例句1. nothing I say hereafter is intended to relate to the second decision
名词 变体/同根词
1.After death.
‘the hope of life _hereafter_ ’
‘Religion, meanwhile, has had one of its main props, the promise of better things _hereafter_ , kicked away.’
2.At some time in the future.
‘this court is in no way prejudging any such defence which may _hereafter_ be raised’
‘Reveal not every secret you have to a friend, for how can you tell but that friend may _hereafter_ become an enemy.’
3.From now on.
‘he’d promised that Rachel would be the idol of his heart _hereafter_ ’
‘2003 January-February: Robert installs spyware in Nancy’s laptop; _hereafter_ , Robert monitors her email.’
1.Life after death.
‘suffering is part of our preparation for the _hereafter_ ’
‘Do Jews believe in the _hereafter_ such as life after death?’
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