属类:文学表达-外国名著-JANE EYRE
属类:文学表达-外国名著-JANE EYRE
属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-血色花瓣 Petals of blood
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-中非共和国流离失所者艰难糊口
1 | 简执意要与里弗斯及其姊妹分享这笔遗产,一名律师发现他们实际上是她的表兄妹。圣约翰·里弗斯要求简做他的妻子,与他同去印度,他打算在那里当个传教士。 | Jane insists on sharing this legacy with Rivers and his sisters who, a lawyer discovers , are really her cousins. St. John Rivers asks Jane to be his wife and to go with him to India where he plans to become a missionary. | |
2 | 侥幸发现一件珍品的人是没有的。 | No one discovers a rarity by chance. | |
3 | 她在当地的旅馆询问打听,得知罗切斯特太太在一天夜间点火烧着了房子。 | Making inquiries at the local inn, she discovers that Mrs. Rochester one night succeeded in setting the house on fire. | |
4 | 她在当地的旅馆询问打听,得知罗切斯特太太在一天夜间点火烧着了房子。罗切斯特设法把仆人们带到安全的地方,然后又冲入熊熊燃烧的房屋中去救她的妻子。 | Making inquiries at the local inn, she discovers that Mrs. Rochester one night succeeded in setting the house on fire. Rochester managed to lead the servants to safety and then went back into the burning mansion to rescue his wife. | |
5 | 口岸动植物检疫机关发现有前款规定的禁止进境物的,作退回或者销毁处理。 | When a port animal and plant quarantine office discovers any objects prohibited from entering the country as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, such objects shall be returned or destroyed. | |
6 | 历史学家明智地运用称为‘理想类型’的探索方法发现过去(卡尔J.韦恩特劳伯) | The historian discovers the past by the judicious use of such a heuristic device as the ‘ideal type’(Karl J.Weintraub) | |
7 | --罗伊:玛拉?啊,伯父,让你和玛拉呆了这么长的时间可不只是大方而已。再呆下去就是我太蠢了。--伯父:是的,罗伊。在她发现我是更好的人选之前,最好带她离开。 | --ROY: Myra? Well, Uncle, I think I’ve been more than generous leaving you so long with Myra. Any longer would be foolhardy.--UNCLE: Yes Roy. You’d better take her away before she discovers that I’m be better man | |
8 | 骡子是半马半驴而就此完全停住了,因为大自然发现自己搞错了。 | The mule is half horse and half jackass,and then comes to a full stop,nature discovers her mistake. | |
9 | 纳税人自结算缴纳税款之日起三年内发现的,可以向税务机关要求退还,税务机关查实后应当立即退还。 | Where a taxpayer discovers that it has paid an amount of tax in excess of the tax payable within three years from the date the tax payment has been made, it may claim a refund of the excess amount of tax from the tax authorities. Upon examination and verification of the case, the tax authorities shall immediately refund the excess amount of tax. | |
10 | 纳税义务人发现多缴税款的,自缴纳税款之日起1年内,可以以书面形式要求海关退还多缴的税款并加算银行同期活期存款利息; | In cases where a taxpayer discovers overpayment of duties, it may, within one year starting from the day of duty payment, request the customs in writing to return the overpaid duty together with interests accruing on the same amount of current deposits in banks. | |
11 | 如果靶场主任发现所怀疑的安全问题并不存在,则该选手应被要求重新射击该关. | If the Range Officer discovers that the suspected safety problem does not exist, the competitor shall be required to re-shoot the stage. | |
12 | 生物化学家发现并纯化新酶,获得了下面的纯化表 | A biochemist discovers and purifies a new enzyme, generating the purification Table below. | |
13 | 事故现场附近的船舶、设施,收到求救信号或发现有人遭遇生命危险时 | When a vessel or installation in the vicinity of the scene of an accident receives a distress signal or discovers that people’s lives are endangered | |
14 | 是故学然后知不足,教然后知困 | Thus it is after learning that one knows his deficiency, and after teaching one discovers his confusion | |
15 | 受申请的人民法院发现仲裁裁决违法的,有权不予执行。 | If the People’s Court receiving the application discovers that the arbitration ruling is illegal, it has the power not to execute the ruling. | |
16 | 谁知这封信像捉弄人似地被塞到了地毯下面去了,直到举行婚礼的清晨,苔丝突然产生一种直觉,发现了信的所在,因已经晚了,她就将它撕了。 | Ironically concealed under the carpet it lies until Tess, with a sudden late intuition on her wedding morn, discovers its hiding-place and tears it up. | |
17 | 顺境显邪恶,逆境见善性 | Prosperity discovers vices and adversity virtues | |
18 | 投保方对被保险的财产发现有危险情况,不采取措施消除,同由此发生事故造成的损失由自己负责,保险方不负赔偿责任。 | If the policy holder discovers dangerous circumstances regarding the insured property and does not adopt measures to eliminate them, it shall be held solely liable for any losses from an accident caused thereby, and the insurer shall not be liable for making indemnity therefor. | |
19 | 投入方法应当维护被保险财产的安全。保险方可以对被保险财产的安全情况进行检查,如发生不安全因素,应及时通知投保方加以消除。 | The policy holder shall protect the safety of the insured property. The insurer may conduct safety inspections of the insured property, and, if it discovers unsafe aspects, it shall promptly notify the policy holder to eliminate them. | |
