1 | 各军工集团公司负责本集团内军品科研生产任务的组织和管理工作,同时作为国家授权的投资机构,对所属企业的国有资产行使出资人权利。 | Each is responsible for the organization and administration of its R&D and manufacture, and exercising the rights of an investor authorized by the state over state-owned assets in its subordinate enterprises | |
2 | 各州不能侵犯契约自由,除非有明显而且充分的行使管理权的理由。 | A state could not contravene the freedom of contract unless there were obvious and compelling reasons for exercising the police power | |
3 | 根据第Ⅲ部行使裁判权时,在不违反该部及第Ⅷ部规定之范围内,可决定其本身之进行程序 | when exercising its jurisdiction under Part III may, subject to that Part and Part VIII, determine its own procedure | |
4 | 公平、诚实、守信。当事人应当遵循公平的原则确定双方的权利和义务,在行使权利、履行义务时,应当遵循诚实、守信的原则。 | Fairness, honesty and good faith. Both parties shall observe the principle of fairness in determining their rights and obligations and shall comply with the principles of honesty and good faith in exercising their right and performing their duties. | |
5 | 国家海洋管理部门负责组织海洋环境的调查、监测、监视,开展科学研究,并主管防止海洋石油勘探开发和海洋倾废污染损害的环境保护工作。 | The state administrative department of marine affairs shall be responsible for organizing investigations and monitoring of and exercising surveillance over the marine environment and conducting scientific research therein; it shall also be in charge of environmental protection against marine pollution damage caused by offshore oil exploration and exploitation and by the dumping of wastes into the sea. | |
6 | 国家渔政渔港监督管理机构负责渔港船舶排污的监督和渔业港区水域的监视。 | The state fisheries administration and fishing harbour superintendency agencies shall be responsible for supervising the discharge of pollutants by vessels in the fishing harbours and for exercising surveillance over the waters thereof. | |
7 | 过去一年,我已经养成每早运动的习惯了。 | This past year, I have formed a habit of exercising every morning. | |
8 | 海事法庭处理所有海事案件裁决权的法庭 | A court exercising jurisdiction over all maritime cases. | |
9 | 宏观调节与搞活企业、搞活市场三者是统一的,缺一不可。 | Exercising macro-economic control, invigorating enterprises and enlivening markets form an organic whole, and none of them can be dispensed with | |
10 | 获授权人员为行使第(2)款(f)段所赋予其检取货品之权力,可强行打开任何容器或打开自动售货机 | An authorized officer may break open any container or open any vending machine for the purpose of exercising his powers under subsection (1)(f)to seize goods | |
11 | 教师们每日每时都在对学生的性格起着潜移默化的作用。 | The teachers are daily and hourly exercising an invisible, formative influence on the pupils’ character | |
12 | 据说她在政治上对丈夫有很大的支配力量。 | She was reported to exercise [or as exercising ] great political influence over her husband. | |
13 | 军队环境保护部门负责军用船舶排污的监督和军港水域的监视。 | The environmental protection department of the armed forces shall be responsible for supervising the discharge of pollutants by military vessels and exercising surveillance over the waters of the naval ports. | |
14 | 控股股东对其所控股的上市公司应严格依法行使出资人的权利 | The controlling shareholders of a listed company shall strictly comply with laws and regulations while exercising their rights as investors | |
15 | 领导干部必须以身作则,廉洁自律 | Leading cadres must set a good example for others in performing their duties honestly and exercising strict self-discipline | |
16 | 领导干部特别是高级干部,必须以身作则,正确行使手中的权力。 | Leading cadres, particularly senior ones, should play an exemplary role in exercising the power in their hands correctly. | |
17 | 领主在领土上实施最高权利的封建主 | A feudal lord exercising sovereign power over his lands. | |
18 | 买方可能享有的要求损害赔偿的任何权利,不因他行使采取其它补救办法的权利而丧失。 | The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies. | |
19 | 每天花一小时练习 | Spent an hour each day exercising . | |
20 | 每一个政治律师和官僚都明白,在商业活动中,顾客的反馈意见就是制造商的纠错机制。 | Every political lawyer and bureaucrat understands this about trade, that the feedback of customers exercising choice is a corrective mechanism for the manufacturer | |
21 | 目前这问题正困扰着我们。 | This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment. | |
22 | 排外主义者:想把他人排除于某项权利或特权之外的人. | exclusionist:One that advocates the exclusion of another or others, as from having or exercising a right or privilege. | |
23 | 起草技术规范,为实施计量监督提供技术保证,并承办有关计量监督工作。 | Drafting regulations concerning technical specifications to provide technical guarantee for exercising measurement supervision and handling other matters concerning measurement supervision. | |
24 | 人民检察院对民事审判活动实行法律监督原则 | principle of the people’s procuratorate exercising legal supervision over civil adjudicatory activities | |
25 | 人民民主专政能不用吗 | Can we refrain from exercising the people’s democratic dictatorship? | |
26 | 若没有这样的友谊,这种耐心,这种克制是不可能的。 | exercising a patience and forbearance which would otherwise have been impossible | |
27 | 少数民族聚居的乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会在行使职权的时候,应当采取适合民族特点的具体措施。 | In exercising their functions and powers, the people’s congresses of townships, nationality townships, and towns in which minority nationalities live in concentrated communities shall adopt specific measures appropriate to the characteristics of the nationalities concerned. | |
28 | 社会公用计量标准对社会上实施计量监督具有公证作用。 | Public standard instruments function as notaries in exercising measurement supervision in the society. | |
29 | 社会和家庭对我们而言,还是有某种约束与传承的意义。 | The society and family remain significant in terms of exercising some restrictions over us and providing us a sense of continuity. | |
30 | 审裁处根据第Ⅴ部行使裁判权时拥有裁判司《裁判司条例》(第227章)赋予裁判司之权力;为达成此项目的,凡该条例内有提及裁判司之处,应视作包括审裁处在内 | A Tribunal when exercising its jurisdiction under Part V shall have the powers of a magistrate under the Magistrates Ordinance and for that purpose references in that Ordinance to a magistrate shall be deemed to include references to a Tribunal |