

例句1. two guards discovered her hiding in the back of the minivan
例句2. I discovered that she had been lying

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

(1)Before the aircraft takes off he may refuse to take off if he discovers that the party concerned failed to take the security measures prescribed in the Regulations for the aircraft;


The safekeeping party shall inspect the goods to be put into storage in accordance with the provisions of the contract concerning the packaging exterior and the type, quantity and quality of the goods, and, if it discovers that the goods to be put into storage do not conform to the provisions of the contract, it shall promptly notify the storing party.


Our store treasures its reputation and keeps every promise made. anyone, who discovers a counterfeit or inferior commodity in our store, shall be given a reward ten times as high as the sale price of the commodity concerned.


The contractor shall promptly inspect the raw and processed materials supplied by the ordering party and, if it discovers that they do not conform to the stipulations of the contract,


Coming down from the mountain with the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments are written, Moses discovers the hebrews feasting and dancing around the idol of the Golden Calf


All hell breaks loose when his wife discovers he is fooling around with another woman.


Article 83 In the event that an air traffic control unit discovers a civil aircraft deviated from its specified air route or lost its course, it shall rapidly take all necessary measures to enable the aircraft to regain course.

第八十三条 空中交通管制单位发现民用航空器偏离指定航路、迷失航向时,应当迅速采取一切必要措施,使其回归航路。

Article 20 Where the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council, after granting the registration of a layout-design, discovers that the registration does not conform to the provisions of the Regulations, the registration shall be revoked, the holder of right of the layout-design notified, and the revocation published.

第二十条 布图设计获准登记后,国务院知识产权行政部门发现该登记不符合本条例规定的,应当予以撤销,通知布图设计权利人,并予以公告。

Article 20 If the complaint reporting handling office discovers or suspects a complainant to be infectiously ill, the working office shall notify the local public health department of the situation, which shall handle the situation pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State.


Article 21 If the complaint reporting handling office discovers that a complainant is mentally ill, it shall advise his residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.


Article 65 Where any individual or organization discovers any activity in violation of the matters under an administrative license, it shall be entitled to inform the administrative organ, which shall verify and deal with such activity in time

第六十五条 个人和组织发现违法从事行政许可事项的活动,有权向行政机关举报,行政机关应当及时核实、处理。

Article 76 If in the process of examining and approving arrests, a People’s Procuratorate discovers illegalities in the investigatory activities of a public security organ, it shall notify the public security organ to make corrections, and the public security organ shall notify the People’s Procuratorate of the corrections it has made.

第七十六条 人民检察院在审查批准逮捕工作中,如果发现公安机关的侦查活动有违法情况,应当通知公安机关予以纠正,公安机关应当将纠正情况通知人民检察院。

Article 18.If the Public Security computer management and supervision organization discovers an address, directory or server with content in violation of Article 5, then the appropriate units should be notified to close or delete it.

第十八条 公安机关计算机管理监察机构发现含有本办法第五条所列内容的地址、目录或者服务器时,应当通知有关单位关闭 或者删除。

Article 42 The pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council shall organize investigations on medicines which have been approved for production or import. It shall revoke the registered documents of approval or the registered certificate of import if it discovers that the curative effects of the medicines are uncertain or poor, that they produce serious adverse reactions, or that for other reasons they are harmful to people’s health.

第四十二条 国务院药品监督管理部门对已经批准生产或者进口的药品,应当组织调查;对疗效不确、不良反应大或者其他原因危害人体健康的药品,应当撤销批准文号或者进口药品注册证书。

Article 42 When an audit institution discovers that an auditee, in violation of the provisions of this Law, transfers, conceals, falsifies or destroys accounting documents, account books, accounting statements or other material relating to budgetary revenues and expenditures or financial revenues and expenditures, the audit institution shall have the power to stop such acts.

第四十二条 审计机关发现被审计单位违反本法规定,转移、隐匿、篡改、毁弃会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料的,有权予以制止。

Article 42 If a prison discovers that a prisoner in custody has escaped, the prison shall capture him as soon as possible.


Article 47 The pilot-in-command has the right to ask for a change of crew member(s)in order to ensure flight safety if he discovers that the crew member(s)are not suitable for performing the flight mission.

第四十七条 机长发现机组人员不适宜执行飞行任务的,为保证飞行安全,有权提出调整。

Article 52. In cases where the customs discovers that it has surcharged duties, it shall notify the taxpayer to handle the related formalities of duty refund.

