

例句1. this man will be your guide in the jungle’
例句2. the abbot is their inspiration and their guide’

名词 变体/同根词

(4)to provide tourists with the necessary services of interpreters and tourist guides ;


(5)having a contingent of managerial and operational personnel who can guarantee the quality standard of various services, can conduct normal business operations, and are familiar with tourist business; and having a contingent of interpreters and tourist guides who have passed qualifications examinations.


No.The guides had a narrow escape themselves. They were only able to rescue you. She went into the ravine, together with the jewels.


Fortunately for you, a couple of guides were coming down the glacier and saw you were in trouble. What were you doing?


1)Place the media into the media input tray. Slide the guides until they are flush with the media. 2)Install the printer priority media input tray. 3)Connect the power cord. (220V models only: Turn on the Switch.)


187.In response, the representative of China stated that China played a full part in the preparation by appropriate international standardizing bodies of guides and recommendations for conformity assessment procedures, e.g., as a full member of ISO CASCO. “

187 .对此,中国代表表示,中国在有关国际标准化机构制定合格评定程序的指南和建议中发挥了充分的作用,例如作为国际标准化组织合格评定委员会( ISO CASCO)的正式成员。

Does the Harmonizer support all chapters from published tariff guides ?

Harmonizer 是否支持关税表上公布的所有分类?

Leather-trimmed Front Seat Belt Guides


It is essential that the warp threads should not be damaged by the rapiers and that the rapier head should meet clearly for weft transfer. By eliminating guides , there is the advantage of reducing end breaks due to knot failure


And with the light guides above the standard xenon headlamps and the rings in the parking light, its appearance at night is just as unmistakable


Not all flexible rapiers require guides mounted in the sley. More and more rapier loom makers are directing the flexible rapier band through a fixed housing on the loom frame just outside the reed.


Valve-tappet clearance, as well as the clearance between the valve stems and guides , must be correct. Failure to meet any of these requirements means valve and engine trouble.


We shall be unable to turn natural advantages to account unless we make use of local guides .


We shall be unable to turn natural advantage to account unless we make use of local guides .


The Insured Person engaging in professional sports, hunting, mountaineering necessitating ropes or guides , skiing, water skiing, winter sports, diving, racing of any kind or fighting or insanity or being under influence of drugs, alcohol , intoxication and solvent abuse.

参与专业运动,打猎、攀山( 指需要利用绳索或诱导绳为辅助工作者)、滑雪、滑水、冬季运动、潜水、参加各种竞赛、殴斗、神经错乱,或因酗酒,吸毒或滥用药物。

Guides for the stipulation and administration of electricity consumption norm of product


Except where, as duly explained upon request, such guides or recommendations or relevant parts are inappropriate for the Members concerned, for, inter alia, such reasons as


Just as the warm wind guides the wheat to maturity, the same winds will carry my voice to those who will listen and my words will announce my goals.


As the reed moves forward to beat-up the weft, the motion is such that the gripper guides retract from the shed and lie below the cloth near the fell during beat-up.


Be good guides to the foreign guests and help them to have a pleasant stay.


Once you have identified the harmonised code for your product, it is also recommended that you review the published tariff guides for each country to ensure there are no additional notes to include in your shipping documentation.


A lighthouse guides ships safely to a harbor.


Article 3 The electric power industry shall fit the needs of national economy and social development and develop in advance appropriately. The State encourages and guides legal investment in the development of power sources and the establishment of power production enterprises by domestic and overseas economic organizations or individuals.

第三条 电力事业应当适应国民经济和社会发展的需要,适当超前发展。国家鼓励、引导国内外的经济组织和个人依法投资开发电源,兴办电力生产企业。

Article 15 To ensure the requirements for clinical emergency blood use by citizens, the State encourages and guides patients to be operated upon at a selected date in self blood storage and motivates his or her family, relatives and friends and the unit wherein he or she is employed as well as society for blood donation in mutual assistance.


Article 56. The relevant departments of the government shall, in conformity with the objective that the state regulates the market and the market guides the enterprises, provide services for the enterprises and exercise administration and supervision over the enterprises in line with their respective functions and in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. These departments shall:

第五十六条 政府有关部门按照国家调节市场、市场引导企业的目标,为企业提供服务,并根据各自的职责,依照法律、法规的规定,对企业实行管理和监督。

Numerical calculations have been made for wave-guides with a core of rectangular cross-section embedded in a uniform surround of lower refractive index


Steel gate is replaced by neoprene guides


Members recognize that, although international standards, guides or recommendations may exist, in their particular technological and socio-economic conditions, developing country Members adopt certain technical regulations, standards or conformity assessment procedures aimed at preserving indigenous technology and production methods and processes compatible with their development needs.


A pragmatic theory that ideas are instruments that function as guides of action,their validity being determined by the success of the action.


Guides for the power transformers energy saving operation in factories and mines




属类:行业术语 -海运-

hollow (wave) guides


属类:行业术语 -海运-


1.A book, document, or display providing information on a subject or about a place.
‘a comprehensive guide to British hotels and restaurants’
‘The menu invited us to browse the extensive collection of travel books, guides and maps.’
2.A member of the Guide Association.
‘The Brownies and Guides also helped out, organising two table-top sales and a beetle drive to swell the coffers.’
‘From 7pm Brownies, Cubs, Scouts and Guides from the York area will take to the stage for the gang show.’
3.A person who advises others, especially in matters of behaviour or belief.
‘his spiritual guide’
‘Special spiritual forces or guides would assist her in this work, and most prominent among them was one she identified as Black Hawk.’
4.A person who shows the way to others, especially one employed to show tourists around places of interest.
‘a tour guide’
‘The State Forest Minister even said that the locals will be allowed to act as porters and guides when tourism starts, as if it was a favour.’
5.A professional mountain climber in charge of a group.
‘She told herself not to worry, they were experienced climbers, they had guides, they had oxygen, they were roped together and the weather was good.’
‘Fat-tired planes buzz the nearby airport, taking climbers, guides, and gear to mountain base camps.’
6.A structure or marking which directs the motion or positioning of something.
‘the guides for the bolt needed straightening’
‘Find a large, clean surface with room to lay out a rag, your tools and the removed wheels and bolts, axle guides, and heel brake where they’ll stay put and in sight.’
7.A thing that helps someone to form an opinion or make a decision or calculation.
‘your resting pulse rate is a rough guide to your general physical condition’
‘It’s especially valuable to have a guide to decision making.’

1.Direct or influence the behaviour or development of.
‘his life was guided by his religious beliefs’
‘There is also still the question of what principles should guide the newer global developments.’
2.Direct the motion or positioning of (something)
‘the groove in the needle guides the thread’
‘A footman, feet bound in protective padding, stood on the table to guide it into position, the column dedicated to Lady Morgan facing her place.’
3.Show or indicate the way to (someone)
‘he guided her to the front row and sat beside her’
‘information is available to guide you through the planning and development process’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。