it with great force. || (transitive) To cause (a mechanism) to operate. || (transitive, ergative) To operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle). || (transitive) To motivate; to provide an incentive for. || (transitive) To compel (to do something). || (transitive) To cause to become. || (intransitive, cricket, tennis, baseball) To hit the ball with a drive. || (intransitive) To travel by operating a wheeled motorized vehicle. || (transitive) To convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle. || (intransitive) To move forcefully. || (intransitive) To be moved or propelled forcefully (especially of a ship). || (transitive) To urge, press, or bring to a point or state. || (transitive) To carry or to keep in motion; to conduct; to prosecute. || (transitive) To clear, by forcing away what is contained. || (mining) To dig horizontally; to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel. || (American football) To put together a drive (n.): to string together offensive plays and advance the ball down the field. || (过时的,旧时用法) To distrain for rent.
“Faced with the prospect of incarceration, Thelma and Louise would drive their car off a cliff into the Grand Canyon.”
“My past failures would actually drive me to work harder.”
“A hammer strong enough to drive a nail into a wall must also be capable of crushing your thumb.”

‘Most of the cars on offer are _drivable_ , but Bonhams motoring specialist Stewart Skilbeck said they present more of a challenge to drive than modern vehicles.’
‘Our attention also focuses on making the engine as driveable as possible, especially in terms of torque control.’
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