第五十二条 海关发现多征税款的,应当立即通知纳税义务人办理退还手续。

Article 51. In cases where after granting access to import and export goods, the customs discovers that duties are not levied or levied not in its entirety, it shall levy duties on the taxpayer within one year, starting from the day of duty payment or access being granted to goods.

第五十一条 进出口货物放行后,海关发现少征或者漏征税款的,应当自缴纳税款或者货物放行之日起1年内,向纳税义务人补征税款。

Article 191 If a People’s Court of second instance discovers that when hearing a case, a People’s Court of first instance violates the litigation procedures prescribed by law in one of the following ways, it shall rule to rescind the original judgment and remand the case to the People’s Court which originally tried it for retrial:

第一百九十一条 第二审人民法院发现第一审人民法院的审理有下列违反法律规定的诉讼程序的情形之一的,应当裁定撤销原判,发回原审人民法院重新审判:

Article 169 If a People’s Procuratorate discovers that in handling a case a People’s Court has violated the litigation procedure prescribed by law, it shall have the power to suggest to the People’s Court that it should set it right.

第一百六十九条 人民检察院发现人民法院审理案件违反法律规定的诉讼程序,有权向人民法院提出纠正意见。

Article 179 If in the course of trying a case the People’s Court discovers that the summary procedure is not appropriate for the case, it shall try it anew in accordance with the provisions in Section 1 or Section 2 of this Chapter.

第一百七十九条 人民法院在审理过程中,发现不宜适用简易程序的,应当按照本章第一节或者第二节的规定重新审理。

Article 110 Where the applicant discovers any diction errors in the Chinese translation of the submitted specification, patent claim or appended drawings, he/it may, within the following provided time limit, make a request for a correction in accordance with the original international application:

第一百一十条 申请人发现提交的说明书、权利要求书或者附图中的文字的中文译文存在错误的,可以在下列规定期限内依照原始国际申请文本提出改正:

With each glance, one discovers more.

对BMW 5系轿车每看一眼,你都会发现她的更多特点。

In case the administrative department in charge of examination and approval discovers or receives reports that any entity is unlawfully engaged in relevant activities without obtaining approval or without passing the examinations for acceptance, it shall revoke the unlawful act without delay and handle the case according to law.


If a court discovers through investigation that a witness has intentionally given false testimony or concealed criminal evidence, it shall handle the matter in accordance with law.


If a trade union discovers that an enterprise’s administrative authority is breaking rules and regulations by directing or forcing workers to undertake risks


In cases where the customs discovers that duties are not levied at all or only partially on goods under the customs supervision due to the violation of regulations on the part of taxpayers, it shall pursue and levy duties on the taxpayers within three years, starting from the day of duty payment, and also levy a late fee of 5/10,000 of the amount not levied, starting from the day of duty payment.


Where and when a pilot-in-command discovers that the civil aircraft, airport and weather conditions do not conform to the requirements prescribed and cannot ensure flight safety, he has the right to refuse takeoff.


If the prison discovers that the contents of a letter present a hindrance to the reform of the prisoner, the prison may detain the letter.



1.Be the first to find or observe (a place, substance, or scientific phenomenon)
‘Fleming _discovered_ penicillin early in the twentieth century’
‘Scientists have _discovered_ a gene which raises the risk of heart disease among men who smoke up to four times, it was revealed today.’
2.Be the first to recognize the potential of (an actor or performer)
‘I _discovered_ the band back in the mid 70s’
‘Of course, the true champion for many trees probably grows in obscurity like a wannabe actor waiting to be _discovered_ .’
3.Become aware of (a fact or situation)
‘the courage to _discover_ the truth and possibly be disappointed’
‘it was a relief to _discover_ that he wasn’t in’
4.Disclose the identity of (someone)
‘she at last _discovered_ herself to me’
‘The local citizens interested in various forms of athletic sports and quieter games of chess and checkers have _discovered_ themselves to the editors.’
5.Display (a quality or feeling)
‘with what agility did these military men _discover_ their skill in feats of war’
‘In this nostalgia for community some would _discover_ utopian impulses, others would decry imaginary fulfilments as ideological.’
6.Divulge (a secret)
‘they contain some secrets which Time will _discover_ ’
‘Only time will _discover_ what this blog will evolve into.’
7.Find unexpectedly or during a search.
‘firemen _discovered_ a body in the debris’
‘she _discovered_ her lover in the arms of another woman’
8.Show interest in (an activity or subject) for the first time.
‘a teenager who has recently _discovered_ fashion’
‘Away from football, for the first time in 20 years, he wanted to _discover_ new activities, like literature and the theatre.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。