

    名词复数:governments 词频:高频常用词
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    Treaty on Fisheries between the Governments of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States
    Sixth United Nations Population Inquiry among governments: “Monitoring of Governments Perceptions and Policies on Demographic Trends and Levels in relation to Development as of 1987”
    Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of States and Governments on the Situation in Angola
    Revised Standard Agreement between Recipient Governments and Participating Organizations


    例句1. the government has announced defence cuts of a billion pounds’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Capable of being governed or subjected to authority; amenable to law or rule
    “The portions of cyberspace that appear to be easily governable are also relatively small.”
    “We were supposed to become unthinking, obedient, silent and submissive so as to be governable, exploitable and harmless.”
    “Education was the means by which elites could pacify the people as a collective, rendering them governable through moral suasion.”
    Relating to a government || Relating to governing.
    “Both supplementary bodies are composed of experts acting as governmental representatives.”
    “His eight models are absurdist and visionary monuments to human, societal, and governmental follies, abominations, and questionable policies.”
    “An example was the governor’s State of the State address, which included a quotable line on the snoozy topic of governmental reorganization.”
    Extending throughout a government
    “It’s early in the governmentwide reorganization of homeland security, and the ultimate role of the US military is still in play.”
    “By contrast, there is no governmentwide guidance delineating the roles and responsibilities of agencies managing border security programs.”
    “The governing coalition.”
    (informal) governesslike
    “In exasperation, Anne marched over and grabbed him in her firmest governessy hold.”
    “In her literature, however, she has got that instructing, governessy tone which is almost hard to bear.”

    名词 变体/同根词


    动词 变体/同根词

    To work as governess; to educate children in their own home.
    (US, transitive) To bring (a private entity) under government control; to nationalize.
    (transitive) To make and administer the public policy and affairs of; to exercise sovereign authority in. || (transitive) To control the actions or behavior of; to keep under control; to restrain. || (transitive) To exercise a deciding or determining influence on. || (transitive) To control the speed, flow etc. of; to regulate. || (intransitive) To exercise political authority; to run a government. || (intransitive) To have or exercise a determining influence. || (grammar) To require that a certain preposition, grammatical case, etc. be used with a word; sometimes used synonymously with collocate.
    “It was a time of considerable turmoil in the cities and it was to govern the state with a fair, but at the same time, a firm hand.”
    “Complex laws and regulations govern the cancellation of debts once soldiers leave the service, he said.”
    “I think the question you’re trying to ask is whether I am able to govern myself well, and by that I mean, am I able to regulate my thoughts and actions according to a set of personal values, morals, ethics, etc.”