1 | 基于上述原因,使用了一系列的导梭片,在片梭穿越梭口时,对其进行控制。为达此目的,导梭片必须穿过下层经纱(进入梭口中)。 | For these reasons, a series of guides are used to constrain the projectile as it passes across the loom. To make this possible,the projectile guides must protrude through the warp sheets. | |
2 | 基准兵入列! | Guides post! | |
3 | 几个当地向导在夜间悄悄地不告而别。 | The native guides quietly deserted during the night. | |
4 | 将整个组件以一定角度滑入,然后向下,直到它在打印机中固定为止。将介质导架滑出再滑回,以便装入介质。 | Slide the complete assembly in at an angle and then down until it fits securely in the printer. Slide the media guides out and back to accommodate the media. | |
5 | 可是,每个人都有一些理想作为他的抱负和判断的指南针。 | And yet everyone holds certain ideals by which he guides his aspiration and his judgment. | |
6 | 控制显示屏位于中央控制台的上方,为您提供使用便捷的信息和指南。 | The Control Display, above the central console, informs and guides you with ease. | |
7 | 劳动制成木材,劳动建成轮船,劳动驾船过海。 | Labour shapes the timber, and builds the ship, and guides it over the deep. | |
8 | 利用不同材料成分制成的最初的平面光波导就是液体-石英夹层结构和环氧树脂-玻璃夹层结构。 | The first planar optical guides which utilized different material composition were liquidquartz sandwiches and epoxy-glass sandwiches | |
9 | 伦理推理如果引导大大小小的道德困境,只会产生一个影响。 | Ethical reasoning will only have an impact if it guides both the spectacular as well as the smaller moral predicaments. | |
10 | 每日刊载召妓指南和女郎艳照 | run daily guides to sex services and pictures of scantily-clad women | |
11 | 摩托车轮胎和轮辋(米制系列).第1部分:设计指南 | Motorcycle tyres and rims (metric series)-Part 1: Design guides | |
12 | 您很幸运,几个导游从冰川上下来,正巧发现您遇到了麻烦。 | Fortunately for you, a couple of guides were coming down the glacier and saw you were in trouble | |
13 | 评价企业合理用热技术导则 | Technical guides for evaluating the rationality of heat usage in industrial enterprise | |
14 | 其他职工包括骑术指导和为徒步旅行者及野营者当向导的人员等。 | Other employees include riding instructors and guides for hikers and campers | |
15 | 企业能源计量器具配备与管理导则 | Guides for providing and managing of the measuring instruments of energy in enterprise | |
16 | 起控制、引导或约束力的事物。 | Something that controls, guides , or curbs. | |
17 | 气门维修包括镶配气门座,清洁或更换气门导管,保养凸轮轴和凸轮轴轴承,气门的正时调整。 | Valve Service and Maintenance includes installing new seat inserts, cleaning or replacing valve guides , servicing the camshaft and camshaft bearings, and timing the valves. | |
18 | 轻柔的钢琴曲带着我们翩跹于大厅之中。一张张面孔离我堡运集越近,随着又迅速离去。 | The gentle piano guides us around the floor, passed faces that have always been near, and new ones destined for the same. | |
19 | 请参阅可能适用于您所在辖区的《UPS 费率和服务指南》或类似指南或费率文件获得详细信息。 | Please see the UPS Rate and Service Guide or similar guides or rate documents as may be applicable in your jurisdiction for details. | |
20 | 全部气门维修工作,包括研磨气门和气门座,检查气门弹簧,清洁气门导管,调整发动机,大约需要5小时(顶置气门六缸发动机)到8小时(侧置气门八缸发动机)。 | A complete valve Service and Maintenance job, including grinding valves and seats, checking springs, cleaning guides , and tuning the engine, requires from about five hours (for an overhead-valve six-cylinder engine)to about eight hours (for an eight-cylinder L-head engine). | |
21 | 人民总是在社会矛盾的运动中不断开辟前进的道路。人民也总是从历史活动的实践和比较中,不断寻找、揭示和发展指导自己前进的真理。 | Invariably, the people pioneer their road of advance in the movement of social contradictions; so do they seek, reveal and develop incessantly the truth that guides their advance from practice and by comparison in their historical activities. | |
22 | 如果只是在早晨启动汽车的时候短暂地排出蓝烟,那么有可能是气门导管或气门导管口的问题。 | If all you get is a quick puff of blue smoke in the morning, then the problem is probably bad valve guides or valve-guide seals. | |
23 | 如需切实保证产品符合技术法规或标准、且国际标准化机构发布的相关指南或建议已经存在或即将拟就,则各成员应保证中央政府机构使用这些指南或建议或其中的相关部分,作为其合格评定程序的基础 | In cases where a positive assurance is required that products conform with technical regulations or standards, and relevant guides or recommendations issued by international standardizing bodies exist or their completion is imminent, Members shall ensure that central government bodies use them, or the relevant parts of them, as a basis for their conformity assessment procedures | |
24 | 润滑油箱(包括身和导向装置),铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用 | grease box (incl bodies and guides therefore for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock | |
25 | 三角板,三角尺各式平面的、三边的绘图工具,尤其是用特定的角度画线的工具中的任何一种 | Any of various flat,three-sided drawing and drafting guides ,used especially to draw straight lines at specific angles. | |
26 | 是的,我们有特别导游带领你们游览。 | Yes, and we have special guides to show you around. | |
27 | 首相掌管国事。 | The Prime Minister guides the state. | |
28 | 他还说,"除此以外,只要是关于理解生活真谛的书,--不论是圣经,还是神秘主义、心理学,乃至如何维持家庭和睦的书籍,销量都很好。 | "Anything to do with trying to understand the meaning of life is also doing well--from the Bible to esotericism and psychology and including how-to guides on keeping the peace in the family," he added | |
29 | 它是 Microsoft 公司的核心技术,并会指导我们所做的每一件事情。 | This is a core company tenet at Microsoft and guides virtually everything we do. | |
30 | 为在尽可能广泛的基础上协调合格评定程序,各成员应在力所能及的范围内充分参与有关国际标准化机构制定合格评定程序指南和建议的工作。 | With a view to harmonizing conformity assessment procedures on as wide a basis as possible, Members shall play a full part, within the limits of their resources, in the preparation by appropriate international standardizing bodies of guides and recommendations for conformity assessment procedures. |