

    名词复数:entitlement 词频:低频词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    A payment made or an entitlement available in accordance with a wage agreement,an insurance policy,or a public assistance program.
    until he, or in the case of a body corporate the person authorized under section 84 to make declarations on behalf of the body corporate, has made and signed a declaration of entitlement to own a ship registered in Hong Kong, in the specified form,
    In relation to any entitlement to claim compensation arising under section 109(1)of the Securities Ordinance(Cap.333)occurring before the relevant day,the amendment made to section 109 (3)of that Ordinance by item 7(e)(ii)of Schedule 3 shall not apply,
    Section 109 (3)shall apply in relation to any such entitlement as if item 7 (e)(ii) had never been enacted.
    n. 【水利】
    应得的权利; 津贴


    例句1. their entitlement to social-security benefits’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    (literally) having a title. || (law) having a right or claim to, or ownership of something. || (figuratively) Convinced of one’s own righteousness or the justifiability of one’s actions or status, especially wrongly so; demanding and pretentious.
    “You are entitled one dessert as part of our lunch deal.”
    “He was entitled Scott after his late grandfather.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    “This weekend, the administration yielded to his demands and agreed to include a disputed 30 month period in calculating his pension entitlements.”
    “Consolidated entitlements are allocated from the National Reserve and cannot be sold or leased for 5 years.”
    “Disabled people had the same rights and entitlements as able-bodied people.”
    The quality of feeling entitled, convinced of one’s own deservingness or superiority, and of shifting blame and responsibility to others; demandingness; pretense.

    动词 变体/同根词

    give a title to || dignify by an honorary designation. || give power, authority (to do something) || give rightful ownership || give a title to a book, film, play, etc.
    “They entitled him Sultan.”
    “Where the employee has committed a serious breach of contract then this would of course entitle the employer to terminate the contract.”
    “These warrants entitle the holders to sell shares of the common stock to the Company on certain dates at specified prices.”