

例句1. exercise improves your heart and lung power’
例句2. translation exercises from and into French’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

(9)undertaking physical check-up on persons subject to epidemic disease monitoring and exercising administration over victims of epidemic diseases under monitoring, suspects of such diseases, and people who have close contact with the victims.

( 九)对监测对象开展健康检查和对监测传染病病人、疑似病人、密切接触人员的管理。

(8)To summon, as required when exercising the above-mentioned powers and functions, persons concerned to testify or give evidence.


(1)should not give any comments on the lawsuits being handled by other court or give any suggestions or opinions on a lawsuit in which he has personal interests. This proscription does not extend to the situation when the judge is exercising his judicial duties or is giving comments or suggestions through proper procedures,


Soft rubber-soled shoe worn by athletes while exercising ,or as casual footwear


Practicing and Working portrays scenes of the ladies exercising and sewing.


Nothing in the Rent Stabilization Ordinance No. 151.06.02(F)prevents landlords from exercising their own discretion rights in investing deposits.


The 1992 Casey decision opened the door to waiting periods and forced parental consent requirements that serve no medical purposes and are only intended to dissuade women from exercising this right.


Exposures to high concentrations of CO impair the function of the heart, brain, and exercising skeletal muscles by compromising ??transport and delivery


A criminal element who is deprived of political rights shall abide by laws, administrative regulations, and relevant regulations on supervision and administration promulgated by public security departments under the State Council; submit to supervision; and is forbidden from exercising rights stipulated in Article 54 of this Law.


The person who is thus challenged shall temporarily stop exercising his functions in the case before a people’s court makes a decision on the challenge.


The New Jersey homemaker had been sure she was doing everything right to minimize her risk of the disease--having two children while still young, exercising , eating carrots until her fingers turned orange


Nothing in this article prevents either party from exercising any right other than to claim damages under this Convention.


They must improve their abilities of exercising state power according to law.


Without analysing them, distinguishing the good from the bad or exercising any critical judgement.


In the cities, the same holds true for the working class and the Communist Party in exercising their leadership of the middle bourgeoisie, democratic parties and people’s organizations oppressed and injured by the reactionary forces


a territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and Ireland.


Provided, however, that if the Engineer is required, under the terms of his appointment by the Employer, to obtain the specific approval of the Employer before exercising any such authority


The parties shall abide by the principle of good faith in exercising their rights and performing their obligations.


The Party exercises leadership over the state and society by formulating major principles and policies, making suggestions on legislation, recommending cadres for important positions, conducting ideological publicity, giving play to the role of Party organizations and members and persisting in exercising state power according to law.


Article 3 The organs of self-government of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties shall, in addition to exercising the functions and powers specified in this Law, exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law on Regional National Autonomy and other laws.

第三条 自治区、自治州、自治县的自治机关除行使本法规定的职权外,同时依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权。

Article 18 If an alteration of the list of foreign capital stock holders needs to be made according to judicial rulings, the ruling may be made by the court exercising the jurisdiction over the place where the original of the list is kept.

第十八条 境外上市外资股股东名册正本的更正需要依据司法裁定作出的,可以由名册正本存放地有管辖权的法院裁定。

Article 48. The jurors shall be administered by this code when they are exercising judicial function. The administrative personnel and judicial police shall be administered with reference to the relevant provisions of this code.

第四十八条 人民陪审员依法履行审判职责期间,应当遵守本准则。人民法院的行政人员和法警,参照执行本准则的有关规定。

Exercising too much with no iron supplements will tip one over the edge into a more serious deficiency.


exercising administration of the nuclear, space, aviation, shipbuilding and weaponry industries; giving guidance to the administration of the military-related electronics sec-tor


Failure to do so where all necessary conditions are readily available shall result in being ordered to comply within a fixed period of time by environmental protection authorities of People’s Governments at the county level and above, after approval from People’s Governments at levels corresponding to the exercising of jurisdiction over the enterprises in question.


Where the law or the parties prescribe a period for exercising termination right, failure by a party to exercise it at the end of the period shall extinguish such right.


Where neither the law nor the parties prescribe a period for exercising termination right, failure by a party to exercise it within a reasonable time after receiving demand from the other party shall extinguish such right.


Frank was holding onto the gutter and slowly exercising his bad leg


During the period of reconsideration, the person who is challenged shall not stop exercising his functions in the case.


People’s governments at all levels shall support consumers’ associations in exercising their functions.



1.A military drill or training manoeuvre.
‘training exercises with the Kuwaiti army’
‘American army and navy forces will be holding joint training exercises in the Niger delta area.’
2.A task set to practise or test a skill.
‘there are exercises at the end of each book to check comprehension’
‘Simple breathing exercises when practiced regularly can reverse a lifetime of bad breathing.’
3.Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
‘exercise improves your heart and lung power’
‘loosening-up exercises’
4.An activity carried out for a specific purpose.
‘an exercise in public relations’
‘So maybe the reason why they’re not doing their homework is because they see it for the exercise in pointlessness that it is.’
‘Bar Mitzvah exercises’
‘He returned to the topic of education in an address he gave in various versions at graduation exercises in the 1860s.’
6.The use or application of a faculty, right, or process.
‘the exercise of authority’
‘Here are a few other cases going on right now where the ACLU is defending the free exercise of religion.’

1.Cause (an animal) to take exercise.
‘she exercised her dogs before breakfast’
‘Local dog owners used the canal bank to exercise their pets.’
2.Engage in physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness.
‘she still exercised every day’
‘I believed most of my clients would not exercise without my physical presence.’
3.Exert (part of the body) to promote or improve muscular strength.
‘raise your knee to exercise the upper leg muscles’
‘I have to say it is indicative of a certain section of society who spend so much time exercising their bodies and so little their minds.’
4.Occupy the thoughts of; worry or perplex.
‘Macdougall was greatly exercised about the exchange rate’
‘If he was exercised about a threat, why not go meet it?’
5.Use or apply (a faculty, right, or process)
‘control is exercised by the Board’
‘anyone receiving a suspect package should exercise extreme caution’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。