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    译典分类展示:商务文书 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 采购合同 contract for purchase

    2 代收帐款佣金 commission for collection

    3 得到(拥有)合同 to land a contract

    4 购货代理 buying agents

    5 合同规定的担保 contractual guarantee

    6 合同条款和条件 contractual terms & conditions

    7 合同引起的损害 contractual damage

    8 合同正本 originals of the contract

    9 尚待执行的合同 an executory contract

    10 审批合同 to approve the contract

    11 受法律约束 to be legally binding

    12 索赔委员会 claims department (commission board)

    13 提出索赔 to bring up a (one’s)claim

    14 执行合同 to execute/implement/fulfil/perform a contract

    15 装运合同的货物 to ship a contract
