

    音标:['loʊkeɪt] 现在分词:locating
    过去式:located 过去分词:located
    第三人称单数:locates 词频:高频常用词
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库

    形容词 变体/同根词

    From or in a nearby location. || (computing) Having limited scope (either lexical or dynamic); only being accessible within a certain portion of a program. || (mathematics) Applying to each point in a space rather than the space as a whole. || (medicine) Of or pertaining to a restricted part of an organism. || Descended from an indigenous population.
    The committee will be comprised of local people who know the local history and area.
    We get our produce fresh from local farmers.
    The local population speaks a language that is derived from a mixture of Latin and Cyrillic.
    Practicing or supporting locavorism
    Heartland was locavorous on steroids, and I mean that kindly.
    The pizza joint is similarly locavorous and similarly whimsical.
    同义词: positional
    Having to do with location; "in", "inside", "above", "below".
    We would like the Scottish executive to take action to give locational guidance to developers to avoid this kind of conflict.
    The second issue for further study entails exploring the options for development that overcome or compensate for locational disadvantages.
    The locational result in which both firms are located at the centre of the market is the Nash equilibrium for this particular locational game.
    Capable of being located.
    A given film adheres to enough conventions to make you feel comfortable, to make itself easily locatable when your mood dictates the search through movie listings.
    Cell phones already gather some positioning information, and by the end of 2005 all new cell phones in the US will be locatable to within 500 feet or so.
    (informal) Somewhat local; not far.

    动词 变体/同根词

    The other, I hear, is about Jesus’s blood family and locates him firmly within the revolutionary context of his age.
    The importance of Collins’s work is the panoramic context within which she locates black feminist thought.
    He persistently locates race and racial identity within the social relations of production between groups.
    (transitive) To make local; to fix in, or assign to, a definite place. || (software engineering) To adapt a product for use in a particular country or region, typically by translating text into the language of that country and modifying currencies, date formats, etc. || To determine where something takes place or is to be found.
    These will ideally include a means to localize the abnormal glands preoperatively as well as to determine if the resection is complete prior to closure of the surgical incision.
    Examine the area carefully in order to localize the most tender point.
    Infections in these patients localize to the viscera rather than the skin, and parasites are found throughout the reticuloendothelial system.

    Judgement Matrix Based Correlation Analysis of Detectable and Locatable Gross Errors in Observations



    The protector is locatable over the structural member so that at least a portion of that member is received within the channel.



    The position of the puncture assembly is precisely locatable .



    Gets or sets a value indicating whether to the objects returned should have locatable information in them.



    So, for instance, if you misplace your TV remote, you can find it because it is tagged and locatable through the internet.



    A Method of Judging Whether Gross Errors Detectable and Locatable in Observations before Least Squares Adjustment



    Value indicating whether the objects returned should have locatable information in them.


