

    音标:[niːl] 现在分词:kneeling
    过去式:knelt|kneeled 过去分词:knelt|kneeled
    第三人称单数:kneels 词频:高频常用词
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    On the balcony, a woman kneels and draws a picture while a robed, spectral figure nearby seems to be ladling water into another tank.
    I have grown up in a family that kneels in the church, bows its head at the masjid and folds its hands in prayer at the temple.
    He kneels on the sand, the wetness immediately seeping through to his knees.
    Nadezhda knelt to adjust the tuning dial again, but lost the transmission completely.
    He knelt, his knees cracking so loudly that a quiet echo bounced about the arena.
    Cassandra nodded and knelt by his side, gently turning his head and placing her hand at the pulse point on his neck.
    At a humanist ceremony at York Crematorium, conducted by Maggie Blunt, mourners sat and kneeled in the aisles because every seat was taken.
    The sand had subtle rosy hues and was very abrasive, sharp enough to cut if you kneeled on it.
    She kneeled down next to him, clutched his throat and whispered a severe warning to him.
    He must not enter Railton Terrace in Moston, where he allegedly approached a resident and threatened to have him kneecapped.
    A long slump in oil prices, 17 percent inflation and unemployment of at least nine percent has kneecapped Iran’s economy.
    A fellow in the audience said I should be kneecapped for making these remarks.

    By the time half of the dishes were served, Jou-chia had grown tired of humoring this pesky little nephew.Ah Ch’ou then kneeled on his chair and reached out to pick the food up by himself



    She stared at him, dazed and transfixed, and he went over and kneeled beside her, and took her two feet close in his two hands, and buried his face in her lap, remaining motionless.



    Before Zhou Yu’s coffin, Zhuge Liang personally offered libation, kneeled on the ground, and read his eulogy. Tears of grief gushed forth from Zhuge Liang. All the generals from Wu were moved.



    Both actions follow weeks of public protest over the death of George Floyd during an arrest by police on May 25th in Minnesota. Officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on the unarmed black man’s neck for almost nine minutes as Floyd called out repeatedly, "I can’t breathe," and, later said, "I’m about to die."


    属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-美国参议院提出警察改革法案 -

    ||1:In June, Chappelle held a private, outdoor social commentary performance on his property in Yellow Springs.||2:Attendees were socially distant and wore facial coverings.||3:The event was filmed and later released on the video streaming service Netflix under the name "8:46."||4:The number refers to the police killing last year of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.||5:A police officer named Derek Chauvin kneeled on Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes straight, killing the man.||6:The event led to months of demonstrations against police abuse of Black and brown people.


    属类:经济金融-Arts & Culture 文化艺术-大卫·查普尔买下消防站当戏剧演出场所 -

    My heart pounded -- not with lust, but with pure terror -- as she kneeled on the bed and started to unbutton my red shirt.



    I quickly opened the driver’s side door, crumbled inside and kneeled in the front facing the back seat.



    I had followed him, my phone still in hand, and, when he stopped, I kneeled down and snapped the picture.



    James kneeled . "Will you marry me? "