20 | 无论是谁都不会一下子就发现一件珍品。 | No one discovers a rarity by chance. | |
21 | 一个人懂得越多,就越是发现自己无知。 | The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. | |
22 | 医疗单位发现药品中毒事故,必须及时向当地卫生行政部门报止。 | If a medical treatment unit discovers a case of poisoning in relation to a drug, it must immediately report it to the department administering health in that area. | |
23 | 因公司解散而清算,清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单后,发现公司财产不足清偿债务的,应当立即向人民法院申请宣告破产。 | After putting the company’s property in order and preparing a balance sheet and an inventory of property in connection with liquidation of the company resulting from dissolution, the liquidation group discovers that the company’s assets are insufficient to repay the company’s debts, the liquidation group shall immediately apply to the people’s court for a bankruptcy declaration. | |
24 | 犹如采石场上的大理石,只有经能工巧匠雕琢研磨,才能显出斑谰的色彩,光洁的面层,使其通体披上云纹、彩点和石理的盛装,否则它那天生丽质便无法显现。 | Like marbles in the quarry, which shows none of its inherent beauties, until the skill of the polisher fetches out the colours, makes the surface shine, and discovers every ornamental cloud, spot and vein that runs through the body of it. | |
25 | 在进行基本建设工程或者农业生产中,任何单位或者个人发现文物,应立即报告当地文化行政管理部门。遇有重要发现,当地文化行政管理部门必须及时报请上级文化行政管理部门处理。 | While carrying out capital construction or agricultural production, any unit or individual that discovers cultural relics shall immediately report the discoveries to the local department for cultural administration. In case of important discoveries, the local department for cultural administration must submit timely reports for handling by the departments for cultural administration at higher levels. | |
26 | ||1:大卫·格罗斯曼的新小说《走向天尽头》以发烧病房作为开头并非偶然。||2:随着小说情节的展开,读者发现发烧不只是身体病状。||3:发烧成为了以色列生存状态的特征。||4:大卫先生作品的人物与其说是具有了经验,不如说被经验缠住不得脱身。||5:他们被不断要发生的种种深度不确定性事件引发了发烧症:恐怖分子的炸弹、至爱亲朋的死于非命、祖国四面受敌的严峻态势。||6: 归于安定和平几无可能。||7:一些人寻求躲之避之,另一些人则要斗之抗之。||8:这个不确定性弥漫于存在状态的方方面面,其弥漫的方式却有截然不同的两种,各自代表了个人的或政治上极不可能实现的愿景。 | ||1:It is no accident that the prologue to David Grossman’s new novel, “To the End of the Land”, takes place in a fever ward.||2:As the stories unfold, the reader discovers that fever is not just a symptom of physical illness.||3:It becomes a description of the existential state of Israel.||4:Mr Grossman’s characters are not so much in possession of their experiences as possessed by them.||5:They are gripped by a deep uncertainty about what will happen next: a terrorist bomb, the violent death of someone close, the overwhelming of their country by the enemies that surround it.||6:It is next to impossible to rest or be at peace.||7:Some seek to withdraw from this situation, others to resist it.||8:It pervades existence in ways that make a distinction between the personal and the political something that is longed for and quite impossible to achieve. | |
27 | 但是当她要走时,她发现她那袋豆子被偷了,其她妇女帮她抓住了偷豆子的人。在她们的帮助下,Kim-Mboussa女士拿回了自己那袋豆子。但随后她发现,食用油又被盗了。一位流离失所的妇女Edwige Sonikpi帮她找到了第二个小偷。 | But as she leaves she discovers her bag of beans have been stolen, other women help her capture the person who took it. With their help, Ms. Kim-Mboussa gets her bag of beans back. But then she discovers that her cooking oil has been stolen. A displaced woman Edwige Sonikpi helps her find the second thief. | |
28 | 监事发现公司董事、高级管理人员违反本条第一款相关规定或者决议,或者存在其他损害公司利益行为的,已经或者可能给公司造成重大损失的,应当及时向董事会、监事会报告,要求相关方予以纠正,并向上海证券交易所报告。 | ||If a supervisor discovers that a director or top management personnel of the Company has violated relevant provisions or resolutions of the first paragraph of this article, or has engaged in other behaviors that harm the interests of the Company and have caused or may cause significant losses to the Company, they shall promptly report to the board of directors or the board of supervisors, require relevant parties to make corrections, in addition to reporting to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.|| | |
29 | 一栋房子的买家发现先前的主人在车库下面挖了一个大防空洞。 | The buyer of one house discovers that the previous owner had excavated a large airraid shelter underneath his garage. | |
30 | 专家称:认知治疗法跟安眠药一样有效 | Sleep Disorder Center Discovers Insomnia Therapy As Effective As Drugs |